@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
The reason I found it sad that you thought there were intellectuals is because you do not see yourself as one, "when you yourself are one in my opinion!
I can agree to a point, because being intellectual in one sense is simply using one's intellect or reasoning power to identify and solve problems, and to accomplish tasks and goals.
Quote:We all seem to be intellectuals in our own field of interest or study, "whether it be football or some kind sick ideological practice!
Maybe, but some people can think they are smarter than they are, to the point of outsmarting themselves. In other words, the simplest answers can often be the best answers.
Quote:There are many others, that you may think are frigid but they are also intellectuals in their own field of expertise!
You are using a term that I am not used to, that being "frigid." Taking it at face value, it would not appear to be very complimentary of anyone to be cold and unfeeling.
Quote:I am sure there are things that you understand more intellectually than I do because it may be what you do for a living or that you have a greater interest in them, "the same may be true for me.
The biggest problem I see is that we have a breakdown in communication!
simple open honesty is the best solution to the problem. If we are open and honest about our beliefs, then we can have an atmosphere of trust. That has been one of my greatest problems with the current president and administration. From the very beginning, I have never found Obama to be an open and honest personality, and therefore not a person I would trust a great deal. I have found this trait in many liberal personalities.
Quote:Not all of us frigid people mean to be frigid we are just acting out emotionally because we know no better way as of yet, "but maybe you can help to break this cycle by not contributing to this cycle as most of us do!
There is nothing wrong with being a simple Okie farmer! Just ask any one that you think is intellectual to explain why there would be!
I am a simple RL farmer I have cattle, hogs, chickens and I grow my own fruits and vegetables as a hobby! Does this make me a unintellectual?
No, not at all, but being a simple farmer does not qualify you as intellectual in the eyes of the intellectual world, such as the academic world. It takes reason and logic to do those things you speak of. Some of the smartest people I know are simple farmers or people in the trades that have no college education. We had a neighbor once that signed his checks with an "X", but he was quite successful as a farmer all of his life, and quite trustworthy as well. He could also balance his checkbook, which is more than our current government is doing.
Quote:Now what I do find very odd are those who have studied way less than you in your field of study speaking in absolutes about your field of study and not thinking that anything you say as important!
Kind of like when one speaks about evolution and their greatest knowledge is in anti evolution because they never studied molecular biology and have no interest in organic chemistry neither!
Perhaps you are correct, however, there are some fields of study that are not necessarily rocket science, if you get my drift. For example, economics boils down to some pretty simple principles. In my own experience, I never studied business in college, but I ran a successful business for more than 25 years. The principles involved are simple, do not spend more than you make, provide good service to your customers, and be honest. Meanwhile, I did business with companies much larger that went bankrupt, those being run by MBA's.