House of Reps. member Giffords shot in Arizona today

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 11:36 am
H2O MAN wrote:

The map indicates to me that SARAHPAC.com did an excellent job of targeting their objectives.

There's already a supporter group on facebook, called "Jared Lee Loughner American Hero" ...
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 11:37 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

What do u think of gun laws in North Carolina ?

I haven't really paid any attention. Squinney was so virulently anti gun that having one in the house was never in question. I am not anti gun and plan to purchase a double barreled shotgun, load it with the biggest shot I can get and saw it down to the legal limit. Should anyone ever break into my house that will be sufficient to unfortunately send them to Jesus without having to be a crack shot.

I consider that all that's necessary. I don't need semi automatics and a plethora of guns, and I certainly don't need to be walking around with them strapped on like some cowboy. I have been coming home at night with cash, sometimes in large amounts, for 30+ years. I've been on the wrong end of an attempted robbery ONCE. I have a huge scar on my chest where they cut me. No guns involved.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 11:38 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

H2O MAN wrote:

The map indicates to me that SARAHPAC.com did an excellent job of targeting their objectives.

There's already a supporter group on facebook, called "Jared Lee Loughner American Hero" ...

I am unfortunately not in the least surprised and I'm sure waterboy will want to join.
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 11:41 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
If he WAS, does that impair MY rights ??
ehBeth wrote:

You rarely miss an opportunity to spin things into a question about you.
When I say "MY" that means ANY.
I 'm defending the rights of any and all citizens
to keep and bear arms in public and private.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 11:51 am
During his campaign effort to unseat Giffords in November, Republican challenger Jesse Kelly held fundraisers where he urged supporters to help remove Giffords from office by joining him to shoot a fully loaded M-16 rifle. Kelly is a former Marine who served in Iraq and was pictured on his website in military gear holding his automatic weapon and promoting the event.

"I don't see the connection," between the fundraisers featuring weapons and Saturday's shooting, said John Ellinwood, Kelly's spokesman. "I don't know this person, we cannot find any records that he was associated with the campaign in any way. I just don't see the connection.

"Arizona is a state where people are firearms owners — this was just a deranged individual."

Law enforcement officials said members of Congress reported 42 cases of threats or violence in the first three months of 2010, nearly three times the 15 cases reported during the same period a year earlier. Nearly all dealt with the health care bill, and Giffords was among the targets.

I've been reading and thinking and fighting the urge to put up an angry post myself. That this deranged person could cause such suffering and death is beyond reason.

And to have people come on here and and try to say it has nothing to do with gun control or political rhetoric, simply too much to take.

I don't want you to loose your hunting rifles or bows and arrows, or even target pistols. But why does the general population need to have access to semi-automatic weapons? Who are you protecting yourself against? And when your fellow gun owners use these weapons to kill innocent 9 year old girls, please accept some responsibility. There is a price to having these weapons so readily available. If you can't see that or admit it, it is because of selective blindness or pure ignorance.

And the guy can't see the connection between him, wink-wink, having a bit of target practice during a political campaign and someone actually shooting an opponent, well, I don't think I want this asshole representing me.

Honest discourse is a necessary part of democracy. I think the honesty has gotten lost in this debate. Anger rules the day. It has with me. I am angry about these innocent people dying.

David, save your creative CAPS responses for someone who cares what you have to say.

Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 11:58 am
Yeh, weve disposed the sadness of this event with picking up sides. Still, being anethsitized to the harm and violence that we do to each other and to propose simplistic solutions like Dave comes up with is equally sad.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:10 pm
Roxanna Green speaks about her daughter.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:10 pm
On top of that, our country spends over #$550 billion a year on "defense," a total that far exceeds all countries defense budgets combined.

Conservatives love to use "fear" in all their rhetoric about "protection" and the "right to arms." They ignore all the violence from those weapons, and yet cry at the top of their lungs about the 3000 killed at the WTC, and demand that all Arab Americans be held accountable.

No common sense or any understanding of the US Constitution.
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:12 pm
Thank you, Frank.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:12 pm
Officials said the gunman used a Glock 19 semiautomatic, 9 mm pistol with an extended clip that held about 30 bullets

Those clips were outlawed for a while. But now any crazy person can buy them again.
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:16 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

H2O MAN wrote:

The map indicates to me that SARAHPAC.com did an excellent job of targeting their objectives.

There's already a supporter group on facebook, called "Jared Lee Loughner American Hero" ...

Why is he your hero?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:17 pm
Putz, the election is over and Conservatives kicked liberal ass!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:19 pm
Not a chance - you liberals can celebrate him if you like, but not me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:26 pm
Very well said, Frank.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:26 pm
Truly horrible tragedy yesterday. I hope Rep. Giffords regains her health and the others who injured as well. Horrible about the deaths.

There may not have been a direct connection between all the "2 amendment solutions" and other such vitriol as we have been exposed to since the tea party came into existence. But words which hint of violence as a political solution matter. When they are said by people who have a credence among a fair sized segment of the population, they really matter. There are a lot of unbalanced people out there who just might take those words and images at face value. Maybe this will have the effect of toning down the violent rhetoric of the tea party folks. Pitiful consolation of those who are injured and/or dead.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:32 pm
Here are the statistics on gun violence in the US from Answer.com:

. Rate per 100K..... 7.07....... 7.35....... 0.59
US Population Homicides Suicides Unintentional
303,000,000 21,422,100 22,270,500 1,787,700
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:41 pm
parados wrote:

Officials said the gunman used a Glock 19 semiautomatic, 9 mm pistol with an extended clip that held about 30 bullets

Those clips were outlawed for a while. But now any crazy person can buy them again.

A little help for those that aren't fully educated about firearms.
It's a magazine - not a clip.

The 33-Round Polymer Glock magazine reportedly used by the
shooter fits 9mm Luger Glock models 17, 18, 19, 26 and 34.
These high capacity mags were sold for a few years, banned and then de-banned.

High capacity mags have been used in handgun shooting sprees before.
Muslim terrorists, Nidal Malik Hasan used a FN Five-Seven pistol with 30
round magazines when he shot 43 people @ Ft. Hood November 5, 2009.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:46 pm
I note today that the executive news editor of NPR wrote a rather lengthy apology and explanation for reporting that Ms Giffords had died. It is probably not a big deal given the state of journalism these days, but I did appreciate it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:49 pm
Not one that would negate the personal responsibility of the one who did the killing...but a "Let's go kill Bob" in a public venue should bring punishment. Do you really think Sarah Palin was trying to get people to kill Democrats?
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2011 12:55 pm
People who drive drunk are acting irresponsibly, and don't set out to kill people, but they often do. People who serve drinks to people in bars who kill other people with their cars can be held criminally responsible. I'm sure that the bartenders never intended that anyone should be killed. In the case of Miss Palin, or the political action committee with her name, you have individuals who will not be held to account for irresponsible actions. Can you really not see that? Are you really so invested in shielding Miss Palin from any and all criticism?

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