House of Reps. member Giffords shot in Arizona today

Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 03:30 am

Earth calling, Dave, come in Dave Smile

What's the weather like in cuckoo cuckoo land.

So you're saying she didn't say it, if true , that's
actually good to hear.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 04:24 am
During his campaign effort to unseat Giffords in November, Republican challenger Jesse Kelly held fundraisers where he urged supporters to help remove Giffords from office by joining him to shoot a fully loaded M-16 rifle. Kelly is a former Marine who served in Iraq and was pictured on his website in military gear holding his automatic weapon and promoting the event.

"I don't see the connection," between the fundraisers featuring weapons and Saturday's shooting, said John Ellinwood, Kelly's spokesman. "I don't know this person, we cannot find any records that he was associated with the campaign in any way. I just don't see the connection.

"Arizona is a state where people are firearms owners — this was just a deranged individual."

Law enforcement officials said members of Congress reported 42 cases of threats or violence in the first three months of 2010, nearly three times the 15 cases reported during the same period a year earlier. Nearly all dealt with the health care bill, and Giffords was among the targets.
IRFRANK wrote:
I've been reading and thinking and fighting the urge to put up an angry post myself. That this deranged person could cause such suffering and death is beyond reason.
OBVIOUSLY, it is beyond reason; the guy is nuts.

IRFRANK wrote:
And to have people come on here and and try to say it has nothing to do with gun control or political rhetoric, simply too much to take.
We did not ask u to take anything.

IRFRANK wrote:
I don't want you to loose your hunting rifles or bows and arrows, or even target pistols.
That 's BIG of u.

IRFRANK wrote:
But why does the general population need to have access to semi-automatic weapons?
I prefer revolvers, but its a matter of personal taste.
The Army, Marines, FBI and many police forces
prefer automatics; not me.
It is not a question of "needs"; it is a question of personal RIGHTS.
It is a Bill of Rights, not a bill of "needs".

IRFRANK wrote:
Who are you protecting yourself against?
Any predatory man or beast;
(I 've been attacked by both).

IRFRANK wrote:
And when your fellow gun owners use these weapons to kill innocent 9 year old girls,

please accept some responsibility.
Please go to hell; are u trying to prove that u are an idiot ??

IRFRANK wrote:
There is a price to having these weapons so readily available.
OF COURSE; the goal is to force predators to PAY that price.
Defensive weaponry is emergency equipment
whose use is very time-sensitive; a matter of life n death.

IRFRANK wrote:
If you can't see that or admit it, it is because of selective blindness or pure ignorance.
Such are your sick, leftist fantasies.

IRFRANK wrote:
And the guy can't see the connection between him, wink-wink, having a bit of target practice during a political campaign and someone actually shooting an opponent, well, I don't think I want this asshole representing me.
U lose.

IRFRANK wrote:
Honest discourse is a necessary part of democracy. I think the honesty has gotten lost in this debate. Anger rules the day. It has with me. I am angry about these innocent people dying.

David, save your creative CAPS responses for someone who cares what you have to say.
Frank, go throw your head in the garbage,
and LEAVE it down there until I decide to begin taking orders from YOU.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 06:38 am
BillW wrote:

The 33 round Glock magazine is not extended

From advertisement:

This magazine extends below the bottom of the pistol grip

Nice try dumb ass, but you're wrong. The mag does hang below the grip, but it is not an extended mag.

The 33 round Glock magazine is not extended - it comes that way from the factory.
A mag extension is an aftermarket modification that increases the magazines capacity above and beyond factory specs.

The Muslim terrorists that shot 43 people, killing 13 at Ft. Hood used pistol magazines that had been extended.
Side note: Hasan bought a laser-equipped semiautomatic handgun and repeatedly visited a firing range, where he honed his skills by shooting at the heads on silhouette targets before he attacked.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 07:13 am
BillW wrote:

I don't give a damn about gun lingo

Then why are you hell bent on talking about gun lingo?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 07:29 am
The main response to this weekends attack should be to reevaluate security needs at these events/all events.

This was a security failure.

Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 07:53 am
Loughner, apparently had a run in with her in 2007 where he asked her a bizarre question and she really didn't answer it. Later she sent a staff letter thanking him for attending the event. It was found in Loughner's safe.

note reveals aim to assassinate Gabrielle Giffords

The existence of the note is revealed in court papers filed after Loughner, 22, was charged on Sunday with murder and attempted assassination. The FBI document says that on an envelope Loughner wrote "I planned ahead", "My assassination" and "Giffords". He then signed the note.

The envelope was kept in a safe at Loughner's home alongside a letter from Giffords in 2007 thanking him for attending an earlier open air constituency meeting of the kind he attacked on Saturday.

The papers also reveal that Loughner bought the semi-automatic Glock pistol six weeks ago.

Giffords, 40, is in a critical condition after being shot in the head at close range. Loughner is expected to appear in court later today as the FBI continues to try to establish a motive for the attack.

The FBI director, Robert Mueller, who travelled to Tucson, Arizona, to take charge of the investigation, said that one focus of the inquiry is whether far-right organisations and websites played a role.

"The ubiquitous nature of the internet means that not only threats, but hate speech and other inciteful speech is much more readily available to individuals than quite clearly it was eight or 10 or 15 years ago," he said.

Investigators are exploring suspected links between Loughner and an online publication known for its strongly anti-immigrant stance, American Renaissance. It has denied any links to the accused killer.

The Southern Poverty Law Centre, one of America's leading trackers of hate crimes, said there are signs in some of Loughner's writings of far-right influence. Mark Potok, the director of research on hate groups at the centre, drew attention to Loughner's online ramblings that reject the US currency.

"At one point, Loughner refers disparagingly to 'currency that's not backed by gold or silver'. The idea that silver and gold are the only 'constitutional' money is widespread in the anti-government 'Patriot' movement that produced so much violence in the 1990s," he said.

Potok said the Patriot movement believes that paper money issued by the government is not legal tender. He said there were also clues to Loughner's thinking in his internet postings in which he accused the government of "mind control on the people by controlling grammar".

Potok said that fits with the theory of a Patriot conspiracy theorist who claims that the government uses grammar to "enslave" Americans.

On Loughner's first encounter with Giffords, at a constituency event in 2007, he is reported to have asked her: "How do you know words mean anything?"

A former friend told the Wall Street Journal that he became "aggravated" when Giffords responded in Spanish before moving on with the meeting.

Other organisations monitoring extremist groups have noted that Loughner spoke despairingly of a "second American constitution", a reference used by some extreme rightwingers to post-civil war constitutional amendments that ended slavery and gave former slaves citizenship.

"One thing that seems clear is that Giffords, who was terribly wounded but survived, was the nearest and most obvious representative of 'the government' that Loughner could find. Another is that he likely absorbed some of his anger from the vitriolic political atmosphere in the United States in general and Arizona in particular," said Potok.

Acquaintances of Loughner have related hearing him rant about issues such as the national currency and language control.

Lynda Sorenson, 52, who attended a community college algebra class with Loughner last year, wrote emails to friends describing him causing disruption and expressing fears that he might be dangerous.

"We do have one student in the class who was disruptive today, I'm not certain yet if he was on drugs (as one person surmised) or disturbed. He scares me a bit. The teacher tried to throw him out and he refused to go, so I talked to the teacher afterward. Hopefully he will be out of class very soon, and not come back with an automatic weapon," Sorenson wrote on 1 June.

A fortnight later, Sorenson said of Loughner: "We have a mentally unstable person in the class that scares the living crap out of me. He is one of those whose picture you see on the news, after he has come into class with an automatic weapon. Everyone interviewed would say, 'Yeah, he was in my math class and he was really weird.' I sit by the door with my purse handy. If you see it on the news one night, know that I got out fast …"

Loughner was later asked to leave the class.

Giffords's doctors say her chances of survival are good but have not said how complete her recovery will be. One of her surgeons, Dr Peter Rhee, has experience as a military doctor in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"I never thought I would experience something like this in my own backyard," he said.
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 07:59 am
Thanks for posting that, Boss . . . that's very interesting.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:08 am
revelette wrote:

The FBI director, Robert Mueller, who travelled to Tucson, Arizona, to take charge of the investigation, said that one focus of the inquiry is whether far-right organisations and websites played a role.

Far-left or far-right matters little, the red flags that were popping up all around this extreme nut case were missed-ignored.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:14 am
H2O MAN wrote:
The main response to this weekends attack should be to reevaluate security needs
at these events/all events.

This was a security failure.
Yes; I predict a statutory change whereby the SS will begin
to defend members of Congress as it does the president.

Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:31 am

note reveals aim to assassinate Gabrielle Giffords

The FBI director, Robert Mueller, who travelled to Tucson, Arizona, to take charge of the investigation, said that one focus of the inquiry is whether far-right organisations and websites played a role.

"The ubiquitous nature of the internet means that not only threats, but hate speech and other inciteful speech is much more readily available to individuals than quite clearly it was eight or 10 or 15 years ago," he said.
David Berkowitz said that he was moven to kill
by hearing Sam's Dog tell him to do so.
I guess that was hateful enuf for him.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:37 am
eurocelticyankee wrote:

I know there has been a climate of fear in America,
especially over the last year or so and in connection
with the health reforms.
Some have been inciting anger, hatred & bigotry with
their rhetoric. It's been sad & troublesome to watch.
But I read this morning that a certain Mrs Palin had
said & I quote
"Common-sense conservatives and lovers
of America, don't retreat...instead reload".

Please tell me she didn't say this, surely not. Any intelligent
person should know that this kind of statement could incite a
more volatile or unbalanced person to violence.
Even Mrs Palin must know this.?
Palin is a mouthpiece... She doesn't have the brains of a set of dentures... She said her piece, expressing the very real anger of the people... Now what are they going to do about it???

I mean, if the house did not limit their members, but sought real representation, then it is possible people could be sent as representatives having nearly a hundred percent of the support and votes of those who sent them... When too few try to represent to many, and as a matter of political survival divide districts in order to deny reprentation repeadly to people of the party of their choice, such frustration with government and bad government are inevitable... The district I like in could easily have two representatives, so split every district and send twice as many, or better yet, what the constitution calls for, not more than one for every thirty K... I don't care what my neighbor thinks... If he has his reprentative and I have mine, then issues can be settled in govenment and neighbor can quit hating neighbor... This is a choice the house of reps has made, and one they have the power to fix... They have decided to make enemies of the people, to divide rather than unite us, to push the fight into every back yard in America rather than fighting things out for good and all there... What ever terrible thing happens they deserve... They are only reaping what they sow... What they really deserve is revolution... Painless and simple revolution... As it is, what ever the party, not one is better than another...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:38 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

eurocelticyankee wrote:
I know there has been a climate of fear in America,
especially over the last year or so and in connection
with the health reforms.
I 've been here and I have not seen any such thing.
What u "know" is inconsistent with fact.

eurocelticyankee wrote:
Some have been inciting anger, hatred & bigotry with
their rhetoric. It's been sad & troublesome to watch.
But I read this morning that a certain Mrs Palin had
said & I quote
"Common-sense conservatives and lovers
of America, don't retreat...instead reload".

Please tell me she didn't say this, surely not. Any intelligent
person should know that this kind of statement could incite a
more volatile or unbalanced person to violence.

Even Mrs Palin must know this.?
Nonsense; this is merely in your mind.

Even the ten commandments and Jesus recognized that in the mind is where sin, and there fore crime first happens... Your defense is no defense...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:45 am
H2O MAN wrote:

The main response to this weekends attack should be to reevaluate security needs at these events/all events.

This was a security failure.

When the government divides and frustrates the needs of the people and feeds their animosity toward each other as the price of the power and privilage they enjoy, it is not a security failure, but a moral failure...

When the house limited their number contrary to the spirit of the constitution, they did so seeking more personal power, and also wanted to make of the house a seller's market, to raise their price by controlling the supply... They weakened the house, and weakened the most democratic arm of the government... It was a party affair, and it did make the parties more powerful at the expense of the people...

They have made this problem and fed the hatred of the people... Will they now limit our freedom more terribly than they have so they can walk unafraid??? How can we walk unafraid??? How can we face the future unafraid??? They have led us into ruin and they want no consequences... Good luck with that..
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:52 am
Fido wrote:

H2O MAN wrote:

The main response to this weekends attack should be to reevaluate security needs at these events/all events.

This was a security failure.

They have made this problem and fed the hatred of the people... Will they now limit our freedom more terribly than they have so they can walk unafraid??? How can we walk unafraid??? How can we face the future unafraid??? They have led us into ruin and they want no consequences... Good luck with that..

Don't forget that we are a country at war... better security should have been mandatory for this reason alone.

The people need to be more aware of their surroundings... plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:57 am
That 's a very good point, Waterman!
Maybe next time it will be a suicidal Moslem.
Thay have enuf of them over there
and we know that we have disloyal Moslems here too.
Thay have ALREADY tried to blow things up
and thay succeeded on 9/11/1.

Joe Nation
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:58 am
The main response should be more guns?! Not a reduction in vitriol? Not a coming together against threatening language from the right?
Let's not be coy. The poisonous atmosphere in today's level of discourse comes by far from the right. Ask Representative Michelle Bachman if she still believes her constituents should be "armed and dangerous". ?
Ask Representative Allen West of Arizona if he still believes his followers should "make his opponent be afraid to come out of his own home." ?
Both these people should repudiate their own remarks or by repudiated by their party.
There should be no more tolerance for such talk, it's the talk of gangs on the street, not the talk of rational, thoughtful people.

The main response should most certainly not be more guns.

What is your vision of the kind of country America ought to be?
Full of free people or full of people armed, dangerous and full of fear?

Joe(enough, I say, enough.)Nation
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 08:59 am
Palin's camp backpedals furiously:

Palin Aide: Crosshairs On Target List Not Actually Gun Sights

An aide to Sarah Palin claims the crosshairs depicted in her now-infamous target list of Democrats were not actually gun-sights, and that it's "obscene" and "appalling" to blame Palin for the shooting.

"We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights. It was simply cross-hairs like you'd see on maps," said Rebecca Mansour on the Tammy Bruce radio show. Moreover, there was "nothing irresponsible" about the image....

Of course, this is completely contradicted by something Palin, herself, tweeted back in November:

Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 09:00 am
@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:

Let's not be coy. The piousness atmosphere in today's level of discourse comes by far from the right.

Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 09:01 am
let the eloquent rebuttals begin...

nice post, Joe.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2011 09:01 am
18 out of 20 is great!

Good job Sarahpac!
0 Replies

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