Words fail to describe the stupidity of your constant attacks on the USA . You seem to think that terrorists are lovely people, victimised by a cruel hateful west . Why dont you do us a favour and go live with them ? You could provide sexual relief for them . God knows you seem a bit tense .
I asked you to provide evidence for your contradiction of the obvious . I am not about proving the sky is blue, if you think it is a baseless assumption prove your case . But you cant . You are just another useless whinging lefty who wants the whole world to do what you want . You are mentally ill, and should seek help at the first opportunity .
Drugs have destroyed your brain . Drugs, old age and the regret that the 60's and the Vietnam War protests have stopped . Cheer up, I am sure your kind and their belligerence can start another war somewhere so you will feel important again .
In the meantime, read up on some old war crimes, but not the big ones like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot....... Enjoy the juice, feel the suffering you can cause, feel the sexual relief from imagining someone hurting, shudder at the power of yourself .....you are one real sick **** .
Your type used to hang out at the Colosseum and the wire at Auschwitz to taunt those about to die . Why dont you admit how fucked in the head you are and get help.....fast !