It is not my part--or yours--to presume on the relationship. If he feels that her objections are onerous, then he is free to leave the relationship. Whether or not one feels that the demands of one's partner are oppressive, if one wishes to stay in the relationship, one either accomodates the demands of one's partner, or one negotiates a compromise. That has nothing to do with one "side" of a story or the other.
I think you understand that this goes both ways. If she feels his habits (be they strip clubs or anything else) are onerous, then she is free to leave the relationship. Relationships are agreements. Both sides need to figure out what they will accept, and what they won't.
The reason that I think this thread is odd is this. If I were to have any advice for people a relationship, I would tell the woman that if
she valued the relationship,
she may have to accept things about the behavior of her partner that are hard to accept. Then I would tell the
man that
he might have to accept things that he might not naturally like.
You are telling the woman that her boyfriend might have to accept her "demands" if he values the relationship. Seeing as the boyfriend is not part of this discussion, this seems a little backwards. That's all.
If each person is looking out for their own interest and thinking about how the other person needs to change rather then thinking about how they can change themselves, it doesn't make for the best relationship.