@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:Trusting is not stupid.
If we didn't trust we'd never make it through a single day. Well, I couldn't anyway.
Understood; sometimes, it is inevitable, e.g., yesterday, I called Windows,
whose technician took control of my computer and cleaned off viruses n trojan worms.
That proved to be a good and successful effort,
but trusting is a bad business and it shoud be kept to a minimum.
This lesson has served me well since age 11, when, against my better judgment,
I left my property exposed to theft by some other kids.
Thay tawt me: "never trust anyone with more than u r willing to lose."
On Monday, I 'm going to Florida, where I will see a woman who
was married in very recent years. She put her financial resources
into the discretion of her new husband, who stole millions of dollars from her.
He plundered her accounts. She now laments that: "he married me for my money."
A word to the wise is sufficient.