The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 24 Apr, 2017 09:14 pm
Ever hear of the Trumpdome? Or about Trump building the world’s tallest building in New York? How about the new headquarters for NBC? These are some of Trump’s spectacular failures. Trump was going to build a new $300 million dollar football Stadium and finance it by selling the seats to corporations. The 100,000-seat stadium would only have 15,000 seats available to public and they would be primarily in the end zones. Even after the corporations bought the seats they would also have to buy tickets for the games. Trumpdome hinged on Trump anti trust suit against the NFL. Trump was awarded $3 dollars after taking the suit against the NFL to Supreme Court.

Trump next venture was to build the world’s tallest building in New York that would house NBC. To accomplish this Trump demanded $1 billion dollars in tax relief from the state and city of New York. Trump blackmailed the city by telling them that NBC was moving to New Jersey and that only Trump could keep them from moving. The tax abatement would be necessary if New York wanted to keep NBC. Trump marshaled all the crooked politicians in New York State to accomplish his goal and he still failed on both counts.

When the deal fell through because of Trump’s greed Trump was outraged and lashed out against Mayor Koch publicly. Trump wrote, “Your attitude on keeping NBC is unbelievable and will lead to NBC leaving the city.” Trump characterized the decision as “ludicrous” and” disgraceful” he charged Koch with playing “Russian Roulette“ with NBC “because you are afraid that Donald Trump may make more than a dollar in profit.”

It is 20 years later and NBC is still in New York and in the same place and Donald Trump is short about a billion dollars in taxpayer money.
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Reply Tue 25 Apr, 2017 09:12 pm
It was to be called Trump City but it was just another of Trump’s failures. Let’s face it bullies don’t work well with others. Trump believed he could bully and belittle others to get his way. In New York as in other cities the zoning board decides what can be built and what property it can be built on. The bully would have to work with others in order to build what he wanted on his property. Zoning Boards are usually composed of a number of different people and while Trump could purchase some key people he could not buy an entire board.

Huntington had a City Manager form of government but in the 80s a push was on to return it to the mayor form of government. As union president I vigorously opposed the switch from a professional form of government to a form of government where the mayor had only to meet two qualifications, 26 years old and a resident of the city. The union staged a few demonstrations against the switch. The area directors told me that a state senator that was planning to be the mayor wanted to talk to me. I told him that was fine the senator knew where he could find me. The area director ask me as a personal favor to go to the senators business and talk him. Since the international had supplied an attorney for a big lawsuit we won I complied. The senator told me all the advantages of the mayor form of government and I told him all the disadvantages of that form of government. The big advantage of the mayor form of government is that you gain control of property by zoning. You can make your buddies rich and make the property of your enemies worthless because they can be denied the zoning changes necessary to build on their property.

For instance my dad built a garage apartment behind the house. The permit had been pulled when the garage was built. The city stopped the construction even though there were several other garage apartment in the same block. After securing an attorney the city position was that the apartment would overload the sewers. After twenty years and five attorneys my parents beat the city and finished the apartment. A few years later and only a block away four, 5-story apartment buildings were built with out overloading the sewers. Meanwhile the former mayors son is getting rich remodeling buildings downtown.

Trump swindled Mayor Koch and the city in one of his first big deals after agreeing to donate property for a subway remodel Trump reneged on the deal and the city had to pay $300,000 for the property. Then Trump listed the $300,000 as an expense instead of income and tried to swindle the city out of taxes.

I use to call it an enemy quotient once a mayor enemy quotient is over 50% he is not likely to be get reelected. That what happen with Trump and Trump City his belittling and bullying drove his enemy quotient past the point of no return in New York.
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Reply Wed 26 Apr, 2017 09:08 pm
Trump released his tax cut proposal today, what there was of it. Trump’s tax cut proposal was not a finished document ready to be voted on but a few ideas loosely thrown together. Eight years ago one biggest concern of the Tea Party and the Republicans was the ballooning federal deficit. The first thing the Trump tax proposal does is cut 3.8% Medicare tax on the ungodly greedy. This is a $500 billion tax cut over 10 years for the richest pigs in America. This is the key tax that funds Affordable Health Care Act. Eliminate the funding and we will have 20 million more uninsured people. Pre existing conditions will no longer be covered and those 55 and over will pay at least five times as much for insurance than a healthy 20 year old. This is the way the Trump plans to back door the advances made to insure those who could not possibly afford insurance. Everybody is in favor of tax cuts but the harsh reality is if you want government services somebody has to pay for them.

We have been down this garden path with the Republicans before. Reagan cut the taxes on the rich from 70% down to 28% but raised social security 5 times and he tripled the national debt. Clinton balanced the budget and began pay the debt down but Baby Bush and Republicans came into office saying, “give the people back their money” and they gave two large rounds of tax cuts to ungodly greedy. The reasoning went like this if you give the rich back their money the economy will take off. Remember Baby Bush gave us the most severe rescission since the Great Depression. Now the conmen are spinning the same tale Trump is going to cut taxes by $10 trillion over the next ten years and says the economy will go wild making up the lost taxes. This is a conman’s song 51% of the Trump tax cut is going to the richest 1%. This is nothing but another Trump swindle.

The argument is that small business will invest the tax saving in their businesses and create jobs. Why is this a fool’s argument? Anyone that has been in business knows that any investment made in your business is already tax deductible so why would they invest money that was tax free? They would not they would use the money to buy more mansions and yachts and invest less money in their business. In the 60s when taxes on the rich stood at 93% the rich invested the money in their business and the 50 and 60s were the longest prolonged economic expansion in history and it was caused by the high taxes anyone that wants to invest in their business can do it today and it is tax free. What they can’t do today is buy a $40 million dollar yacht tax-free.
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2017 08:48 pm
When do you not have any second amendment rights? At a NRA convention of course? Trump will address the NRA a convention in Atlanta Saturday. The Secret Service has vowed to stop anyone carrying a firearm from attending the event whether they have a ticket or not. The NRA is the biggest advocate of the Second Amendment Rights but has no problem denying its members their Second Amendment rights. Why would the secret service be against a bunch of gun nuts at an event that Trump is attending? Because people with guns can and do kill people. If Trump wants people all over the country armed to the teeth why should he object to giving a speech to a few of those armed people?

It would be nice if all of us were able to attend events that were gun free. All we are asking for in many of the gun laws is the same thing that Trump will be granted on Saturday. If the NRA thinks guns are so safe why would they let themselves be stripped of their guns Saturday? The NRA’s philosophy is seriously flawed if they will let the Secret Service take their guns after all they have a right to carry their guns anywhere. The NRA members will give up their guns voluntarily Saturday because of safety but will continue to push for guns in colleges and grade schools and any other event. Why should we all not be afforded that same measure of safety? Do you believe any member of the NRA will refuse to attend Trump addressing the NRA because they had to give up their guns? If it is so simple to strip anyone of their Second Amendments Rights we should have no problem going from a banquet room to a city. Anyone of those NRA paper tigers who gives up his guns to see Trump should be outted as believing that guns are dangerous and should be taken away to provide safety for others.

As for me I think Trump should put his ass where his mouth is and give his speech to a room full of drunken gun nuts Saturday.
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Reply Fri 28 Apr, 2017 08:52 pm
We are getting closer to the truth. “A Washington lobbying firm that worked under the direction of Paul Manafort and another former campaign aide to President Donald Trump registered Friday with the Justice Department as a foreign agent—the same day a spokesman for Manafort backed off his previous statement that Manafort would also register.” You might remember that Paul Manafort was Trump’s campaign manager and this guy was serving as an agent for a foreign government and not just any foreign government, Russia. Manafort had taken money from Russia. “The AP reported in August that Manafort consulting firm covertly orchestrated the lobbying and public opinion operation on behalf of a pro Russian political party…”

The question now is should the Trump campaign also register as a foreign agent? There seems to be a number of people in the Trump campaign who are now being required to register as foreign agents to benefit the Russian. When press pointed out that Manafort’s numerous links to the Russian government he stepped down from being campaign manager. The proof is all around us that Trump participated in stealing the election. Why have impeachment charges not been bought against him? After all it only took a stain on a young woman’s sweater for impeachment charges to be bought against Clinton. In the scheme of things stains on a sweater does not compare to a presidential campaign working with the Russians to win an election.

If the Russians had worked to elect Hillary instead of Trump red neck right radio would be going absolutely crazy but as long as their candidate wins it does not matter how he won but karma is a bitch.
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Reply Sat 29 Apr, 2017 09:30 pm
How do you convince people that nothing is actually something? At first it sounds like it would be hard to do but evidently it is actually pretty easy. My uncle called my mom the other day and told her how Trump had accomplished more in his first hundred days than almost any president in history. (Trump actually said that.) The first hundred days is meant to be a measure of how much legislation a President can get past in his first hundred days with Franklin Roosevelt first 100 days being the bench mark that all other presidents are measured by.

Trump only proposed one piece of legislation and that was to repeal Obamacare and they never even bough it to a vote because they knew Trump would lose. Trump has a Republican House and Senate an advantage many presidents didn’t have. He did manage to get a stolen Supreme Court Justice affirmed but only after the Republicans changed the rules to a simple majority. Trump could not even manage the simplest political accomplishment by convincing a few democrats to vote for his Supreme Court choice.

My uncle is a long haul trucker and the only voice on the radio is red neck right radio who can evidently make you believe that nothing is something. A few years when they tried to set up an alternative voice on talk radio it was not a commercial success. People like Rush Slimbaugh tried to tell the public that there is not an audience for anything but extreme right radio. Rush would say if there was an audience the left would have a voice in America but it is the sponsors who pay for red neck right talk because red neck right policies benefit the those sponsors. When money dictates what political conversation gets on the airwaves the sponsors will pay for what benefits them the most. It was never intended for the moneyed interest to control the public airwaves.
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Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2017 09:44 pm
It is easy to understand why conman is one of the leading avocations in America in light of the millions who believe that Trump actually accomplished some of his legislative goals. If you can convince 62 million people that nothing is something than conman has to be the best profession for the 21st century. All you need do is locate the Trump voters tell them you are going to give them absolutely nothing in exchange for their car, bank account, house and they will be happy to comply of course you can’t actually tell them your giving them nothing. You have to make nothing sound like something isn’t that what conmen do?

Trump did not end up with even one of his campaign promises in the first 100 days. There was no wall, no repeal of Obamacare; no tax cuts just 7 trips to Mar a Lago. If Trump had promised to make many trips Mar a Lago he could have claimed to at least made good on one campaign promise.

Trump is putting taxpayer money to work. It was recently reveled that the secret service has paid $35,000 for golf cart rental at Trump’s resort, Mar a Lago. At that rate the secret will pay Trump $511,000 just for golf cart rental during his 4 year term. The federal government could buy a fleet of golf carts for that price and sell them after 4 years to recoup some of the taxpayer’s money. Trump is cleaning up and socking it to the taxpayers. Imagine what it costs to rent a golf cart at a golf club that charges $200,000 a year to belong. Trump claims to be a friend of the workingman but he sticks it to him every time he gets the chance. The secret service is protecting Trump you would think he wouldn’t charge the taxpayers a half million in rent for golf carts. Trump thinks he is king and should be treated as such. Trump should have private security at Mar a Lago so he shouldn’t need the secret service while he is there. Trump went to another of his golf clubs in Virginia this weekend I wonder what the golf cart rental was.
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Reply Mon 1 May, 2017 09:07 pm
Why won’t Trump release his tax returns? What does he have to hide? Is Trump running a ponzi scheme? What does Trump have to lose? I am just finishing up Wayne Barrett book on Trump, “Trump the Greatest Show on Earth” which details Trump’s financial transaction. Trump first said he couldn’t release his tax returns because he was being audited. After he was elected he said the public is no longer interested in his tax return because he was elected. To start with Trump could release his tax returns even if he was being audited. There is no law that makes tax returns secret if an audit is taking place. So Trump has something to hide and he is hiding it. A law should be passed that if you run for president you must make your tax return public.

We all remember Bernie Madoff was a well-respected investor but many Hollywood stars lost their fortunes when Madoff’s scheme failed. Trump’s 100s of millions in big deal are often completely financed without a penny of his own money involved and often those 100s of millions were lost. People say well he owns Trump Towers in New York but Trump does not own the building he owns an apartment in the building the other apartments are owned by other people Trump is just tenant in the building like everyone else. Other people own many of Trump’s other buildings and Trump receives a fee for the use of his name on the buildings.

Trump like most conmen goes out of his way to hide the truth from others. When Trump bought Mar a Lago he made a deal with the bank that they would not record the mortgage than he acted as if he paid cash and borrowed another $14 million on the property four million more than he paid. He actually borrowed millions on the furniture. Conmen are good at what they do and Trump is a world class conman when you can convince a bank to loan you $880 million to buy part of Resort International and Trump did not have a cent in the deal. Barrett says to call Trump financing a house of cards would be an insult to cards everywhere. Trump uses banks from all over the world who have no idea who they are dealing with. When he tells a Russian Bank he owned Mar a Lago that he owned it the mortgage was hidden and they had no way of knowing he didn’t. It was against the law but Trump does not follow the law. If Trump’s tax returns are made public his ponzi scheme will collapse faster than the world trade center. A conman is successful by controlling information, who knows what.

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Reply Tue 2 May, 2017 09:26 pm
“Too big to fail.” We think that saying comes to us from the bank failures during 2007 recession but after Trump failed to make his bond payments and was facing bankruptcy he made the same argument if the banks forced him into bankruptcy the banks might fail themselves. He owed 100s of millions of dollars to several banks and he didn’t have enough assets to secure the loans. The banks wanted to use the assets Trump expected to inherit from his dad to help secure the loans. Trump bought a shuttle service from Eastern Airlines for $380 million, which was loaned from Citibank. This was one of Trump’s better business investments it only lost $85 million a year because the aging planes and lost market share and this was only one of his businesses that was losing money hand over fist. His three casinos in Atlantic City were also losing a great deal of money. When going into business it is best to compete against yourself in the same city for same crowds that were declining.

It seems during this time period Trump looked in the mirror and said mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all and the mirror replied not you, you’re getting fat. So Trump went to see his diet doctor and all of a sudden he had all kinds of energy. “He’d begun seeing a diet doctor in the mid-eighties, and about that time, his staff starting noticing a disturbing connection between his most frenetic days and his trips to the doctor.” No doubt daddies little helpers helped Trump make some of his better business deals.
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Reply Wed 3 May, 2017 09:10 pm
We all remember the 2007 recession and what caused. The banks that were selling the bad mortgages didn’t care if they were bad as they were being sold to another bank that bundled them and sold them to investors. The banker at the point of sale would approve a $750,000 mortgage to someone picking strawberries for a living. In cases the bankers would instruct the loan applicant to fraudulently fill out the application to make it look like they had enough income to be able to pay the mortgage when they didn’t. The original banker got his commission on the loan. The bank sold the mortgage and made up front money all of the incentive was to commit fraud and fraud on a massive scale was committed.

Trump’s late spending spree was very much the same type. The banks that loaned Trump $2.1 billion sold most of Trump debt to foreign banks all over the world. The banks loaning Trump the money made tremendous fees on the large amounts money Trump barrowed then they set about unloading their risk to foreign banks and getting another round of fees by unloading the Trump debt. Even though the original banks were responsible for assessing the viability of the Trump loans they made sure they bore no liability when Trump defaulted. This was the perfect con where everyone involved was in it for a peace of the action and when Trump defaulted the pain was felt around the globe. In one of Trump’s deals he paid a ½ a million dollars for each hotel room in the building.
“As flooded with gamblers as it was the Taj defaulted on its bond payments almost instantly forcing Donald into tempestuous negotiation with angry bond holders. And the Taj debt load was only a fraction of the $2.1 billion in loans he’d taken on in the two years that formed the second sessions of deals. The cumulative demands of the Taj, Plaza Hotel, Trump Shuttle, Princes, Crystal Towers, Palace, Regency, and Penthouse loans were assuming “Little Shop of Horrors” “Feed Me” proportions.”

From the book “Trump the Greatest Show on Earth”
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Reply Thu 4 May, 2017 09:07 pm
Now Trump’s lies are about to become important to the American people. Trump claimed all throughout his campaign that Trumpcare would cover everybody. Now that Trumpcare passed the first hurdle we know that 24 million fewer Americans will have healthcare. The figure is from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. So who are you going to believe? Trump or the 24 million Americans who are going to lose their health insurance? Like the inauguration crowd Trump will insist that the 24 million are covered. There is no end to his lying and now his lies seriously threaten every American. When 24 million lose their health insurance they will still get sick and they will still go hospital. Their bill will be paid by those who have insurance driving health insurance costs through the roof and Trump will be standing their lying like he did about “Trump Tower” being wire tapped. He will tell those whose health insurance cost doubled that more is actually less and the Trump voters will believe it.

Preexisting conditions, if you listen to the republican line this almost never happens it is not a problem. But most people will no longer work for one company for a lifetime. As one factory closes they will have to switch jobs at least four times in their lifetime each time they will go without insurance and any condition they have from heart conditions, diabetes, high blood pressure, colitis and many other conditions will put you in a high risk, high cost pool. To cover the compromise was to put a mere $5 billion government money to cover 330 million who potentially end up with a preexisting condition. This would amount to $151 a person a year. It would be like trying to put out a fire at Trump Tower with a bucket of water. The Republicans say if you have health insurance now you need not worry about preexisting conditions because Obamacare mandated you must be covered but when you lose insurance and most will in their lifetime you will lose coverage or be faced with paying many times more.

Now the Trump lies are going to start hitting the people that voted for him in the pocketbook.

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Reply Fri 5 May, 2017 09:23 pm
What is a professional liar worst enemy? The truth. According to Trump there is one and only one source of the truth, and that is him every other source is “fake news.” Trump has a very long history of lying and not only lying personally but he required his employees to lie if they intended to keep their job. A local big car dealership was foreclosed on by the banks on a $17.3 million loan. When the bankers went to foreclose the owner of the dealership told them if they came in his office they would leave in a box. When someone has borrowed millions profit projections make all the difference. When Trump was given the profit projections for his casinos he told his employees they were not large enough to bring back projections that were $10s of millions higher. Of course this is just not lying this is fraud. Trump also lied about the actual value of his buildings overestimating them by 10s of millions. By overvaluing his buildings and the income from businesses it allowed Trump to borrow billions fraudulently. When the banks finally figured out that Trump scammed them and started putting real world values on his properties and his income from those properties they were in too deep.

If the banks charged Trump with fraud it would highlight the fact that the banks did not do, do diligence in loaning $100s of millions to Trump without doing the work that would ordinarily be done on other loans. The bankers were taken in by the big commissions they made when the loans were closed. Trump was also sure to take care of all the prosecutors when it came election time Trump was known to be one of the biggest contributors. A congressional investigation soon went away also because the big banks didn’t want to publicly air their dirty little secret in the early 90s but by 2007 their continued bad practices put many of the banks that Trump borrowed money from had to be bailed out by taxpayers. The bankers made huge commissions for not doing their job. They were not in it to protect the banks interests they were there to protect their interest.
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2017 08:59 pm
Trump did not go bankrupt in the early 90s but the consortium of banks took most of his assets to pay for his bad debts. Out of at least $2 billion in assets Trump was allowed to keep only $10 million that is a loss of $1.99 billion.

“The banks didn’t sue over the circumventions and outright violations of the June agreement but instead entered patiently into a second set of far reaching-talks. Bankers Trust extracted Donald’s interest in the Hyatt: CitiBank clamed the shuttle (airline) and tried to become an equity partner of the anticipated new operator Northwest Airline: Boston Safe Deposit & Trust got a boat that had never hosted anything as tame as a tea party (167 foot yacht): and Marine Midland got the West Palm Beach condominium bulk. Trump Air was grounded and copters sold off. Citibank also wound up with a 27% share of Alexander’s that Donald bought with $70 billion of the bank’s and Bear Stern’s money but the stock was now only valued at $35 million. Manufacturers Hanover was awarded Regency in Atlantic City, a prize the bank only wanted if a buyer emerged otherwise it agreed to drastically reduce the annual payments from $7 million to a $1 million. Manufacturers Hanover was also slated to receive Donald’s remaining interest in the New York co-op, Trump Plaza, Trump Parc, and 100 Central Park South, which was generating a million dollars a year in revenue.

From the book “Trump the Greatest Show on Earth”
All this information was available to every newsman and the Democratic Party before the election the book was written in 1992 but none of it was used prior to the election. Only 18% of the voters in New York City that knew Trump best voted for him.

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Reply Sun 7 May, 2017 09:11 pm
Philosophies can be right or they can be wrong they can be correct for certain applications but dead wrong for others. Many people make the mistake of believing that because a philosophy exists it has to be right for every situation. America is now facing a crisis of philosophy bit as big as the civil war and each side believes that they are right. How we resolve this crisis will determine the future of America. There are not two right solutions to this problem there is only one correct solution and one wrong solution. America stands at a crossroads.

The problem is of course how are we going to fund healthcare the corner stone of conservative philosophy is that any man is only entitled to what he can earn, no more no less. The conservatives believe that it is wrong to take a penny from a billionaire to pay for the healthcare of a baby dying from a bad heart. The baby has no chance to earn the $20,000 a year for a $10,000 deductible health insurance policy. But that will never matter because if something violates rule 1 than rule one always prevails (a man is only entitled to what he can earn). There is also the religious overtones in conservatism that if you were born with a bad heart or too poor to afford health insurance you deserved it because god was punishing you. The conservatives have also never been turned away from a hospital emergency room because they had no health insurance even though the practice is common in big cities for profit Hospitals. They believe in the myth that someone will provide medical care for millions for free. A Hospital is a business in order to stay in business patients must pay for services. What happens if they don’t? Hospitals simply go out of business like any other business that can’t collect for it services. I know of at least 10 hospitals that closed in the area. The conservative solution is not healthcare for all it is healthcare for none in the end.

The liberal solution is based on morality if a child or a fellow human being is suffering and we have the facilities to treat them then we have a moral obligation to provide care. Sickness can and does spread throughout the community even today if we stopped treating people with TB it would quickly spread. The morality of money is secondary. Insurance was made to spread the risk around. With fire insurance you pay only for enough insurance to cover the cost of building but health insurance has no way of looking at a 20 year old man and knowing he will have to have open heart surgery when he is 36. So the ultimate cost of a house is known but there is no way to determine the ultimate cost of healthcare. Health insurance is not only killing people it is killing companies. The rising cost of healthcare is bankrupting the city of Huntington and the city is self-insured. Most of healthcare costs are born by businesses. In 1960 healthcare was 5% of GDP but now that is 17% of GNP. The cost of healthcare has tripled and this cost is added to every product made in America. In 1960 the cost of corporate taxes was 2% of GDP and currently stands at 4% of GNP. Switching to national care would do far more to make American business competitive than the Trump tax cut. We will eventually have national care all the conservatives can do is prolong the agony and the damage.
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2017 09:16 pm
It has happened again, they say every once in a while a Republican will actually tell the truth about their political regressive ideas. Rep Mo Brooks R-AL) said that the GOP’s Health Care Act would require sicker people to pay more in insurance costs than people “who lead good lives.” You can see religion raising it ugly ignorant head in that statement. God is obviously punishing these people by making them sick and why should the rest of us share their punishment after all we are living good clean lives? If you live a good clean life going to church every Sunday God will generously reward you with good health. After all we know that none of those good church people ever get sick, right? You can wallow in gross ignorance if you want but the facts are everyone get sick sooner or later. The only ones who escape are those killed in accidents, murders or suicides. The rest of us can look forward to big medical bills in our future no matter how devout a Christian, Buddhist, or any other religion it will not protect you from a heart attack, kidney failure or many other serious medical conditions.
“My understanding is that it will allow insurance companies to require people who have higher care costs to contribute more to the insurance pool that helps offset all these costs, thereby reducing the insurance costs to those people who lead good lives, they’re healthy, you know, they are doing things to keep their bodies healthy,” the Alabama Republican argued. And right now, those are the people who have actually done things the right way that are seeing their cost skyrocketing.”

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL)

From an article entitled “Republican Accidentally Tells the Truth About GOP Health Policy.”
I am a long distance runner and triathlete and for the last 31 years I have done between forty and fifty races year and enjoy good health but I am not immune to accidents. I was getting ready for a triathlon when I hit a pothole and ended up in the hospital with a collapsed lung and separated shoulder. I was also run over by a boat (it was on a trailer) while training. I have known others that have had heart attacks during races. I watched CPR being preformed on one runner last year for 20 minutes before he breathed on his own. Even the healthy use a share of medical care.
“The Republican plan expresses one of the core beliefs shared by movement conservatives, and utterly alien to people across the globe, right and left: that people who can’t afford the cost of their own medical care have nobody to blame but themselves.”

Jon Chait
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Reply Tue 9 May, 2017 09:06 pm
Why are the Republicans so intent about eliminating a law that required insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions? Health insurance is a business and insurance companies want to shed sick people as soon as possible. In order to make money health insurance companies want to insure healthy people where most of the insurance premium is profit. There are two ways to weed sick people out of the system, and preexisting conditions lets insurance company know who is sick and likely to cost them big bucks in the future. What was a common practice in the past was when you took a job if you had a preexisting condition whether it was cancer or heart condition the insurance company would simply refuse to pay any claims for the preexisting condition. Now the preferred method is to weed the sick out by raising the premium to point that you cannot afford it. The sick are the least likely to have 10s of thousands of extra dollars to pay the increased premiums and this is the method the Trump Care plan uses, there may be some money to help defray a small portion of the increased cost but the effect will be the same it will allow insurance companies to unload the sick.

One of the Republican Representatives said that preexisting affected only a few people in America. The sad truth is by the time we reach fifty 50, about fifty-four percent of us have a preexisting condition. The American health insurance system is for the most part provided by the employer and when one leaves that employer most of those who are insured will lose it and when you find a new job you will have a preexisting condition. What is the first thing that happens to anyone who is seriously ill? They can no longer work and they lose their employer provided health insurance. No job means no money to buy health insurance. This is great for health insurance who after collecting health insurance premiums for 20 0r 30 years quickly unload the sick to government or charity. Imagine if a fire insurance company could cancel your policy if they saw smoke this in effect what health insurance companies do.

The American health insurance system is designed to make insurance CEOs rich beyond their wildest dreams but not to help the sick. It time to face reality our health insurance system is not designed to provide health care it exists like all other businesses to make a profit unloading sick people and that is not a mistake it is by design.
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Reply Wed 10 May, 2017 09:22 pm
If we set out to design a system to enrich health insurance companies and pay their CEOs multimillion-dollar salaries we could not design a better system then what we have. It works wonderfully for the insurance companies but is a failure for sick people. Insurance companies are for profit corporations they are not in the businesses of seeing you get healthcare. Health Insurance companies are unlike other types of insurance. Wreck your car and the auto insurance has to pay for it. If your house burns down your homeowner’s policy pays for the house. The claims for health insurance are quite different as they go over a period of years or even a lifetime. This is a big advantage to insurance company they know prior to claim that for instance a woman with breast cancer healthcare will cost $500,000 for the first occurrence and unfortunately more occurrences are likely. Insurance companies have whole departments that specialize in cutting costs. Our health policy had a million dollar cap before Obamacare removed the cap. What usually happens to a woman with breast cancer is that she can no longer work and loses both her job and insurance, which she can no longer pay for.

We need to realize that the American people need to design a system that provides healthcare at a reasonable cost not multi-million dollar salaries for CEOS of insurance companies. One of the most hated provisions of Obamacare was the one that mandated that at 80% of health insurance premiums had to be actually spent on healthcare instead of multi-million salaries for CEOs and other overhead. Insurance companies have a vested interest in finding a way to deny healthcare and they tell their employees to remember when they turn down a medical procedure “that you are not denying care they are just denying payment.” Most people have no other way to pay so they are in effect denying care.

We need to design system a system where the primary goal is provide health care for the American people not multi-million dollar salaries for insurance employees. The obvious savings is the 20% insurance overhead. The goal should also be that every man, woman and child be covered. No longer when you are laid off would you lose your health Insurance or when you got cancer and unable to work. Often the people that need their health insurance the most lose their health insurance because they can no longer work. This helps make huge profits for health insurance companies. It doesn’t matter if they paid health insurance for 40 years if they were laid off a month the health insurance makes another $500,000. The $500,000 savings is on just one occurrence and insurance companies have hundreds of these occurrences a year. We can do better.
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Reply Thu 11 May, 2017 09:14 pm
If there was any doubt remaining that Trump was complicit with the Russians in the last election he has now removed all doubt. Firing the man who is responsible for investigating whether Trump’s campaign was involved with the Russians shows that the investigation was getting too close to the truth. This is following the Watergate script down to a tee we are now at the point Nixon realized it was no longer possible to cover up the break in and imposing political power was only a hail Mary at best. Trump is a bully by nature and believes he can bully anyone. By firing the FBI director just as he ask the Department of Justice for more resources to investigate the Russian connection Trump showed that he believes he can put a stop to the investigation. If anyone else in administration and within Trump’s reach continues with the investigation they can count on being fired also.

The first thing you learn about interrogation is that subjects who tell different stories are lying and the Trump Whitehouse has three different versions of why the FBI director was fired. Trump first tried to tell the public that the FBI director was fired because of his mishandling of the Hillary e-mail scandal. The second explanation was Trump intended to fire him all along because he was “showboating.” The third explanation was that the attorney General, Jeff Sessions and the third in charge had recommended to Trump that he be fired.

Trump assured, in an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, that he had a certified letter showing he owns no property in Russia or does he have any bank loans from Russian banks. (This would be the only big country in the world he has no big loans from.) The letter is being prepared by a Trump law firm of course. Trump believes he can have his law firm send a certified letter and that will put an end of the investigation. The problem is that the investigation is not about whether Trump owns property in Russia it is about Trump asking Russia to break in to the e-mal accounts of American citizens. If only Nixon had a certified letter sent from his law firm stating he did not order the Watergate break in or do anything to cover it up Nixon could have finished out his term.
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Reply Fri 12 May, 2017 09:09 pm
They called it the Saturday night massacre when Nixon fired the special prosecutor and now Trump has done the same thing in firing the director of the FBI who was in charge of the Russian investigation. Then if things could not get closer to the Watergate saga Trump threatens the FBI director, James Comey, that he better not speak out because their conversation may have been recorded on a secret Whitehouse recording system. If I was Trump I would be far more afraid of any tape recording than Comey. Trump tied to extract a loyalty pledge out of Comey but all Comey would promise was that he would be honest with Trump from that point on Comey was a marked man. Now it looks like congress may subpoena the secret tapes for their investigation. I suspect the “secret tapes” are just another of Trump’s lies used to try and intimidate Comey. Trump first impulse is to bully people to get his way his next impulse is to start making up lies to bolster his case. Trump is his own worst enemy he can take an April shower and turn it into the storm of the century.

Trump is going out of the country, we should declare him an illegal alien and not let him back in. After all Trump’s Grandfather was a German and after he came to America to avoid serving in the German armed service he tried to buy his way back into Germany but they would not let him back in. Trump thought everybody would just forget about his collusion with the Russians to win the election. He thought the story would just die but the Russian affair is far bigger today than it was five months ago and it is actually gaining steam. The Russian collusion story will be the biggest story of the year. Trump is not a smart man or he would just keep quiet and not comment on the investigation when asked. Trump believes he can bully people into keeping quiet or gain enough control of government to kill the investigation but it very obviously is not working. It will be wonderful to have Trump overseas his staff can take a break from cover up all his lies. They must feel like a very busy cat in fact like one that has his own backhoe.
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Reply Sat 13 May, 2017 09:34 pm
If Trump has any sense at all he would not record the conversation in the Whitehouse because all of his mafia friends would not like it. We have all had the experience of arguing with someone like Trump who will just make up the “facts” to win an argument. It is simply not possible to win an argument with someone who can make up the “facts” as they go along. Most of us are to polite to call them a liar and lean to simply avoid them but when it is the president that behaves this way it is not possible to ignore his behavior.

In an interview with Trump after Trump had tweeted alluding to possible secret tape recordings when he was questioned about the tapes he refused to answer any questions about the tapes. One thing about liars is they never think about the consequences of their lies through. Trump never considered that if he lied about the existence of secret tapes that Congress could subpoena those tapes and he would not only look like a liar but an idiot for telling such a stupid lie. But then Trump is no stranger to looking like an idiot after he told the lie about that he had the biggest inauguration crowd ever and when pictures were produced showing how small the crowd actually was, did Trump apologize? Not on your life he stuck to his lie. When Trump was informed that Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million Trump insisted that was wrong that he had won the popular vote because almost the exact amount of illegal aliens voted against him. Trump believes that he can lie about anything and people will just accept it because he is president and that is true for about half of the country but the other half is going to fact check every lie and make sure everybody knows he is lying. Trump is one of these people should heed the advice of the old saying, “Tis better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Trump clearly has removed all doubt and doubled down by showing he is also a liar.
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