Hawkeye said:
But no, you just go on and on with this big lie that domestic violence is cause by men and that the women get the worst of it. It is a damn shame that feminists have gotten away with this willful distortion of the facts in pursuit of their political agenda for so long, but now that the mens rights groups are rising maybe we can do something about that. And I think it is time to call out that feminists have proven themselves to be cold heartless lying bitches as well, with absolutely no interest in honesty nor in the wellbeing of men.
My, my, that earlier post of yours certainly did sound as though you thought there was a very real problem with domestic violence directed toward men by their female partners. And those darned "feminists" were "cold heartless lying bitches...with absolutely no interest in the wellbeing of men".
But, abject liar that you are, Hawkeye, it now turns out that this terrible "domestic violence" that affects "the wellbeing of men" is....(drumroll)....nothing more serious than the emotional strain of living with a bitchy woman. Awww...those cold, heartless, feminist bitches don't realize how difficult that is for a man...sniff...sniff...pass the tissues...
Quote:With men all this changes, female generated abuse tends to be verbal and emotional, and men tend to not consider that abuse but rather her being a bitch...it is about her being defective but not about her doing something to him for which he has a right to object to...This business about men dont speak up about abuse because of custom or shame is bullshit...more often then not men dont speak up because they dont think that they have anything to speak up about. Women are naturally bitches a lot of the time, it comes with the territory
It's nice to know that you don't think men are really being victimized, or physically harmed, by actual domestic violence. They simply have to put up with some bitchiness, and that's no big deal because all "women are naturally bitches a lot of the time".
Well, then domestic violence really is a "woman's issue" isn't it? Women put up with a lot more than their partner's bad moods or verbal abuse--like smashed noses, broken bones, black eyes, knocked out teeth, miscarriages from beatings, brain damage from head trauma, and, sometimes, even their premature deaths. Guess that's why those "feminists" have to make such a stink about it, and call for more shelters for battered women and better supportive services for those trying to get out of violent and abusive relationships, because women are actually being battered, and sometimes killed, by their partners. Women, and not just feminists, do take the issue of domestic violence quite seriously.
You never disappoint, Hawkeye. You always manage to prove what an asshole you are. And a rather boring asshole to boot. I've wasted enough time with you.