Fri 7 Jan, 2022 04:54 pm - To answer the question of the thread again.
- Not everything that is "true" is science. There are many important questions about love, and beauty and identity and morality that can not... (view)
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 04:35 pm - [b]Science is based on experiments and scientific facts are objectively testable.[/b]
Does anyone accept this basic statement? If we don't agree on this, then the word "science"... (view)
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 04:31 pm - Galileo was a scientist. He was one of the fathers of Physics and a pivotal figure in the scientific method.
When Galileo stood before the philosophers, he came armed with experimental data. He... (view)
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 03:51 pm - [quote="TheCobbler"]
A skin cell is different from a brain cell but they are both still cells.
Quite true. And, I can explain an experiment that will allow you to tell which... (view)
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 01:16 pm - That is basically the problem with this whole silly thread, it is a fundamental contradiction.
It decries the "us vs them" paranoid mentality as it is accusing "them" of... (view)
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 01:14 pm - This is ridiculous on the face of it.
He is spreading fear and panic of people who are spreading fear and panic. He is making a conspiracy theory that involves conspiracy theories.
Any sane... (view)
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 01:04 pm - I have used this example... but it fits here too.
The narrative of [u]White Privilege[/u] is a valid narrative. It says that White People are treated better and given respect more than Black... (view)
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 10:53 am - The political left is discounting points of view because of who is speaking rather than what is being said. An example is when someone yells "White Supremacist" in a discussion about... (view)
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 10:50 am - Judging the intent of the speaker has several problems.
1) Your judgement is subjective. You are making a judgement about what is going on in someone else's mind.
2) Your judgment is... (view)
Fri 7 Jan, 2022 09:39 am - [quote="bobsal u1553115"]
Blather and balderdash.
The big secret is: if we were really wanted you gone, we could make it happen easily enough: ignore you.
You don't pay... (view)