This as of yet anonymous woman was trolling for men on the internet. She flirts with a man who happens to be a sitting US Congressman. She decides that she doesn't want him.
So what does she do? She gives his Congressman's name, his messages, and a photo he sent her to the press.
What a jerk this woman is?
Now, I know there will be some who will argue that this woman was justified because this man was lying, as if she should be surprised that people she is hooking up with on Craigslist might tell a lie. Is this a reason to destroy a career and bring public humiliation?
What is really unfair is that this woman remains anonymous. After she violated this man's privacy for no reason other than spite, she is getting away scot free. Are we to believe that nothing she said was a lie? Well because people apparently respect her privacy, we will never know.
I can't imagine doing this to anyone.