The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2017 09:02 pm
The Republicans released their healthcare plan and it achieved their most important goal eliminating nearly a trillion dollar of taxes on billionaires. The Affordable Healthcare Act had achieved something that had never thought possible it put a tax on billionaires that no accountant could find an exemption from and the Koch brothers and their buddies had to pay the 3.6% on every cent they made. Our tax system is designed to tax wages and exempt the various forms of other incomes that the rich have. Every cent of the workingman’s income is taxed but the rich have thousands of exemptions available to them. Our tax system is designed to keep the poor, poor and keep the rich, rich. This one tax levied for Medicare treated the rich the same as the poor and they went nuts when it happened. The rich are always pushing for a flat tax this tax was as flat as they come you paid the same percentage on the first dollar as you did on the 10th billionth dollar. The rich have spent billions trying to overturn it, it would have been cheaper to just pay the tax but it is the principal of the thing.

The Republican plan eliminated all the taxes put in place to fund the Affordable Healthcare Act except one. The tax placed on a Cadillac health Insurance if you have an actual health insurance that pays for your medical bills you will be taxes like it is income. If the policy costs $25,000 you will pay tax on an extra $25,000. When we were negotiating the last contract what would constitute Cadillac health insurance was not decided yet. Why would the Republicans keep this tax? Because it is an extremely regressive tax that workingman would pay and the rich would not. Billionaires don’t need health insurance Cadillac or otherwise so only the poor would pay. John McCain pushed the tax on Cadillac insurance in 2008 election. If a workingman had to pay taxes on his health insurance his taxes would triple, that fair isn’t it. Imagine taxing something because it is too good. They say if you want less of something tax it.

If you removing all the taxes accept one that funded the Affordable Healthcare Act how will the Republican pay for the subsidies that will be age based? More regressive taxes on the poor. The republicans have long wanted to tax benefits as if they were wages an insurance is the first step.
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Reply Thu 22 Jun, 2017 09:23 pm
Senator majority leader, Mitch McConnell primary objective is huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy healthcare is not a priority to him. McConnell wants to get through with healthcare so he can move on to rewriting the tax code and give a sixth round of huge tax cuts to the ungodly greedy in the last 30 years. There is one thing that the Republicans can never get enough of and that is huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. If the Republicans finally cut the tax on billionaires to zero they would push for tax credits for the poor billionaires. Only in America could this happen where the poor vote for tax cuts for billionaires. When the founding fathers designed America’s political system the working theory was that the individuals would vote their economic interests and indeed that is what happened up until Reagan and the conservatives came to power.

When I was a small child my mother, my little sister and myself would ride the bus downtown to shop. My favorite part of the trip was the trip to the 5 and 10 where we could select a toy. I would look through the toys and select one and then I would tell my little sister that she should select what ever my second choice was. This scam worked well until my mom got wise to what was going on. This is what has happened in America the rich decide what they want and use their money to persuade the rest of the population that what they really want is huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. This is what is going on now and the choice is between healthcare and even more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The ungodly greedy got big tax cuts under Reagan and the workingman’s social security was raised 5 times to fund those tax cuts. Bush put the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars on credit and gave more rounds of tax cuts to ungodly greedy. Reagan tripled the national debt to give tax cuts to ungodly greedy. Then the Republicans played dumb and complained about the national debt they helped run up.

The difference now won’t be measured in debt it will be measured in lives. The disabled in the senate building were arrested and forcibly carried out. It was symbolic of Nazi Germany where the disabled were sent to the gas chambers. The deaths in America will not be as dramatic as those in Germany. They will die at home alone the cause will list a medical cause but the real cause of death will be more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2017 09:00 pm
They say everything old is new again and that is true of the situation we find ourselves in today. Our grandfathers took on the robber barons of their day and amended the constitution so that a progressive tax could be collected by the Federal Government. They realized that runaway wealth would destroy America and they passed a progressive income tax to keep it in check. At the time America was fast creating an aristocracy based on wealth and that generation decided to control it. Today, the robber barons of old, would be the poor relations of today’s billionaires. Our grandfathers saw concentrated wealth as an evil.

Today the only place you will hear the term robber baron is in history class but the modern robber are just as dangerous if not more so. We recognize that the extremes in most things are bad. Sex addiction is now a treatable condition. There are organizations for those that over eat or use too much alcohol but greed is no longer recognized as a bad thing. In fact we have prosperity churches that preach that greed is a virtue not a vice.

The only concern for the last thirty has been how can we make the rich richer. This has not only happened at the federal level but at the state level and the local level. When federal taxes on the rich were slashed it became stylish to slash state taxes on the rich also. When a local 1% income tax was passed the major concern was to make sure the wealthy would only pay the tax on a tiny portion of their income of course everybody else would pay it on a 100% of their income. I argued the exemption for the rich away but it was put back on at the next council meeting. Nobody was worried about the college students paying it on a part time job at McDonalds but the they were worried about the millionaires.

While I play video games I listen to Pandora. I like the Folk/Rock channel and the folk music of that era was very political and urged that generation to confront the prevailing political establishment. The closest thing to a political statement in modern music is “I like big butts.” The voice of a generation can be found in its music and we now have the “silent generation.” The music is the conscious of generation. You can’t not listen to “Where Have All the Flowers Gone” and not think of the futility of war. When Bob Dylan sung “The Times They Are a Changing” it made you think and understand what was taking place. Why is there no music that is pushing political ideas today? The major corporations that music industry are aware how powerful political ideas put to music can be and make sure that Bob Dylans of today won’t get recording contracts.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2017 09:03 pm
According to a recent pole only 50% of the Republicans believe what Trump has to say. When it comes down to whether Comey is telling the truth or Trump is telling the truth only 50% of Republicans believe that Trump is telling the truth while 79% of the Democrats believe Trump is lying. The fact that so many people believe Trump is lying and still support him is amazing. While other public figures caught lying pay a cost Trump has been given pass after pass. It is like his followers don’t except him to tell the truth.

Trump had threatened Comey with the existence of tapes of their conversations on his Twitter account but when the congressional investigations demanded the tapes Trump finally had to come out and admit that there never were any tapes he just used their existence to threaten Comey. How anyone can have any respect for that man is beyond me. How can you trust someone that lies all the time?

It is the age of the swindler where one of the major requirements of a politician is to be a good swindler. In Illinois the governor and republican legislature have been trying to swindle the public employees out of their pensions. They passed a law that would take the cost of living adjustments on the pensions away but when it went to the Illinois Supreme Court it was overturned. When a bargain is struck where one party says if you give us 30 years labor we will give you a pension for life that is an enforceable contract but those contract have been broken all over the country. This is why it is so important to elect swindlers because they have no honor or sense of fair play. Glen Beck was so unhappy to hear the judge’s ruling he had some absolutely bazaar things to say about possible solutions including succeeding from America to breaking up the state to small independent areas. But Glen was clear about one thing he believes that everyone in America would eventually be cheated out of their pensions if the Republicans have anything to say about it. There is no honor among thieves or Trump. The states whose pension system are in the most trouble are the ones that have given the biggest tax cuts to the wealthy and now unwilling to put the taxes back where they belong they intend to take those tax cuts for wealthy out of money promised to pay pensions. Only a swindler is qualified to pull off these swindles.
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Reply Sun 25 Jun, 2017 09:08 pm
One of the chief complaints about the Affordable Healthcare Act is that costs have went up but the double digit increase in insurance costs has been going on since the 70s. The Affordable Healthcare Act had no illusions that it could stop the steep increases in the cost of health insurance its best hope was to slow the increases down. But the Affordable Healthcare Act mandated several changes covering preexisting conditions is a big expense that insurance didn’t have to cover. The biggest change we noticed at the city was that our life time limit of $1 million was no longer capped and the insurance would have to cover unlimited medical expenses. We had five people that had already reached their lifetime limit of a million dollars they had no medical coverage until the Affordable Healthcare Act. Some were premature babies who would not be covered for a lifetime. This one change would add considerable cost to the cost of insurance.

The Affordable Healthcare Act also mandated that mental illness be covered the same as physical illness. One of our employees became addicted to drugs and when his wife took him treatment she was told that the city insurance would not cover the treatment and the only place that would take him was the State Hospital. The treatment the state provided did not work and he died later after a drinking binge. Much of the treatment for the current drug epidemic is being provided by the Affordable Healthcare Act. This treatment is not like treating a physical injury and it is very expensive requiring long-term hospitalization and none of the drug addicts could possibly afford the treatment. This too added to the rising cost of health insurance.

The past 40 years of double digit increases in health insurance had not been driven by increased coverage in fact while the price had been going up the coverage had been going down. While the price of the city health insurance increased from $720 a year in 1974 to $22,000 in 2016 an unheard of 3055% increase over that period of time. But that was not the worst part as the policy in 1974 coved a 100% of medical expenses with a $100 deductible on all medical expenses but the current policy only covers 80% of medical expenses with a $2,000 deductible per person. All those increases led to decreased coverage at least the Affordable Healthcare act increases provided increased coverage.
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Reply Mon 26 Jun, 2017 09:00 pm
Trump has figured out what is wrong with America, wages are too high. Now that Trump is finally in a place that he can do something about it look for wages to go down. Donald Trump opened the forth-republican debate by saying “wages are too high.” It seems there were a lot of people who think they are making too much money and agreed with Trump saying “wages are too high.” Judging by the number of people who voted for him many people make entirely too much money in America.

I thought that was way to good to be true but I had a book for the source and a check of the internet yielded not only a number of articles but a You Tube video. I must admit I never heard about Trump stand on wages during the campaign and I bet neither did a lot of other people. Every Trump voter should watch this video where Trump says “there is no way we can compete with the rest of the world because our taxes are too high ….and our wages are too high.” People are just going to have to go out and work really hard.”

This is the typical tried and true attitude of the rich pigs who always believe they are worth the millions they are being paid but the workingman who is actually doing the work the rich are making all the money on should work for nothing. So according to Trump the wages in America must come down to compete. If a worker in China is paid 5 cents and hour and a worker in Mexico is paid 4 cents and hour the prevailing wage in America should be 3 cents an hour to compete.

The next day Trump denied he ever said wages were too high in America despite the video. One thing about Trump he can look the American people in the eye and lie his ass off. It seems making America great again didn’t include the workingman all they need to is work hard enough so they are rich like Trump.
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Reply Tue 27 Jun, 2017 09:05 pm
We use ourselves as reference point more often then we might realize. I have dealt with a lot of people over my career. If you are honest you tend to believe that other people are honest. You are using yourself as reference point and projecting yourself onto others. Conmen love people that are honest because they are the most easily taken. Conman can play on their honesty and trust. Someone that is honest instinctively trusts other people it just comes naturally.

Someone that is dishonest does not trust other people he believes that everyone is just like him. He believes that everyone is trying to take him. He will be very careful to protect himself in any transaction. Because he believes everyone else is dishonest like he is. He feels justified in taking others because he believes that others would take him if they got the chance. He projects his values onto to others. He is the reference point. To him anyone that is honest is a fool.

Those that lie on a regular bases see no value in being honest. Life is a game and winning is the objective. To them lying is just a means to an end. Those who can’t or won’t lie are at a great disadvantage. Lying is just one component of a dishonest personality.

When Trump looks at the pictures of his inauguration crowd and says the crowd at his inauguration was the biggest in history it was a lie that was obvious to anyone who looked at the pictures that compared the crowds. When Trumps says what is wrong with America is that wages are too high in America and then he denies he said it the very next day it is an obvious lie. People know that he is lying but because most of Americans are honest they project that honesty onto Trump. Instead of being deeply offended that Trump is telling them such obvious lies they look for a way to rationalize his lies. Their candidate cannot be dishonest after all they voted for him. This is what happens so often with victims of cons once the con starts the victims will believe even more obvious lies because they have already invested so much trust in Trump. Before the cons starts the victims would reject the lies that they later accept. You can see that happening with Trump’s lies are getting worse but way to many Americans simply rationalize them away. The Trump con is far too way along the victims will simply mitigate their losses by rationalizing Trump’s every lie.
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Reply Wed 28 Jun, 2017 08:54 pm
Trump made the brag that he has been on the cover of Time Magazine more than any other human being and the Time Magazine cover hangs proudly on the walls of Trump’s golf resorts. The trouble is it is a fake. Though Trump has actually been on the cover of Time Magazine the cover hanging on the wall in several of his golf resorts dated March 1, 2009 is a fake. There was no issue of Time Magazine printed on that date. So now we know how Trump can claim to be on the cover of Time Magazine more than any other human being. Trump simply prints his own Time Magazine covers whenever he wants.

Time Magazine has requested that Trump remove the fake Time Magazine cover from his golf resorts. When Trump’s golf resort in Scotland was checked the fake Time Magazine cover had been indeed taken down but the employees knew where it had been put. Trump also erected a false historical marker on his golf course in New Jersey calling it the river of blood. This was another fake and Trump had to remove the marker as no such battle ever took place. Trump is a conman’s conman. He lies and when he is caught he sticks by the lie even if there is overwhelming proof that he is lying.

Trump may not have been on more Time Magazine covers than any other human beings but he has conned more people than any other conman in history. Trump conned 62 million people in the last election. That is a record that may never be broken.
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Reply Thu 29 Jun, 2017 09:46 pm
Enough puzzle pieces are now in place for a picture to begin to take shape in the Russian investigation. Now a line can be documented between the Russia and the Whitehouse. The Wall Street Journal reported that the Republican operative was to report to Flynn through an intermediary when the operative’s group had secured had secured Hillary Clinton’s deleted e-mails from the Russians. The operative is now dead, surprise, surprise. But the operation to retrieve Hillary’s deleted emails involved many people even too many for Trump’s mafia friends to make disappear.

“As a part of his effort to obtain the emails, Smith put together a group of lawyers, investigators and technology experts.”

From an article entitled: “GOP Investigation Sought Connection Between Clinton’s Emails and Russia: Report” from “The Hill”

The operative word is “group” and since many were attorneys they can lose their right to practice law if they are caught lying. The Wall Street Journal’s story was covered on the daily Meet the Press show today. The story ties not only Flynn but his son to this operation.

The operative, Peter W Smith, was extremely proud of his collaboration with the Russian and fully cooperated with the Wall Street Journal. Smith was a Chicago businessman and a well-known Republican operative. This may be the last nail in Trump’s coffin. Smith had a history of shady operations against the Clintons. Smith actions were prompted by Trump call for the Russians to reveal Clinton’s 30,000 deleted emails.

Trump has obsession with women bleeding has now he has attacked another woman, the co host of “Morning Joe,” Mika Brzezinski saying he would not allow her to sit with him at Mar-a- Lago because she was “bleeding badly from a face lift.” Trump seems to envy women who bleed. Trump it is not to late for a sex change operation look at Bruce Jenner. That way you could be the first “woman” president.
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Reply Fri 30 Jun, 2017 09:24 pm
Trumpcare didn’t make it again the Republicans had hoped to have a vote today on repeal of Obamacare. So far Trump has accomplished next to nothing in six months other than the 700 hundreds jobs he paid $7 million tax payer dollars to save and are now being laid off after the Mexican plant comes on line. The Republicans are now reaping what they sewed after doing everything they could to destroy the Affordable Healthcare Act. The Republicans were enraged over the taxes increases on the wealthy but that would have been a loosing cause so they had to create a straw man for their followers to be angry at. If they could vilify Obamacare and repeal the taxes on the wealthy would quietly disappear and the public would never be the wiser and they did try time and time again. But they could not sell the public on repeal without a replacement.

What the Affordable Healthcare accomplished more than anything else was that it shifted prevailing paradigm. Prior to The Affordable Healthcare Act a person’s healthcare was their responsibility. If you didn’t have health insurance it was your fault just as if you could not afford to purchase a Mercedes you did without. Of course the paradigm shifts a little at time. The paradigm began to shift in the 60s with creation of Medicare. Before Medicare when seniors got sick they lost both their lifesavings and their home to pay medical bills for just one trip to hospital. Since this is the time life that almost everyone is likely to suffer from a major illness no insurance company wanted to cover seniors unless they got a premium price that most seniors couldn’t afford. The push for National Healthcare started under Truman in 1945. Truman sent a bill to Congress that would cover medical and dental services for every American but it was 1965 before Medicare became law. Kennedy had tried to pass a national healthcare bill for seniors when found that 56% of seniors did not have health insurance. The last stage of life is the time that the most medical expenses are incurred. What at one time was a personal responsibility became a government responsibility. The Republicans thought they could just take the healthcare away but soon they had to stop talking about repeal without a replacing Obamacare with some sort of government assistance for those who can no longer afford to purchase private insurance. Now the argument is over how much assistance and who will qualify. The shift is that now the Republicans must acknowledge that government has a responsibility to see that people have health insurance and that is one step closer to Truman’s dream for America.

Trump believes that it is the high wages that America can’t compete but it is just as much the high cost of healthcare that won’t let America compete with other nations who have national healthcare.

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Reply Sat 1 Jul, 2017 09:51 pm
Four more congressmen have signed the bill to impeach Trump this brings the total to 25 congressmen who have signed the impeachment bill. As Trump’s rants get wilder and wilder more congressmen want to impeachment Trump. Now that evidence ties the Whitehouse directly to collusion with the Russians to win the election the tipping point for impeachment may have been reached. As more pressure is applied to Trump from more people it is likely to set off a total Trump meltdown on Twitter. Having a meltdown is bad enough but having a public meltdown is far worse.

“The bill would create a congressional “oversight” commission that could declare the president incapacitated, leading to his removal from office under the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.

From an Internet article entitled: “More Dems Sign Onto Bill to Impeach Trump” from The Hill.


One thing about it there will be no shortage of reasons to impeach Trump. “Lock crooked Trump up.” “Lock him up.” Trump is one of those people who whatever happens it is not his fault. Every negative circumstance they find themselves in it is always someone else’s fault. Trump’s enormous ego is like a balloon and any negative remark damages it. Trump’s feels he has to retaliate in kind in order to save face but in retaliating he elevates his opponents to his level. Only a small fraction of Americans watch Morning Joe.” So only that small fraction would have ever heard the negative remarks made on the Morning Joe show but once Trump retaliated the negative remarks went nationwide and were the subject of many other shows. A bully who beats up on someone who is smaller or who has less status only succeeds in losing ground.
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Reply Sun 2 Jul, 2017 09:06 pm
The impeach Trump movement is taking to the streets as there were demonstrations “from sea to shinning sea” today. Some impeach Trump demonstrated were confronted with violence from the alt right Trump supporters. At no time in history can I ever remember as many demonstrations against a sitting president. Even when Richard Nixon was impeached I cannot remember demonstrations for his impeachment. It looks like this will be a summer of escalating violence the alt right does not believe in freedom of speech and you can bet Trump will not only condone the violence but encourage the violence on Twitter.

Trump posted a video of him attacking a news anchor of CNN on his Twitter account and on his official sight. The original video was already on line and was shot for a promotion of WWE it showed Trump in the usual mindless violence of the WWE attacking someone but the new modification changed the subject of the attack to a CNN employee. Trump posted this video for one reason and one reason only to incite violence by his alt right followers. There may be more violence by Americans against Americans this summer than any time since the Civil War.

Trump was upset when the Republicans were fired on by a nut with an assault weapon but when asked during the election about a homeless Hispanic man beaten to death by his supporters all Trump could say was, “My followers are passionate.” Trump is far more dangerous than many people believe. Trump is clearly advocating violence against any news outlet that states any thing negative about him. Trump is taking a page directly from Hitler’s playbook. Trump was raised with the mafia and violence is considered the best way to settle any difference of opinion.

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Reply Mon 3 Jul, 2017 09:29 pm
Baby Bush’s press secretary, Ari Fleischer, said, “The press should be more fair to Trump. And the President should tone things down.” Being fair to the President would involve not reporting the facts from the Republican point of view. The press is not responsible for the Russian interference in out presidential election but they are duty bound to report on it. The press did not ask the Russians to find Hillary’s missing emails and publish them, Trump did. The press did not set up a special opts team to work with Russians and instruct when and what to release of their stolen information. The press did not do that. It wasn’t the son-in-law of any member of the press who tried to set up a secret channel of communication with the Russians. It wasn’t the press who fired the FBI director in an effort to stop the investigation into Russia interference with our last presidential election.

If the press had made up any of these allegations Fleischer might have a point but they are not made up and they should reported them. Fleischer believes that the President should be privileged and when he does something or acts out it should be ignored or the press should look the other way.

As for Trump toning things down I for one hope he continues to rant and rave until there is no doubt in anybody’s mind that he is a total idiot. I have absolutely no doubt that he will continue to get even more outrageous as time goes on. Trump will continue to make enemies of more and more people. The anchors of Morning Joe were at one time friends of Trump and were considered in the box for Trump. Off air recordings showed that they were for Trump. The recording shows that the anchors on Morning Joe even asked Trump what questions they could ask him on air. Trump has a history of using people and than getting rid of them. He fired so many of his casino operators that he had to have revolving doors on their office.

The wrestling video was a dog whistle to Trump’s more violent followers. Trump never forgets a slight and he will take years to get back at them.
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Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2017 09:04 pm
A lawsuit was filed in Georgia to have the election results of the most expensive House race in history tossed out.
“Atlanta---Georgia electronic touchscreen system is so riddled with problems that the results of the most expensive House race in US history should be tossed out and a new election held, according to a lawsuit filed by a government watchdog group and six Georgia voters.”

From an Internet article entitled “Lawsuit Seeks to Void Georgia Election Results” from the Associate Press

The Georgia voting machines do not provide a paper back up. If they are hacked nobody will be the wiser. We know that the Russians were actively trying to influence not only the Presidential race but House races also. We now know that various attempts were made by the Russians to hack into voting machines and the Trump administration is doing absolutely nothing to stop the Russian intrusion. Trump is still treating the Russian interference as “fake news.” No doubt Trump hopes that since the Russians helped him get elected the first time that they will work to get him elected again. I don’t think anybody realizes how deeply the Russians have penetrated our election system like most crimes only a small percentage is discovered and then only a fraction of them are actually prosecuted. The numbers are always on the criminal’s side with only a one in ten chance of doing jail time. Most criminals will laugh at the police for working for a living. Most Secretary of States’ belief that electronic voting machine systems cannot be hacked is absurd. A building may have only a couple of doors but electronics system have many doors and even the designers of the system are not aware of all of the vulnerabilities. The Russians have not been punished sufficiently enough to discourage them from continuing and Trump wants to give them back the Russian spy farms.
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Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2017 09:14 pm
The last presidential election was no doubt the strangest election in American history. Jeb Bush had the republican establishment and a $100 million in backing from key republican financial backers and didn’t even make it to the final round. Columnists like George Wills and other openly worked against Trump and Trump still got elected. Our last election became a reality TV show where the candidate that garnered the most camera time was likely to win. The Republican primary played out like an episode of Survivor where each candidate was voted of the island until only one remained.

Political primaries are suppose to be about issues and character but instead points were scored for grabbing pus** and raping 13 year old girls. It seems it didn’t matter how outrageous the actions the airtime was all that was important. No such things as bad publicity there is only publicity. Why the American people no longer believe what they watch or read but they understand the amount of airtime.

“One of the great propaganda successes of the past decades has been the myth of the liberal media. The idea that a monolithic herd of leftist snobs somehow controlled the news spread in part because of the seemingly key but really irrelevant demographic truth, i.e., that most individuals reporters lean blue in their personal politics.”

“But whatever their personal leanings, influential reporters mostly work in nihilist corporations, to whom the news is a non-ideological commodity to be sold the same way we hawk cheeseburgers or Marlboro Lights. Wars, scandals and racial conflicts sell, while poverty and inequality do not. So reports chase one and not the other. It is just a business.”

From the “Insane Clown President” by Matt Taibbi
Ratings are probably the single most important thing to any news organization coverage of political issues would not generate the ratings of Trump claiming to grabby women’s pus**. At one time if a presidential candidate had bragged about committing sexual assaults he would have been out of the race. Instead the Trump pus** grabbing scandal gave him 100s of million of dollars in free air time and since the American people no longer believe the news media it didn’t damage him because his supporters could claim it was a lie even though it came directly from Trump’s mouth.
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Reply Thu 6 Jul, 2017 09:13 pm
When the Affordable Healthcare act was being fashioned in congress the ultimate goal was a single payer system or National Healthcare. While the Republicans could not block the Affordable Healthcare act they succeeded in blocking a public option because they knew the private sector could not compete with billions going into the pocket of health insurance company CEOs. If we need to cut the cost of healthcare the obvious solution is to cut out the multi-million dollar salaries of the health insurance CEOs. After all insurance companies don’t supply any medical care they are simply glorified bill payers who take their cut off the top. The government can do the same job at a fraction of the cost. If a company can do something cheaper in the private sector that company prevails in the market place but if government can do something cheaper conservative ideology still mandates that the public must pay a much higher price for the same service so it can remain a private sector enterprise.

“The times they are a changing.” The senate in California has finally passed a singe payer healthcare bill. California is the biggest state with the largest population. With nearly 40 million people California’s GNP is bigger than most countries. They have grown tired of waiting on the Federal government to solve the healthcare problems. The healthcare bills has some problems according to House of Representatives and may not pass but it is a big step in the right direction. Over 10% of America population is in California if the single payer system significantly reduce the cost paid for healthcare in California would the Republicans still oppose it? Yes, they are ideologically bound and even if California system reduced healthcare costs by 50% the Republicans would insist the private sectors is better. You have to remember all these insurance CEOs who make multi million dollar salaries make big political contribution to Republican Senators and House of Representative members. It is past time for the times to change and if they can’t be part of the solution it is time they got out of the way.

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Reply Fri 7 Jul, 2017 09:37 pm
One of the suppositions in Matt Taibbi, “Insane Clown President” is that with cable news dividing itself up into cheerleaders for Republicans and cheerleaders for Democrats what would happen if a real scandal happened? We are about to find out. The Russian scandal hadn’t been fully revealed until after the book went to press. The implication of course is that if a scandal takes place it will be a scandal only to those who oppose that particular party while the others will continue to be cheerleaders. This is a dangerous precedence because any scandal will be seen as “fake news” by the other side.

The Russian scandal was bad enough but what is far worse is it has absolutely paralyzed the nation from doing anything to protect America in the future. The damage done in the past is already done but the damage that can be done in the future can be prevented. If Trump continues to deny the reports of American intelligence agencies as fake news Trump is giving the Russians a green flag to do their worst. In Poland Trump said it could have been the Russians that interfered with our elections but it could also have been other countries.

Can you imagine a rape victim looking at a line up saying will it could have been # 1 but it also could have been #2, #3, #4, #5, or #6. The police would be out of luck if it wasn’t for DNA. The DNA will tell them without a doubt which one did it. The internet also supplies the electronic DNA of who is committing crimes via the Internet. The intelligence agencies know beyond any doubt that the Russians were responsible for the interference with our election and Trump knows that but he continues to deny it and heap aspersions on our intelligence agencies. Why? Because as the Russians investigations get closer to him he needs a way to deny that it happened if he can make the source of charges against him look incompetent the charges will not be valid. When Trump made the statement in Poland that it could have been any country that interfered with our election when he knows better and it rises to the level of treason. Like the rape victim telling the police it could have been anyone in the line up and Trump is protecting the guilty.
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Reply Sat 8 Jul, 2017 09:22 pm
Trump’s investigation panel is gathering personal information on every voter in America. Now many voters are withdrawing their voter registration to prevent Trump from getting their personal information. The information being requested includes, “voters names, birth date, the last four digits of their social security numbers and part affiliation.” Why would the leader of an opposition party need to know who is a member of the opposition party? That much information could be used to gleam much more personal information from the Internet. Once this database is compiled it is not likely that it will stay in the hands of government and is likely to fall into the hands of political operatives.

“In Denver, one clerk has seen a 2,150 percent increase in people withdrawing as voters over the past since July 3 compared to the first non-holiday week before.” For years people have tried to increase the number of registered voters and along comes Trump and his thugs and the number of registered voters starts to decrease by thousands of percent. The Republicans have been waging a war on voter’s registration across the country to make it more difficult to vote. The courts have already overturned many of their anti-voting laws but some have not been overturned. If Republicans had their way you would have to show up at the polls with ten forms of identification along with a birth certificate and a note from your mother. While this strategy has met with only limited success Trump’s investigation is not only frightening people away from the poles but it is making sure they are not registered and cannot participate in any election. If Trump’s goons want to investigate if people are properly registered they do not need to know whether they are registered Democrat or Republican the only important part is whether they are properly registered. This is not an investigation this is a partisan war. If Trump’s goons know who is Republican and Democrat they could simply not investigate those registered as Republican. This is all being done to try and prove Trump lost the popular vote because their were 3 million illegal votes cast and they were all for Hillary but the damage to our electoral system may be far worse and lasting. This isn’t an investigation it is a witchhunt.
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Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2017 09:07 pm
It looks like the whole Trump family may get locked up even the in-laws. Oh well you know what hey say, the family that goes to jail together stays together at least if they are sent to the same jail. Donald Trump Jr. has admitted to meeting with a Russian representative to get damaging information on Hillary Clinton. Can you say “collision?” This is a textbook example of collusion and the source of the story is none other than Donald Trump Jr. Trump’s usual method of operation is to discredit the sores as anonymous and claim that it is “fake news” but now since his son is the source how is he going to call it fake news?

I can’t wait to see Trump try to tweet his way out of this one. Trump could say that it never happened and that the CIA drugged his son since the intelligence community doesn’t like him. Whatever Trump comes up with it will be off the wall. Also at the meeting with the Russian representative was Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and campaign manager Paul Manafort. Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort, colluding with the Russians according to Donald Trump Jr.? Both The New York Times and The Washington Post have reported this. This shows beyond any doubt that Trump campaign was seeking and accepting the help of the Russians in winning the election. You have to remember that after the conventions Trumps numbers were plummeting at the time and he was going down in the polls. Trump could lose or sign a deal with the devil and Trump chose the deal. It is just a matter of time before the house of Trump falls.

“The Boston Globe did a linguistic analysis of the GOP field. The paper discovered that loserific hopefuls like Jim Gilmore and Mike Huckabee were speaking above the 10th grade level. But Trump was crushing the competition using the language of a forth grader, below all his competition including Ben Carson (sixth grade) and Ted Cruz (ninth grade).

From the book “The Insane Clown President”
That explains a lot about the last election and how Trump was elected.

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Reply Mon 10 Jul, 2017 09:16 pm
Trump’s witch-hunt may be coming to an end. “Trump’s election panel puts hold on voter data request.” It seems mounting legal challenges put a stop to it. Most of the State Secretary of the States, both Republican and Democrat, are opposed to giving Trump’s commission all of the personal information they have requested. Once Trump’s commission had their requested information it would simply be a fill in the blanks that would lead to complete data fields.

Some states however have already sent some information in. Arkansas has already sent in some data and Trump’s commission has said they will not download the information and they would delete it. Trump has sent the federal government on a snipe hunt and now the Federal courts will get a chance to rule on Trump’s snipe hunt.

The Whitehouse was out trying to put up a smoke screen around Donald Trump Jr. to protect him after he admitted to colluding with the Russians to help his daddy win the election. It looks like daddy dearest has gotten Jr. in hot water. “Alternate facts” Kellyanne Conway was sent out to spread the big lies. Kellyanne went on CNN for a five-minute segment about Donald Trump Jr. collusion with the Russian government but Kelly didn’t want to talk about that she decided that too much time was being devoted to the Russian investigation and she wanted to talk about the opioid crisis. They literally could not shut her up she continued on for 35 minutes, commercials were skipped and the Whitehouse was demanding that CNN get her off the air. Kellyanne is a professional liar and the charges have been filed to have her disbarred for lying. Once she gets on a roll it is almost impossible to stop the lies coming out of her mouth as the CNN interview clearly shows.

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