This is becoming amusing in a bizarre sort of way.
Miranda's new name in my wryer moments is Lady Lazarpuss.
She has now officially survived two execution dates.
She looked a bit miserable on Saturday, and on Sunday was not as affectionate and responsive as usual. Given her ability to look and act like a kitten until upon death's very precipice, I assumed this meant she felt pretty awful, and I made THE appointment for 5.00 pm Monday.
I rushed home from work to take her up....and she didn't respond when I called her. I half thought she might lying in my bed, dead...but when I raised the covers and found her, damn her if she wasn't her smoochy happy self!!!
I took her to vet's anyway, because she clearly needed saline drip if not the final needle.
As I came into vet's office, staff commented on how lively she was.
This, I thought, is ridiculous.
Vet and I looked at each other like stunned mullets, and we decided to treat her again....I picked her up last night.