The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 14 May, 2017 09:21 pm
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) stated that Trump will have to turn over his secret tapes. This will be interesting because Trump will either have to produce the tapes or publicly admit that he was lying. Rumor has it that Sean Spicer was caught actually hiding from the press in the bushes to avoid answering question. Things have been going bad for Trump this past week and Trump will never admit it is his own fault so what will he do? Start blaming other people and firing them. In Atlantic City Trump even fired his first wife who was running one of the Casinos that was actually making money. He fired many people who were running the other casinos.

Now it looks like Trump is seriously considering firing Sean Spicer and Steve Bannon. Spicer will be fired because Trumps approval ratings are continuing to fall and that was before firing the director of the FBI. Since it couldn’t possibly be Trumps fault it must be Spicer fault. Spicer is responsible for making Trump’s public image all Trump needs to raise his approval ratings is a competent spokesman. Bannon has to compete with Trump’s son-in-law who has a completely different world-view. I don’t think there was any doubt that Kushner would win out when push came to shove. So far Comey has remained silent after being fired but if Bannon is fired he will be extremely angry and as a former head of Breitbart News he is likely to come out swinging in the way he knows best. Trump will have made a real enemy and he will live to regret firing Bannon because Bannon knows the real inside story and he will have access to facts that few others have. When you live by the size of your ego you die by the size of your ego. An oversize ego will not allow you to take the reasonable council of others in the mind of an ego maniac his opinion will always be superior to others. Trump’s overblown ego is about to do him in.
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Reply Mon 15 May, 2017 09:24 pm
Not a day goes by that Trump doesn’t manage to screw something up and now the Washington Post reports that Trump revealed state secrets to the Russian when they visited because he wants to have better relations with Russia. Trump barred any of the American news agencies from attending the meeting with Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak but the Russian press was free to cover the event. Trump told the American press they could obtain pictures of the event from the Russian news agencies. Now we know why the American news media was not welcome. After the Russian meeting senior Whitehouse staff placed calls to both the CIA and NSA that Trump had compromised the information and the city it came from.

The detailed information that Trump shared with the Russian was not even shared with our allies. The information about ISIS plot was given to us with the condition that details not be shared with others. The details given the Russians would be enough for them to identify the source and terminate that source. Trump, true to course, was bragging and show off to Russian what a great intelligence gathering service he has. This is another way that Trump assuages his overblown ego.

During the election Trump repeatedly harped on Hillary’s e-mail server and that she might have compromised confidential information but now Trump just runs off at the mouth giving highly confidential information to the Russians. “Lose lips sink ships’ but in Trump’s case it is a lose and deteriorating brain aided by an ego that can’t imagine anyone as great as he is. Our allies will be far less likely to share secret information with the United States as long as that senile old man is in the Whitehouse and you cannot blame them. It is horrible that Trump shared the information but the reason he shared is much worse.
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Reply Tue 16 May, 2017 08:59 pm
“The more things change the more they stay the same.” Watergate II is right on script. Can you say obstruction of justice? Evidently Trump doesn’t know what that is but I think he is about to find out. Trump has actively been trying to kill the Russian investigation all along but now the proof is coming forth. Everybody understood what Trump meant when he tried to get Comey to pledge loyalty to him. It seems the director of the FBI, James Comey, kept detailed notes when he was called to the Whitehouse or met with Trump. These notes are not classified and are now being made public after Trump fired Comey. At a meeting with Trump a day after Flynn was fired Trump asked Comey, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.” That is above and beyond the classic example of obstruction of justice the only question now is how soon will Trump be indicted and convicted.

Trump has committed a number of crimes in his life but he has never been convicted because of crooked politicians and his mob connections but now Trump is playing in a whole new league he is about to find out that Washington is not New York and the fact that sis sets on the Federal Bench is not going to help. I really didn’t believe it could get any better at least not this quickly. Even the Republicans are saying that the Trump Administration is on a downward spiral.

When the FBI heard Trump say that there were secret tapes they were overjoyed. The meeting where Trump tried to kill the Russian investigation was a private meeting between Trump and Comey and it would be Trump’s word against Comey but Trump is a known and persistent liar. Comey on the other hand has a reputation for honesty maybe to honest on occasion. In a survey people were asked to do a word association test. One of the most frequent words that popped up associated with Trump was “liar.”

Now that it has become public that Trump is trying to kill the Russian investigation a special prosecutor must be appointed to run the investigation. I never saw Trump smile so broadly as he did when he was telling the Russians the classified information. The information blab to the Russians was at the absolute highest level but to hear Trump tell it, it was not secret at all the bad part for Trump was the Russian have a transcript.
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2017 09:05 pm
House majority leader Kevin McCarthy a Republican from California was heard saying on tape, “There are two people I think Putin pays Rohrabacher and Trump. The tape was recorded on June 15, 2016. Rohrabacher is a Republican congressman known to be a fervent defender of Putin and Russia. Trump and Rohrabacher’s Russian agenda are the same and even the House Republican Majority Leader was speculating last year that Putin was paying Trump and Rohrabacher. McCarthy now says it was a joke but we all know what makes humor work is there are elements of truth in any joke. What is more interesting is that the remarks were made after a meeting with the Ukrainian prime minister. You might remember that Putin was attacking Ukrainian and had annexed parts of the Ukrainian.

The tape was recorded at a meeting of Republican leaders. The tape was also recorded before Trump got the Republican nomination for president so McCarthy and the republicans did not owe any loyalty to Trump so they were more likely to be candid when discussing Trump. I don’t think many people can deny that Trump displays a lot of favoritism towards Russia. Trump smiled more during the visit with Russians than he has in the last four months. He seems to know who his real friends are.

I just love it when a bully starts playing the victim. Trump was playing the victim card at the Coast Guard graduation. Claiming he is the most mistreated president in history. Trump was crying on the Coast Guard graduate’s shoulders. Poor Trump all he wanted to do was stop the Russian investigation and now everybody is piling on. I think when it comes down to it bullies cry the loudest. Now and author has come forward and stated that Trump had a thing about recording every conversation. Trump had recorded the author and jumped up and showed him the recorder. Trump may be hung with his own recordings.

Now a special prosecutor has been appointed because the third in charge at the Department of Justice has recused himself. After he recommended firing the director of the FBI who was running the Russian investigation.

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Reply Thu 18 May, 2017 09:21 pm
Trump has said that he wants this witch-hunt to come to an end and one can only hope that when it comes to an end we can burn the witch at the stake on the Whitehouse lawn. The noose is tightening around Trump’s neck with each new revelation. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified before congress that the memo recommending that FBI director, James Comey, be fired was written after the decision to fire him was made the day before. It turns out that the main excuse for firing Comey was in fact a lie. Now the Whitehouse is fielding yet another excuse for the firing saying that Comey went around the chain of command. Who knows Comey may have asked for paper clips to keep track of all the new leads on Trump’s Russian connections.

The New York Times reports that four current intelligence officials have reported that there were numerous contact by Trump aides with Russians intelligence operatives in 2016 and it was not limited to just those participating in the Trump campaign but several other associates of Trump were also involved. Now Trump is no longer denying that his campaign was colluding with Russia he is simply saying that he did not collude with the Russians. It seems in the Whitehouse it is now every man for himself Trump just threw his buddies under the bus.

Donald Trump denied any collusion with the Russian in the 2016 election but said on Thursday that he spoke “for myself “, leaving open for the first time that someone on his staff may have been involved.”

From an Internet article from the “Guardian”

Everyone in the Whitehouse is being advised to get their own attorney even Trump. The sky is falling on the Trump administration and they will be playing let’s make a deal
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Reply Fri 19 May, 2017 09:15 pm
Now the Whitehouse lawyers are consulting with impeachment experts to begin to prepare a defense for Trump if and when impeachment charges are bought against Trump. It becomes more and more likely each day that Trump will be impeached. With each new bombshell revelation the calls for Trumps impeachment are growing louder from both sides. Trump told the Russian he fired that “nut job Comey” and that had eased the pressure on the Russian investigation. If Trump had wanted to confess to obstruction of justice he could not have done a better job. Now the investigation is being widened to include the cover up, it is Watergate all over.

Next week the FBI Director, James Comey, will testify in public hearings. Trump can rattle his secret tapes at Comey but I don’t think it will scare him. The American people will get to see the real Trump next week. Those of us who have researched Trump will not be surprised but for those who were taken in it will shock them.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes announced today that he is not only stepping down from the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee but he is quitting the House Of Representative. Nunes you might remember was Trump’s lap dog he went to the Whitehouse and was given secret information by the Trump administration and promptly held a press conference that some of Trump’s cronies had been named in intelligence documents that tied them to the Russians. Trump then tried to claim that this proved that Trump Tower had been wiretapped. Now Nunes is afraid he will be part of the Trump cover up so he is going to disappear. .
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Reply Sat 20 May, 2017 08:51 pm
There is the radical right but when Trump was elected not only did the radical right vote for him but the crazy right. The crazy right are going to be more of a factor with Trump’s impeachment looming. After Al Green (D-Texas) demanded Trump’s impeachment on the House floor earlier this week it bought out the far right crazies. “You ain’t going to impeach anybody. Try it and we will lynch you,” said a caller. “The calls used graphic racial slurs call Green the n-word.” Green you might have guessed is black. This is the way the mafia does business and the mafia is going to be extremely upset if they lose their man in the Whitehouse.

As the country moves forward with the impeachment and prosecution of Trump violence will become common place and it will not be contained to threats. Trump will not try and put a stop to the violence of his followers instead he will encourage it.

Trump has to be senile because even as his lawyers have told him to keep his mouth shut he continues to run off at the mouth. Trump answered only one question about Flynn like he would have been directed by his lawyers. When ask about Flynn Trump answered with a simple no he didn’t continue to run off at the mouth giving a lot of information that will help convict him of obstruction of justice. When Trump told the Russians that firing that “nut case” Comey would slow the Russian investigation down it would be equivalent to a bank robber going to a bank and handing them a note with his name and address on it. It least if you are going to obstruct justice you should not be bragging about it. Trump has to be senile.

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Reply Sun 21 May, 2017 09:29 pm
Every once in a while you see a glimmer of sunlight on the darkest day and at Notre Dame’s graduation when vice president Mike Pence got up to speak a 100 students promptly got up and walked out to protest the Trump-Pence’s policies. The student organization released a statement: “We all know to well when his policies endangered or caused direct harm to public education, health care, women’s rights, the environment, LBGTQ individuals, immigrants and refugees, reproductive rights, local infrastructure, the economy of our state, and more.” The students realized that Pence’s conservative values are not only at odds with the values taught by the University but long standing American values in general.

In the sixties the younger generation became politically active and changed the face of American. When Bob Dillon wrote “The Times They Are A-Changin” the times were changing rapidly and the younger generation was the driving force. In short order they put an end to the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was won on street corners and college campuses. Huntington was a quiet college town but I can well remember the riots and molotov cocktails being thrown. There have been several generations that passed by quietly since without any significant political participation. The conservatives have done nothing but take from the middle class for the last four decades but they may have finally awakened a sleep giant. If this generation decides to take on the conservative’s values they can become the moral conscious of America once again. The students at Notre Dame saw something that was wrong and decided to do something about it. Let’s hope it catches on.

Some people make the world a better place by living; others make this a better place by dying. The passing of Roger Ailes made America a better place. Ailes poisoned millions of minds with his politics of envy. It will take generations to undo the damage he did but the students of Notre Dame were also protesting the policies that Ailes had carefully nurtured for years. The longest journey starts with a first step. The youth of America have been a silent for too long.
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Reply Mon 22 May, 2017 09:59 pm
We live in a post factual age where facts have become subordinate to political ideology. Where part of the country is able to disregard even the most outrageous behavior in support of political ideology. When political ideology becomes the lens that people use to view reality America is in trouble. The ability of people on the right or the left to look at their own leaders and ascertain the facts is probably the most important quality necessary for our democracy to survive. When the right can chant lock her up because Hillary used a private e-mail server that might have endangered classified information but turn a blind eye to Trump giving top secret information from another government to the Russians it shows that reality has become subordinate to political idology. If top-secret information was the issue than Trump’s violation was many times worse.

Political ideology now not only shapes reality it is used to define what reality actually is. If we can’t agree on a consensus reality we will have trouble down the road. If we can look at inauguration crowds and declare that less is more it becomes easier to ignore more important facts. If churches can support a sexual predator and say that that it makes no difference when every community in America has passed laws to make those acts criminal violations they do so in violation of the very values they profess. What we are seeing is the triumph of political ideology over religious values. We don’t realize how far down this road we have gone but now in America political ideology is distorting every area of our lives and many don’t realize how profound the effect is.

The contrast between Watergate and Trumpgate is stark when Nixon was being investigated the country was not nearly as divided they simply waited to see what the facts were. In the investigation of Trump there is no waiting to see what the facts are there is just a belief that there are no facts only political ideology. A politician can use political ideology to put any and all facts in doubt.
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Reply Tue 23 May, 2017 08:55 pm
At one time massive armies waged war to take over countries but times and the battlefields have changed. In the evolution of war men fought with clubs and spears, then bow and arrows, crossbows and muskets, to aircraft carriers and nuclear weapons. The weapons of war are constantly evolving but the last and most terrifying change is being ignored by many. A foreign battleship off shore or foreign bombers flying overhead would alarm everybody. But to be real it has to be tangible. The US invested billions in stealth technology so planes could fly undetected by radar.

What if you could wage an invasion that can’t be seen? The new and most terrifying new weapon is information. If you can control information you can gain control of a nation’s politics. Now you don’t have to transport large armies you can launch an invasion from a computer anywhere in the world. You can see the damage when bombs are dropped but the damage caused from misinformation is like a radar operator looking for a stealth bomber it is difficult to see. It is easy to see the damage done by the bombs the stealth bombers dropped on Iraq but their radar didn’t show the planes flying away. Misinformation is far more dangerous as its damage is almost invisible. Misinformation can show up on the Internet and disappear in a few hours doing damage that goes unseen and often denied by those that were influenced by it. Information technology as a weapon is in its infancy. It can drive a wedge into even the best of societies.

We now know for a fact that the Russians launched a major information invasion during the 2016 election but yet no one is willing to quantify the damage. Everyone agrees there was damage but no one has ever been able to put a number to it and say that it changed 6% of the vote or 2% of the vote. The fact that the damage and there was damage cannot be assessed should frighten everyone. This is truly a stealth weapon and we should feel violated. If this just affected one election we might survive the attack but this attack will not end with the last election it will continue.
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Reply Wed 24 May, 2017 08:41 pm
When a criminal suspect decides he need in attorney he is usually right he needs a lawyer for a good reason. Imagine Trump needing a lawyer to protect himself from “fake news.” I wonder if Trump will now openly admit that the Russian Investigation is not “fake news” and that there are going to be real world consequences both for those who cooperated with the Russians in the Trump campaign and those who have tried to cover it up and impede the investigation. Trump may be a businessman but he is in a whole other league now. Trump has been king of his empire all his life and when he said off with their head it was a forgone conclusion but government was designed by the founding fathers for the power to be shared. The founding fathers had seen the gross abuses of kings in other countries and were determined that no one man would ever have that kind of power in America.

Trump by his very nature didn’t understand the structure of our government and this is what has led to the mistakes he has made. In Trump’s business if an employee came to him and told him that he had discovered that one his division heads was selling green cards to foreigners if they bought million dollar condos in one of Trump’s buildings in Florida for the last eight years. Now Trump was well aware of the scam was going on so he just tells the employee to stop the investigation and the employees has no choice if he continues the investigation he will be fired. This is what Trumps know this is what he has done all his life but now the rules have changed and Trump is set in his way. Trump still believes that he could kill somebody in the street and not face any repercussions and said as much during the campaign. Trump believes he is so powerful and popular that he is above the law. In a showdown between Trump and the Constitution my money is on the Constitution. In the end the bigger they think they are the harder they fall.
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Reply Thu 25 May, 2017 09:09 pm
It is called the EB-5 program and if a foreigner invests at least $500,000 in a project he will be granted a green cards for himself and his family. Trump talks about illegal immigration and it is time we look at legal immigration to benefit the rich. There are many newly rich foreigners especially from China who would pay for a green card to become a legal resident of the US. In fact 10,000 foreigners became legal residents of the US that way last year. Times have changed, so much for, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.” Trump is shipping the poor huddled masses back to make way for rich foreigners who are willing to fork over at least $500,000.

The EB-5 program is limited to 10,000 foreigners a year at least till Trump took office it seems his son-in-law has a large shy scraper he is renovating and if the Chinese Government banks don’t loan him enough money this program would let individual investors seeking green cards supply the needed money. If the government wants to sell green cards why not put the money in the US Treasury instead of the hands of the ungodly greedy? A green card normally takes several years for a foreigner to get a green card but under the EB-5 program the time is reduced to 22 to 26 months. This program is a windfall for Trump and family. Trump son-in-law, Jarred Kushner, raised $50 million that way. Trump was not expected to change the program but I look for a huge expansion after all why stop at a few hundred million when you could take in billions?
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Reply Sun 28 May, 2017 09:18 pm
They always tell you not to hire family and that is why most companies have policies against nepotism. Of course Trump sees no problem with nepotism and hired both his daughter and son-in-law. Now Trump is about to find out why there are policies against nepotism. Trump son-in-law, Jared Kushner, first impulse trends towards treason. Why would an incoming administration need a secret channel of communication with the Russians? Because they needed to hide something and that they trusted the Russian government far more than our government.

Much was made about Trump being a businessman during the run up to the election and as a businessman he would be far more qualified then anyone who had made government their life’s work. This would similar to say the janitor in the hospital is far more qualified to do brain surgery than a doctor. Trump coming in as a businessman meant he had no government experience and had no idea that every time his administration met with the Russians that it was being monitored by the FBI and the CIA as all communications with the Russians are routinely monitored. By the time somebody made Trump aware that their communications with Russians had been intercepted it was to late. But Kushner’s request to use the Russian communication equipment completely shocked the Russian Ambassador. Kushner’s objective was to make sure that the United States government would not have access to the deals Trump was trying to make with Russia.

People with money do not worry about breaking laws they have a staff of lawyers with connections to take care of those problems so when they break more laws they already have an attitude and having lots of money doesn’t hurt. Both Kushner and Trump came into government with the full expectation of being able to break laws and as far as Trump is concerned he is above all the laws of the land and his remark that he could kill someone in the middle of Main Street and not lose any of his support demonstrate his attitude. Just one example is where Trump was sued for having sex with a thirteen-year-old girl at one of these sex parties that the rich have with underage girls. The host of the party was convicted but Trump’s lawyers got him
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Reply Mon 29 May, 2017 08:55 pm
Will the real fake news please stand up please? It looks like Fox News has decided to stand up and start with what Kelly Conway calls alternative facts. Fox News version of Jared Kushner trying to set up a secret channel of communication with the Russians was that it in fact wasn’t Kushner who wanted to set up a back channel of communication with the Russians it was the Russians who wanted to establish the secret channel of communication. Fox can state this knowing that transcript exist of the Russian Ambassador conversation with Russian government. The Russian Ambassador had no reason to lie to his home base. But Fox will insist to their dying day that Kushner is not guilty.

“Fake News” it seems like the biggest source of fake news is not the news media it is the Whitehouse has repeatedly released fake news in hopes of counter the real news. Whether it is the three millions illegal voters or the biggest inaugural crowd in history Trump continues to push fake news. They say the Whitehouse has named three leakers of top-secret information, it should have named Donald Trump, Donald Trump and Donald Trump as we all know that he has been the leaker of the highest level of secret information because he did very publicly with transcript being kept.

Trump is calling up reinforcements and they are researching impeachment. It seems to be foregone conclusion that Trump will now be impeached and war room is being set up. The people that served in the Trump campaign but departed after he took office are being recalled. Can Trump fend off impeachment? Four state congressional delegations have moved for Trump’s impeachment and as to be expected they are being threatened. The mafia has good reason to keep Trump in office so he can return the favors he owes them. I would not be surprised if some of the threats are actually carried out. It is a whole different world with Trump is in charge.
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Reply Tue 30 May, 2017 09:20 pm
Many of the leaks about the Trump administration personnel are not coming from intelligence agencies but from the Whitehouse. There is a power struggle going on between the Kushner faction and the Bannon faction. Each faction is engaged in a fight to the death and whoever loses America wins. This power struggle is reminiscent of Mahiavelli’s tale of two priests dangling from a tower on ropes swing back and forth trying to stab each other with knives. One thing about the information will continue to flow.

After the Whitehouse has all but confirmed that Kushner tried to set up secret line of communication with Russia the President Press Secretary tried a new story today denying that it ever happened. When Spicer was asked, by a Washington Post Reporter, if Trump knew that his son-in-law was trying to set up a secret line of communication with Russia? Spicer replied, “You’re asking if he approves of an action that is not a confirmed action.” Whitehouse representatives on the weekend news shows did not deny that Kushner had tried to set up a secret line of communication they only defended setting up secret lines of communication in general. Now it seems the Whitehouse is changing course. Spicer obviously adopted lawyer speak.

A on line video was done on U-Tube with a man dressed up like Britney Spears crying crocodile tears saying just let Britney alone! My in-laws are singing a slightly different tune “Just let Trump alone!” My sister-in-law works in the medical field and sees nothing wrong with Trump cutting $800 million in Medicaid. She believes Medicaid is only for the poor but a good portion of those who worked all their lives end up on Medicaid. If you live long enough you will likely have to depend on Medicaid for your care. Medicare only pays for a few relative few days in a nursing home and your assets are consumed quickly at over a $100,00 a year for care. At that point you will dependent on Medicaid for even your daily bread. There is no such thing as a free lunch so when $800 million is cut from Medicaid you will pay me now or pay me later. In California one of the solutions for Medicaid being under funded was to make the children of a nursing home occupant responsible for their parents care so now the nursing home could take all the assets of the parents and all the assets of the children. No word whether they could take all the assets of the grandchildren an X-box or a bike might bring a few dollars. The Republicans can take the money to pay for medical care away but they can’t eliminate the costs. The nursing homes will be busting at the seams in about ten years as the baby boomers go to nursing homes in unprecedented numbers. This generation better realize that Medicare does not pay for long time care only Medicaid.
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Reply Wed 31 May, 2017 09:24 pm
“The Trump administration is moving toward handing back to Russians two diplomatic compounds, near New York and on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, from which its official were ejected in late December as punishment for Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.” The compounds have long been known to be Russian spy bases as far back the Reagan administration. Why would Trump even consider letting the Russian reestablish spy bases? Does Trump think that closing the spy compounds for a few months is sufficient punishment for the Russian interfering in our election? Or is Trump in the Russian’s pocket? From the very beginning Trump has said he would cancel any punishment that Obama put in place and Trump also intends to put an end to the sanctions put in place after the Russians invaded the Ukraine and annexed the Crimea.

It seems that the Russians are recalling their Ambassador Sergey Kislyak who is widely believed to not only be a spy but responsible for running a Russian spy network in America. That brings us to Attorney General Jeff Sessions it seems like Sessions might have had additional meeting with Kislyak that he didn’t disclose. So what we have is a number of Trump administration employees and Trump campaign officials meeting with a Russian spymaster and when they are questioned they always seem to forget about the meetings. Then Trump continues to pick fights with America’s allies while at the same time heaping praise on the Russians. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck chances are it is a duck.

Russia already has far more spies in America then any other country why would we let them place more spies in America? Haven’t the Russians done enough damage? I would not be surprised if Trump didn’t propose a bill making Russian the official language of America after all if we all spoke the same language wouldn’t it make for better relations?

Trump is floating a trial balloon, returning the Russian compounds, if there is a public outcry he has room to back out but if there is not the Russians spies are back in business.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2017 08:58 pm
The radical right has been consolidating power using the politics of envy for the last thirty years and despite their campaign rhetoric their real agenda is simple, to put even more money into the hands of the ungodly greedy. More money for the rich is the driving force behind both the $800 billion cut to Medicaid and the repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act. The $800 billion cuts to Medicaid are especially troubling. If you ask most people they would never imagine how fast they could end up on Medicaid. One of my wife’s best friends from high school had a major stroke at age 40. She was unable to care for herself and was put in nursing home. She had worked all of her life but she had no chance of paying for expensive nursing home care.

In 2012 nursing home care cost $90,500 a year and my wife’s friend is nearing 20 years in a nursing home and the cost is now approaching $2 million by now. It easy to adopt the conservative mantra that good things happen to good people and bad things only happen to bad people but trouble is that is just a fairy tale but when psychological test are administered most people believe the old wives tale that this is a “just world.”

I recently found out just how fast your life can change. Some tests run after visit to the emergency room uncovered a significantly blocked artery to my brain. My family was worried that it could cause a stroke and already they knew it would be impossible to care for me at home if I had a major stroke, my wife has a bad back and could not possible lift on me. The only plausible alternative would of course be a nursing home. At $90,500 a year my assets would be quickly exhausted leaving my wife homeless. Medicare will not pay for long term care so Medicaid would be needed to pay for my care. If Trump destroys Medicaid, like he is planning, the nursing homes cannot stay in business. Everybody is looking for a free lunch but the facts of life dictate somebody has to pay.
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Reply Fri 2 Jun, 2017 09:16 pm
The politics of envy has been very effective the last thirty years. They say they can’t tell you what to think but they can tell you how to think. The right was able to disseminate templates that were more effective than their political philosophy. You need only watch Judge Judy to see the envy template at work. My wife likes Judge Judy and records it so it is hard for me to escape watching it. If you watch Judge Judy you know she has an attitude about anyone on welfare, unemployment or disability. When she asks someone in her court whether they are working if they tell her that they are on disability she will tell them that she is the one paying them. It true Judge Judy makes a lot of money and no doubt pays a lot of taxes but she does not pay all the social security disability, welfare, or unemployment there are 100s of millions of Americans who also pay the taxes that provide those programs. Judge Judy despite her huge income would only pay a tiny percentage of those who appear in front of her unemployment, disability, or welfare in fact it might be only realistically in the order .00001% but that is not what is important what important is that Judge Judy believes she is paying them.

At one time it was the poor who envied the rich but the template is so effective it is now the ungodly greedy who envy what the poor have. After WWII the rich were taxed at 93% and but now are taxed at 39.6%. In the 60s you did not hear the complaints about the taxes on the rich. But the Judge Judy template is being used to come after Medicaid, the Affordable Health Care Act, social security, pensions, unemployment, disability and welfare. The politics of envy’s technique is to divide and conquer. If each class resents the other it will be easy to destroy what we have built over the last century.

I hope somebody does the actual math to see what Judge Judy actual contribution to someone who appears in her court and let them know. When Judge Judy starts bitching they could say here is the two cents you taxes contributed to my disability please take it back and stop your bitching.
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Reply Sat 3 Jun, 2017 09:28 pm
They say figures don’t lie but liars do figure and nowhere is that so evident then in the Federal budget. If the federal budget is a lie, and it is, it can be used to justify the politics of envy and even fool Judge Judy. The most striking thing you see when you look at a pie chart of the federal budget is that social security takes 24.1% of the federal budget but social security should have never been part of the federal budget. Social security is fully funded by contributions from employees and employers and does not take one dime from the federal budget. In fact the government has been the beneficiary of a huge windfall as those who had paid into social security have paid in an extra $2.79 trillion that was used by the government to fund three rounds of tax cuts for the super wealthy and we are now looking at a forth. Social Security is simply a pass through program where the government writes the checks. If this 24.1% were removed from the pie chart at least the government would be honest about what is spent and the true percentages of the federal budget.

If you take the 24.1% social security out of the pie chart the percentages of everything else would go up. Defense spending percentage would go up as well as the percentage for other sectors. People on social security disability are treated like those on welfare by people like Judge Judy. I will never forget going into an auto parts store with my dad after shortly after he had to retire with a bad heart. He wrote a check and was asked where he worked and he had to tell them he was on social security. Judge Judy pays social security on only a $127,200 of the $47 million she makes a year. That amounts to $9,285and that is .00019% of her huge income.

But the accounting of social security by the government lets bigots like Judge Judy think they are paying millions into social security and harass people who may or may not have a legitimate claim. Social security should never be considered as being paid by the government it is those who have paid into it who funded and even paid an extra $2.79 trillion. If the $2.79 trillion trust fund is ever exhausted and the government has to kick in a few million then that should show as an expense of the federal government. I don’t know when the current accounting method of social security was adopted but it distorts reality and affects the political landscape.
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Reply Sun 4 Jun, 2017 09:12 pm
Trump claims to be a deal maker and he made a $350 billion dollar deal with the Saudis. Trump sold the Saudis $350 billion of our most high tech weapons over 10 years. Trump may have forgotten that nine of the eleven terrorists that attacked the United States on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia not from Iraq or Afghanistan. The ideology that spawned the terrorist attack on 9/11 is still rife in Saudi Arabia today is selling them weapons that one day may be turned on us a good idea? Businessmen will do anything for a profit and no doubt the defense contractors will make billions in profit on this deal.

Saudi Arabia is our friend as long at the King stays in place if he is overthrown we will have to confront a completely different Saudi Arabia. Even the attitude of the royal family of Saudi Arabia is changing to reflect the country views.

“The Saudi, princes Ream al-Fasial, granddaughter of the late King Fasial, recently delivered a particularly scathing attack: “How dare the Americans look the rest of the world in the face…It is time for the American Nation to acknowledge its crimes and apologize and ask for forgiveness for the many people it has harmed…. The US should leave Iraq after apologizing for over a million dead after an unlawful embargo and colonial war which at best is a farce and at worst a crime.”

From a book entitled “Day of Empire: How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance – and Why They Fail” by Amy Chua.

It seems that the upcoming generations of the Saudi Royal family may view America quite differently. In the throws of greed it is easy to think the Saudis will always be our friends but the hate in Saudi Arabia that spawned the 9/11 terrorists is fermenting.
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