dlowan wrote:Which bits of the security drill are theatre? I have heard you say the liquids stuff is theatre...but haven't one or two folk at least managed to set themselves on fire that way? Not something I really want in an aircraft!
I don't want to be on a flight that took the measures necessary to prevent people from setting themselves on fire. I face much greater risks every day on the streets than I do from those exotic dangers and don't want the hassle, especially when I think it's pointless.
The main fear of the liquids, as I understand it, is a binary bomb made from common household materials. But even under ideal conditions they'd be hard pressed to do much damage to the plane with the particular mixture they were concerned about, and there are easier ways to get that many people killed.
But the bottom line is that it is ALL security theater. The main thing keeping people safe from terrorists is the short supply of idiots willing to give up their lives (to martyrdom or imprisonment). There are already plenty of places where a terrorist can blow up a couple hundred people with a lot more ease than in an airplane and the only difference an airplane poses, other than exotic danger that we like to fear more than quotidian danger, is that the airplane can be used as a missile.
Ok, so like it has already been said here, seal the cockpit. Just doing that makes it as attractive a target as the TSA security line itself (you can easily kill a planeload of people by detonating yourself in one of those big lines at some US airports), except for the fact that people are stupid and killing them in an airplane makes the rest of them much more fearful than killing them on the ground, which then makes it a more romantic target.
But quite frankly, I'd be fine flying without having my fellow passengers screened only visually and not even having metal detectors. The marketplace for people willing to give their lives to take down a plane is such that I am taking greater risks with my life daily than I would in such a scenario and the security theater isn't changing the odds much, if I were willing to give my life to take down a plane I bet the procedures would not stop me. What is saving my fellow man is my love of my own life, not the TSA.