House of Reps. member Giffords shot in Arizona today

Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 02:46 pm
but I believe that the idea of turning American into a completely socialist country is un-American.

Allowing the country to become a nation with little middle class and one with in effect just a very small supper wealthy class and the rest of us is completely un-American and that is the direction we had been headed in for many decades not in the direction of socialism.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 02:56 pm
Anyway, I will remain an Originalist American,
faithful to libertarianism, hedonism, Individualism and laissez faire capitalism

Your knowledge of history is lacking the first bill that passed congress deal with restricting a large amount of our trade to American ships.

The main infrastructures projects from the very beginning of our nation was mainly public/private ones not just private ones.

The control of the railroads tariffs was of major concern with special note of the amount that could be charge for shipping mid-west farms produces to the North.

In other word, we never had laissez faire capitalism in the history of this nation.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 03:17 pm
@reasoning logic,
I guess that I will know how many people are afraid to answer this question by the count of all who did not answer it!

That's a classic rl. If we don't answer you count us on the side of your choice.

It isn't relevant really. What I take okie to be on about is the level of institutional manipulation, by a professional class, of institutions we build for social use and which drift, in the interests of the professional class, towards compulsion. Schools, prisons and asylums are at the deep end. Roads for example are at the shallow end in the sense that people need not use them.

What okie is concerned about, I assume, is the general drift towards professional manipulation in all institutions. Socialism can just as easily mean the drift towards the shallow end. That's what Marx meant by the withering away of the State. The reliance for information on internet sites and mobile phones rather than on Media represents a drift, a lurch even, towards less professional manipulation of the institution of information sharing.

That okie thinks that socialism is responsible for a drift towards the deep end of manipulative control of institutions is due to it usually being true that socialism is so responsible. But the concept of socialism is the wrong tool for analysing the process. The right tool is the level of manipulative control by a professional class. The demand to teach evolution in compulsory schools is an example of a professional class, or coalition of them, seeking to extend its capacity to manipulate at the expense of other classes of manipulators which may well manipulate less in the sense of religion not being compulsory.

It is the very high level of manipulative control that John, the savage, rejects in the last chapters of Brave New World where everything is manipulated by experts.

Communist regimes show that extension of manipulative control to all areas of life ceases to have utility beyond a certain point for anyone else besides the class doing the manipulating. The horror of 1984 is that the manipulating class does not care about those outside its membership. It manipulates them for no other reason than the manipulation.

I saw for myself a few years ago when there was a gas tanker driver's strike how many manipulating bureaucracies appeared, as if out of the woodwork, with clipboards and steely glints in their control freakery eyes. They ended up battling each other with the poor motorists in the role of spectators.

Obviously we are a social species and that does imply a degree of socialism but a low level of manipulation in certain institutions, such as road use or small shops, is for general convenience and has utility whereas high levels of manipulation by a professional class has utility, finally, for only the class of professionals.

So you can put me down rl as someone not afraid to answer your simplistic question which I presume was aimed at those with less intelligence than yourself.
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 03:26 pm
You will probably find okie that most of your opponents are in occupations which practice high levels of manipulative control under compulsory conditions. Social work, education, and the like. They are talking through their pocket. And so are you and I.
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 04:16 pm
Don't get me wrong okie. I'm honest enough to admit that if I was gumpy and skint I would seek to parley my talents, using the usual methods too well known to go over again, in a reasonably well paid job in an area where market forces are more or less inoperative short of the final meltdown and where my competence would be defended by my superiors whose own competence would come into question if I fell short of a very low standard for having selected me in the first place.

I doubt your opponents are honest enough to admit that if they won the lottery jackpot they would forget their principles faster than one forgets one's last meal. In fact, the pleasures of manipulation are addictive and a sudden influx of wealth on an addict produces quite alarming effects on shop assistants and others who cater for the needs of the well off.

When I challeged farmerman to say whether he would continue negative campaigning against a theme park called Ark Encounters if its success caused the enterprise to have to rent some of his acres for an overflow car park and kiddies rides attraction at ten times the income his agricultural activities derived from the land he did what they all do and put me on Ignore.

And one of your opponents accused me of having no literary style and she can actually have none at all because there is no fixed position where she is coming from. Whereas I do. Winning the lottery or renting my acres at a lucrative rate would shift my position not one iota. And without such a position there can be no style in the accepted sense of the word. Special pleading being styleless because pigs do it.

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reasoning logic
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 04:19 pm
Spendius I would have to count you in on the side of the devil or the side that does not know the true meaning of social.

Social has nothing to due with taking advantage of your fellow man.

The word social has been a word, "along with many other closely related words that have been manipulated by men who love power.

You can not have someone like Jesus going around teaching the truth about loving your neighbor and stay in power! Why do you think that your ancestors killed him?

If everyone became social who would serve the king?
We have to distort words that are related to social in order to stay in power! The stupid mass will never see this will they Spendius?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 05:13 pm
okie wrote:

Fido wrote:
Now we have the socialism of poverty, and there is nothing in that to love... What we need is the socialism of wealth... We need to take back the commonwealth while we still have an inch of it to stand on...
Unfortunately, ultra or radical socialism always leads to shared misery instead of shared wealth. All you have to do in order to understand this is to note what has happened in places like Stalin's Russia, Castro's Cuba, Kim-Jong-il's North Korea, or Pol Pot's Cambodia.

You cannot pick and choose the part of radical socialism that you think is wonderful. When you buy into it, you get it all. Sort of like choosing to go to the bars every night. You not only make the choice for what you expect to be fun, you also receive the consequences of your actions.
Every people everywhere came out of socialism, and when pressed by natural or economic disasters, people revert to socialism because it is the human thing to do... When people had little technology and they were surrounded by enemies, then their technology was their understanding of the necessity to organize their societies... Social control made survival possible, and only increased technology made inequality, injustice, warfare, and undemocratic behavior possible... Out of war chiefs, and raiding came kings and empires and civilizations... It is not just sin and civilization that go together, but civilization and conquest and technology... Think of what vast numbers with low technology it took to support kings and armies with their inevitable priests...

Still, I am not arguing for socialism as some sort of ideal... As a form of relationship, those formed out of ideals have nothing what ever to recommend them... But, socialism has never quite ended in this world simply because no one could really do without it... Look at England and the closing of the commons... It was only then that the notion of poverty entered western consciousness, because while many were poor before in England, very few were without means of some sort... When the commons were closed vast numbers were deprived of even a subsistent level of survival, and they became fodder for the machines of the industrial revolution, and whole generations left the farms to feed industrial development and in their entire lives never were able get enough ahead to breed, but still the farms produced more bodies to feed industry... Now, certainly, to take rights and property from people whose lives depended upon them was an injustice, but no greater injustice than to take essential rights or to exploit people who have no choice but to take their hand to mouth existence even if it robs them of any issue... Capitalism was not built like early civilizations upon the small surplus of production, but on great mountains of surplus value made possible by technology, and defended by law...

So; while I do not advocate for socialism, the more public wealth, the more of the commonwealth is made private wealth, the less the people will have to live with... It is the capitalists who will teach the nation socialism because unless we learn to share what is left we will have to decide who will starve, who will be educated, and who will be cared for in hospital...Ultimately, what ever form of economy people chose is really their choice; but only a fool would fight socialism when socialism such as we have it, the socialism of poverty is all that is standing between people and absolute poverty and death... Those people who hate socialism could not stand to be without it for a moment, and without it the government would fall tomorrow... Public roads, schools, and highways exist for the profit of a few rich and the mere survival of everyone else... Deny that survival at your own risk..
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 05:16 pm
BillRM wrote:

Unfortunately, ultra or radical socialism always leads to shared misery instead of shared wealth. All you have to do in order to understand this is to note what has happened in places like Stalin's Russia, Castro's Cuba, Kim-Jong-il's North Korea, or Pol Pot's Cambodia.

Radical socialism or radical capitalism are equally bad but that is not the only two choices we happen to have.

There is nothing that state that setting up the society so that no one starve to death or no one go without basic health care or that two percent of the total population do not control over half the wealth mean that we need to go to a system of radical socialism.

The choice is ours... We are the law... We do not have to live by the ideal... The ideal is the enemy of the real, and the real world is the world we must live in to live at all...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 05:24 pm
okie wrote:

I understand that we already have some socialism in our system. In fact, I think virtually any government is socialistic to a degree, because any government seeks to attain some commonality in what is done. Plus it is in our nature to desire government to provide a safety net for the very poor or unfortunate, which we have done.

The political debate revolves around what degree of socialism is desirable or acceptable in a country like ours that recognizes the importance of personal freedom and responsibility. I think we should be able to have a reasonable debate about that, without having to be dishonest about our beliefs and intentions. That has been one of my primary problems with the Obama administration, because I see the president as not being totally honest or forthright with his agenda. If you want an example, he promised transparency, but even Pelosi said we had to pass Obamacare to find out what was in the bill. I find that insulting to the American people.
Democracy is the political expression of socialism, but we have ever less democracy as we have ever less of the commonwealth... When the commonwealth has been alienated from us there will be no such thing as inalienable rights... And you are correct about Obama care... If he wanted it or not, he should have put it before the people... Why are we not voting on everything that affects us??? Is there some reason we have ever less representation, and though it is more possible by the moment: NO direct democracy... It is not just unions, and democracy in the workplace that the rich hate, but democracy of every sort...And Obama is no diferent than anyone of them in this regard... He thinks we need to be led by the nose... They all do... They do not want us to get the idea that we actually have some choice in the affairs that affect our lives... We are just supposed to take it...
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 06:34 pm
Not trying to be disrespectful only sharing info with others, "that I did not know myself until someone shared it with me!

Your quote: I will remain an Originalist American,
faithful to libertarianism, hedonism, Individualism and laissez faire capitalism!

Where is the intellect in that statement? Could not a cannibal make such a claim about how he will always be a original cannibal?

Just as you and the cannibal are a product of your environment you will only remain a originalist as you say if you are not able to step outside of your box and examine your box and see that you are a product of your environment!
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 06:42 pm
@reasoning logic,
Your quote: I will remain an Originalist American,
faithful to libertarianism, hedonism, Individualism and laissez faire capitalism!

Once more David does not have a clue about "orginalism Americans"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 08:37 pm
Fido wrote:
Democracy is the political expression of socialism,
Have you heard of "tyranny of the majority?" The founders of this country wisely recognized the need to protect the rights of individuals from others, perhaps even the majority, and government is often the tool of the majority. The Bill of Rights effectively seeks to guarantee that government cannot infringe upon individual rights.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 08:48 pm
Good for you Okie You do seem to be wise! I can only hope that you do not have a personality disorder that infringes on the rights of others. When I say this I do not mean it to be hateful!

I have read some of your most resent post and I do find wisdom in them! Please keep in mind that You and I can always be wrong so it might be wise to step back and view ourselves and our environment by the view points of others!
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 09:00 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

Good for you Okie You do seem to be wise! I can only hope that you do not have a personality disorder that infringes on the rights of others. When I say this I do not mean it to be hateful!
No personality disorder, rl. I've been married for almost 40 years, successful in life, with children and grandchildren, and many friends that think I am normal and decent. I don't mean to be overly confident, but I think that is reasonably accurate. Of course I have opinions and some might take me as opinionated, but I believe them to be reasonable and right. Most posters here think they are right, or they wouldn't be here.
I have read some of your most resent post and I do find wisdom in them! Please keep in mind that You and I can always be wrong so it might be wise to step back and view ourselves and our environment by the view points of others!
Agreed. By the way, your opinions do not seem highly consisent to me, and I find your online name, "reasoning logic," to be a bit presumptuous and possibly an oxymoron? I would suggest you let your posts allow others to decide if you do in fact have reason and logic. It might help if you could define yourself in terms of what you believe and why, such as are you liberal or conservative, and why? Please do not take the copout and claim you are independent and not one or the other.
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 09:05 pm
By the way, your opinions do not seem highly consisent to me, and I find your online name, "reasoning logic," to be a bit presumptuous and possibly an oxymoron? I would suggest you let your posts allow others to decide if you do in fact have reason and logic.

What an ugly payback to someone who just extended an olive branch and a compliment to you. And you have the unmitigated gall to say you do not have a personality disorder.

It might help if you could define yourself in terms of what you believe and why, such as are you liberal or conservative, and why? Please do not take the copout and claim you are independent and not one or the other.

He has defined himself in terms of what he believes in: logic. And, if it is a copout to not state what you believe in your nom d'email, then you have copped out. Surely, you can not believe in your home state which is neither a philosophy or a religion.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 09:20 pm
Reasoning logic is just a name I came up with as it is my initials RL !
Not that I do not admire them both but it is probably nothing more than you coming up with your user name!

Yes I am a independent utopian that was created by neurology and the environment that it was subjected to!
You may find me different than most posters because I know empirically that I am wrong at times!
If I only knew which times that I am, "I would be somebody!

If it makes you feel better I am probably wrong more often than I am right and To be honest I am happy that I can acknowledge this because I do think that most people have this same problem but are not able to see it!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 09:38 pm
plainoldme wrote:
By the way, your opinions do not seem highly consisent to me, and I find your online name, "reasoning logic," to be a bit presumptuous and possibly an oxymoron? I would suggest you let your posts allow others to decide if you do in fact have reason and logic.
What an ugly payback to someone who just extended an olive branch and a compliment to you. And you have the unmitigated gall to say you do not have a personality disorder.
Suggesting I might have a personality disorder is an olive branch? Sure sure, pom, ha ha.
It might help if you could define yourself in terms of what you believe and why, such as are you liberal or conservative, and why? Please do not take the copout and claim you are independent and not one or the other.
He has defined himself in terms of what he believes in: logic.
I think everyone here thinks they have logic, pom, even you!!!!!!
And, if it is a copout to not state what you believe in your nom d'email, then you have copped out. Surely, you can not believe in your home state which is neither a philosophy or a religion.
Being an okie carries with it some unspoken beliefs and stereotypes. I chose the name for several reasons, one principle one was because I suspected that liberals especially would stereotype me according to their preconceived notions of bias. I figured that would provide some comic relief and fun for me, as well as more insight into their arrogant mindsets. I also accurately predicted it would expose their ignorance of how heartland Americans feel and think. That has been born out by my experiences here so far. Last but not least, I am not one bit ashamed of being an okie. I am proud of my heritage, proud of my country, and I am thankful for all of the opportunities afforded me here. Nor am I ashamed of my life accomplishments, even though I was born into rather humble circumstances. That is not to say I am any better than millions of other Americans, however, I am not at all going to defer to the royalty of the intellectual crowd on this forum.
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 09:44 pm
This shows how poorly you read. He did not say you had a mental illness but he hopes that you did not.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 09:47 pm
"preconceived notions of bias"

Right, unlike bias that originates after the fact.

How many times have you been told that you make judgments based on your biases rather than on facts?
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reasoning logic
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2011 09:49 pm
This seems rather sad, "do you feel that there is such a thing Okie? {intellectual crowd on this forum. }

Your quote: I am not at all going to defer to the royalty of the intellectual crowd on this forum.

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