@Walter Hinteler,
Quote:Your ancestral roots are "British", Ionus?
Chuckle, which means Ionus could be descended from Celts, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, whatever mercenaries the Romans brought over and the backwash of the Empire on which the sun never set.
Good work, Walter.
It is not the fault of the Democrats that for 80% of American workers, wages have stagnated for more than 30 years and that the wealth of the nation has concentrated in the top 1%. But, you will not accept that because there are figures to prove it and you prefer watching the films in played by the projector of your mind.
H2O MAN wrote:
gungasnake wrote:
Then again there's always Bork Obunga's approach to helping those in need...
Quote:"Mind if I play through?".....
Direct hit!
A nuclear crisis in Japan, fighting in Libya, turmoil in the Mideast and the threat of a government shutdown at home...
President Barack Obama abandons all for a foreign trip — to Latin America.
PrezBO is an ASSCLOWN!
I have a real problem with the nuclear industry.
Basically, I have never felt that nuclear power is safe.
On the other hand, in my 30s, preparing to return to the world of work after a three years as a full-time mom, I weighed combining my journalism experience with some business education and some work in energy production and environmental science. I enrolled in a graduate-level certificate program in business with distribution credits in energy production. My goal was to go to work for an environmental engineering firm as publicist. Two spanners were thrown into the works, but that is irrelevant.
What stands out in my mind is the professor who taught the energy production class I took was an enthusiastic, almost militant, supporter of nuclear power. His thesis was that we could do little to lessen the growth of human populations and nothing to curb human avarice, therefore, we needed a way to continue to supply the so-called needs of humans.
I can accept that we might have no other resource. Look at how the right-wing here on this forum scoff at the idea of limiting human reproduction. They take no time to think the matter out.
As for greed, it has grown to an extent we never could have predicted on the back of the middle-class, many of whom are willing participants in their own downfall and many of whom are just waking up to what has been happening during the last 30 years in terms of the concentration of wealth.
When my kids were in late elementary school, they enjoyed a science fiction series, The White Mountains Trilogy. While the premise of the books -- an alien race conquered humanity by taking it back to the Middle Ages through mind-control -- may not seem immediately relevant, a post-industrial society will be, essentially, a Medieval society. The biggest problem is that the human population will exceed that of the Middle Ages.
I received a petition from a left-wing organization this morning that would be presented to President Obama, requesting a curtailment of the nuclear industry. I did not sign it.
We are going to need several types of alternate (to fossil fuels, that is) power and a sharply reduced human population. I have written many times both here and on abuzz that the planet is beyond its carrying capacity as far as the human race is concerned and have been pilloried by the right.
The Japanese used technology to protect them from earthquakes. I have read and heard that without the work they did in the two decades since the last large quake to afflict their land, that the effects of this one would have been much worse.
The Japanese have not resorted to draconian measures to reduce their population, but, I heard during the 1990s, that they can no longer produce sufficient rice to feed their people and have imported rice from America.
They have also developed their nuclear industry, although the plant that is endangered pre-dates their efforts to protect themselves from earthquakes.
I feel they deserve credit for their industry and dedication in solving some of their problems and not the ignorant condemnation of glenn beck and rush limbaugh who call up a certain Biblical passage about the end of days and false prophets.
However, I think to attempt to solve energy and food supply problems without a parallel limiting of human population is wrong.
There are two basic problems with current reactors: one is dated technology and the other is building the things on a superhuman scale so that if/when anything ever goes wrong, people feel overwhelmed and nobody really knows what to do. Our navy has never had the first problem with its ship reactors and size and scale are a major factor.
As to technology, there is a wonderful new option sitting there which would be totally safe, vastly less expensive and vastly more efficient than present reactors and that would be flouride/thorium reactors:
Thorium reactors would not even have the cooling requirements of current reactors and thus would not need to be at or near sea level; they could be located high enough to be impervious to any sort of tidal waves. Thorium is also worthless for making bombs which is why nobody was interested in it in the 50s or 60s.
i think more shoddy and failure prone nuclear power plants are the answer to this planets problem, namely us
@Walter Hinteler,
Quote:Your ancestral roots are "British", Ionus?
Your ancestral roots are "German", Walter ?
You are showing a classic problem with the USA and why there would be looting there . Ever read any USA political thread on this forum ? These things divide society and create a sense of us versus them that comes to the fore in any disaster .
Quote:the Aine people of Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan
They are more closely related to Melanesian populations and the Japanese have tried to wipe them out .
Lets hear all the complex reasons why you eat and **** . Some things are simple . If you cant break things down to their raw single cause then keep looking .
No. Mainly Germanic (Saxons [Westphalians] and Franks) and French (Huguenots).
The family name is Saxon origin,
So if anyone talks about racism they must be a racist ? What if I talk about dogs ? You always manage to make a fool of yourself, dont you ?
Quote:Basically, I have never felt that nuclear power is safe.
Another example of communist brain washing left over from the Cold War .
Ionus wrote:
Quote:Basically, I have never felt that nuclear power is safe.
Another example of communist brain washing left over from the Cold War .
Could you explain that?
Perhaps you've been more involved in the Cold War than I was and lived closer to Communist countries than I did, so your knowledge will be better than mine.
@Walter Hinteler,
Quote:Perhaps you've been more involved in the Cold War than I was and lived closer to Communist countries than I did, so your knowledge will be better than mine.
I doubt I have . However you can be so close to the forest all you see is trees . But you would be aware of East German agents bedding secretaries to get information . The nuclear debate in the west was attacked by communists every chance they got through their buddies in the west . The Neutron bomb for example . They also promoted an anti-nuclear power policy in the west .
Ionus wrote: But you would be aware of East German agents bedding secretaries to get information . The nuclear debate in the west was attacked by communists every chance they got through their buddies in the west . The Neutron bomb for example . They also promoted an anti-nuclear power policy in the west .
I really must have missed that.
What I do know, however, is a bit about about the anti-nuclear movement in the GDR, since a pen-friend of my sister was a leading member of that (in the mid-70's).
Here, in the Federal Republic, the anti-nuclear movement only started in 1975, by local farmers and winemakers in the upper Rhine valley.
If we can't stop making babies at the rate we do and can't stop equating "progress" with more and more material possessions and provisions of service then nuclear power is necessary. Not a difficult choice. Necessary. No choice. Choice is an affectation indulged in to preen the ego.
As Bob Dylan said--"We're going all the way till the wheels fall off and burn." (Brownsville Girl).
A version of "Peace will come on the wheels of fire." (The Changing of the Guards).
@Walter Hinteler,
Quote:a bit about about the anti-nuclear movement in the GDR
What better way to make a Finnish West Germany than to hear a German voice extolling the virtue of anti-nuclear policy . It wouldnt have sounded the same in Russian.