But the unselfishness of the Japanese and the looters of NO are both a function of what Media has shown you. I doubt it being an accurate picture.
There's only one way to stop looting assuming public execution by crucifixtion is ruled out. It is to decrease the avidity of the desire for material wealth or, at the least, cease encouraging it Tantalus style.
I know that it will put a lot of well paid people out of a job but they could do other things.
Looting is a combination of the avidity and nerve. Doing something about either is a difficult business but I think the decrease in avidity for material wealth, which can't be instinctive because many don't share it, is the easier option. I think!
Maybe the Japanese express their avidity collectively whereas we tend to be more individualistic. Taking a chance like that on nuclear power does express a pretty extreme avidity. After all, this exploding plant they have there took years to build and one assumes that during that long and delicate process there were as many earth tremors and tsunami warnings as there are usually. Which is a lot. They even had poles in the streets with sirens on to sound the tsunami warnings. Even the bricklayers must have seen the spirit level bubble slip-sliding on a daily basis.
That's pretty strong collective avidity in my reckoning.