On the "worst day" of his life this father fought back.

Reply Sun 31 Oct, 2010 06:54 pm
Are you saying we should use your opinion to tell them what is NOT religion ?
Well it is not going to happen. people will make up their own minds.
religions r systems of divine worship.
And ??
Neither he nor I had any rights in that situation,
It is your life that is being stopped. What if someone were to kill you and claim it was a late abortion ? As for your father, he will be paying maintenance for a long time to come...why doesnt he have any rights ? If he is left out of the decision then he shouldnt be held responsible for its outcome.

The argument 'd be the same as a party guest (or gate-crasher),
who was ordered to depart, by his hostess
n he complains that its cold out there.
Wrong. The argument would be the same as throwing a baby out of a moving car because you dont want it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Oct, 2010 07:00 pm
So the baby is a criminal but not the mother?

Yes, unless the baby was present in response to an intentional invitation.
Are you aware of the restrictions of criminal law on the young ?
IF he just snuck in, then yes: a trespasser & a parasite; in some cases, even a murderer (depraved-mind murder).
Your inablity to use words is making a farce of this debate. look up the definition of parasite. Look up the definition of trespasser. Now look up the definition of killing.
If the baby were uninvited, then his moral status is the same
as that of a mosquito or a hornet who snuck in when the
hostess had her door open for her own entrance or egress
You compare human beings to insects ? I hope you are never lowered to that position by another. They might think your life is worthless.
Why not apply abortion to the end of life ? What if nobody wants you ? You are a nuisance and people can see no reason in stopping your life from continuing. You are an insect. What do you do ?
Reply Sun 31 Oct, 2010 07:24 pm
Ionus... When you are a woman and and "fallen in love" then fell pregnant, then made a decision whether to keep the fetus or not, then, what you have to say on the matter would be interesting, but still have no bearing on anyone 's decisions in that regard, especially so if you are a male and more so if it is possible to go to somewhere else for a abortion, without being locked up for murder or man-woman slaughter.
Reply Sun 31 Oct, 2010 09:09 pm
Abortion should never be a crime. It should be avoided where ever possible. The truth is it is easy to make a decision under stress to abort and regret it for the rest of your life. It is a lot harder to have a child and then regret it for the rest of your life.

Arguments like it is a womans body so it is her decision alone appeal to instincts towards rape. What if the man wants an abortion and the woman doesnt ? Isnt he entitled to his sperm back ? Its his body, its his decision. What about the man's body who will be paying for the baby ? Other arguments that say it is just a kidney, not a baby are plain stupid. It is alive and is developing independence as fast as possible. Why dont we abort the senile ? They wont know, they are just a kidney. It is not like they have sentience. The senile dont even know where they are and are not capable of independent life.

Some women are hunting for a rich dad to support the baby they want, all they have to do is get pregnant. How is the man to know where she is with her cycle or if she is taking precautions ?

The bottom line is when ever a couple have sex a baby should be considered as the outcome. Dont have sex with anyone you dont want to breed with, then if it results in pregnancy at least you have that covered.

Too many abortions are done for the sake of removing annoyance. Some have used it as a form of birth control. I think the record is in the tens of abortions.

More support is needed for women with babies, not funding for easy fixes for the irresponsible.
Reply Sun 31 Oct, 2010 09:39 pm
The thing about abortion is that however much everyone keeps arguing about it and whatever laws are enacted, it will never go away. It just moves from a clinic to a backstreet kitchen table or another state. Sure it should be avoided wherever possible but life is messy in the real world.
Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 04:37 am
Exactly right.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 05:32 am
Ionus wrote:
So the baby is a criminal but not the mother?
David wrote:
Yes, [by this I mean MORALLY rong] unless the baby was present in response to an intentional invitation.

Ionus wrote:
Are you aware of the restrictions of criminal law on the young ?
Yes, I was aware in my childhood, since age 10 (conference with the police)
but I did not permit the law to interfere with my lust,
including older girls n women who made themselves available.

David wrote:
IF he just snuck in, then yes: a trespasser & a parasite;
in some cases, even a murderer (depraved-mind murder).
Ionus wrote:
Your inablity to use words is making a farce of this debate.
Calm down, Ionus; no need for emotion. I suspect that I knew those words long b4 u did.
This is a debate that I 've enjoyed for many decades,
long b4 Roe v. Wade; tons of fun.
My Catholic friends used to advocate your position,
whereas I champion freedom of self-defense, individualism, n hedonism.

Ionus wrote:
look up the definition of parasite.
I know that some Catholic influenced dictionaries foolishly n ARBITRARILY except
the same species from the concept of parasitism.
Of course, I reject such nonsense.
Parasitism is taking value by force or stealth
in exchange for nothing; we all know that.

Ionus wrote:
Look up the definition of trespasser.
Now look up the definition of killing.
For what reason, Ionus?
If u have a point, then tell us what it IS,
and we 'll discuss its merits.

David wrote:
If the baby were uninvited, then his moral status is the same
as that of a mosquito or a hornet who snuck in when the
hostess had her door open for her own entrance or egress
Ionus wrote:
You compare human beings to insects?
I DO, yes, absolutely. Thay r identical in that neither one of them has any right to be there.
Perhaps the principle at hand is more clearly expressed
by saying that a rattlesnake and a burglar equally have NO right
to be in nor upon their victim 's (indoor) premises.

Ionus wrote:
I hope you are never lowered to that position by another.
Thank u for telling us what u hope.

Ionus wrote:
They might think your life is worthless.
Thay DO!
There r people in this forum who think that my life is much WORSE than "worthless".

Ionus wrote:
Why not apply abortion to the end of life?
That is the concept of suicide,
however, some people who have committed suicide
have reported some subsequent problems therewith.

Ionus wrote:
What if nobody wants you?
No one DOES!
That is the extant state of affairs.
No change. . . .

Ionus wrote:
You are a nuisance and people can see no reason in stopping your life from continuing.
O, Yeah?? How woud u like a poke in the snoot??

Ionus wrote:
You are an insect.
U r an insect, TOO!

Ionus wrote:
What do you do ?
Relax, n have as much fun as I possibly can.

Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 05:50 am
MonaLeeza wrote:
The thing about abortion is that however much everyone keeps arguing about it and whatever laws are enacted, it will never go away.

That bore repeating.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 06:11 am
Are you aware of the restrictions of criminal law on the young ?
Yes, I was aware in my childhood
Then you would be aware your argument is nonsense. There is no such thing as a criminally liable fetus.
Your inablity to use words is making a farce of this debate.
Calm down, Ionus; no need for emotion.
But I am calm. Your words do not meet definitions. It is no good to say you have a different definition, we need a common ground to debate. We might as well not share the same language.
I champion freedom of self-defense, individualism
I champion those for everyone and not just women wanting protection.
Parasitism is taking value by force or stealth
in exchange for nothing
No, that is a definition of stealing.
we all know that.
Apparently not.
Tres·pass·er n. One who commits a trespass; as: (a) (Law) One who enters upon another's land, or violates his rights. How does this apply to a baby when it has no other place it has ever been ?

Definition of KILL. transitive verb. 1. a : to deprive of life
Definition of KILLING. 1. : the act of one that kills.

You compare human beings to insects?
I DO, yes, absolutely.
You are an insect.
U r an insect, TOO!
What rights does a female insect have ? The queen bee is there to reproduce.

Perhaps the principle at hand is more clearly expressed
by saying that a rattlesnake and a burglar equally have NO right
to be in nor upon their victim 's (indoor) premises.
What would you say if they were born there....Anyway, the principle is disjointed. The connection between a rattlesnake and a human fetus is in your mind only.

I hope you are never lowered to that position by another.
Thank u for telling us what u hope.
You are welcome...but it would be justice if it happened to you seeing you advocate it for others. Isnt that the basis of justice ?

They might think your life is worthless.
Thay DO!
There r people in this forum who think that my life is much WORSE than "worthless".
yes, I recall one person I clash with regularly telling you to die... rather excessive unless you are the only person with that opinion and it will die with you, producing a much greater good.....which is clearly not the case.

Why not apply abortion to the end of life?
That is the concept of suicide, however, some people who have committed suicide
have reported some subsequent problems therewith.
No, the concept of suicide involves cognitive ability. I asked about those who are senile. Clearly they are not a fully functioning human being but are more like a kidney...why shouldnt they be aborted ?

What if nobody wants you?
No one DOES! That is the extant state of affairs. No change. . . .
So all we need is for you to go to someone else's place and they can morally abort you. Like a trespassing rattle snake. By the way, a rattle snake is not a problem. Anything that tries to warn you first is not seriously out looking for trouble.

You are a nuisance and people can see no reason in stopping your life from continuing.
O, Yeah?? How woud u like a poke in the snoot??
Your carefull editing of a quote is fooling no-one...and I wouldnt recommend fighting me.

What I ALWAYS DO: Relax, n have as much fun as I possibly can.
You have summed up the pro-abortion position far better than I could have.

Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 07:50 am
Ionus wrote:
Are you aware of the restrictions of criminal law on the young ?
David wrote:
Yes, I was aware in my childhood
Ionus wrote:
Then you would be aware your argument is nonsense.
Did u fail to read my red colored explanation ??

Do u need me to REPEAT my explanation ??

Ionus wrote:
There is no such thing as a criminally liable fetus.
I conceded that already,
explaining that I meant MORALLY RONG.

Ionus wrote:
Your inablity to use words is making a farce of this debate.
David wrote:
Calm down, Ionus; no need for emotion.
Ionus wrote:
But I am calm. Your words do not meet definitions.
It is no good to say you have a different definition,
we need a common ground to debate.
We might as well not share the same language.
U exagerate.
I merely refuse to accept that illogical attempt to engraft
an ideologically convenient exception onto the definition of "parasite".

David wrote:
I champion freedom of self-defense, individualism
Ionus wrote:
I champion those for everyone and not just women wanting protection.
U champion the intrusive BAD GUYS, the parasites that have no right to be there.
Some of those parasites have even murdered their victim,
on the way out; ingrates.

David wrote:
Parasitism is taking value by force or stealth
in exchange for nothing
Ionus wrote:

No, that is a definition of stealing.
Parasitism IS stealing, among other bad things.

David wrote:
we all know that.
Ionus wrote:
Apparently not.
Tres·pass·er n. One who commits a trespass; as: (a) (Law)
One who enters upon another's land, or violates his rights.
How does this apply to a baby when it has no other place it has ever been?
Logically, that makes no difference.
The operative consideration is that it has invaded the hostess
and is draining her resources (possibly, maybe sickening her)
and is forcing her to support his biological development.
Unpaid, forced labor = slavery, in violation of Amendment 13.

Ionus wrote:
Definition of KILL. transitive verb. 1. a : to deprive of life
Definition of KILLING. 1. : the act of one that kills.
What is your point???? I knew that already.

Ionus wrote:
You compare human beings to insects?
David wrote:
I DO, yes, absolutely.

David wrote:
Perhaps the principle at hand is more clearly expressed
by saying that a rattlesnake and a burglar equally have NO right
to be in nor upon their victim 's (indoor) premises.
Ionus wrote:
What would you say if they were born there....
That it is the hostess's property
and thay shoud get the hell out,
unless thay r welcome to stay.

Ionus wrote:
Anyway, the principle is disjointed.
The only connection between a rattlesnake and a human fetus is in your mind.
Thay SHARE an equal ABSENCE of right to be in her body, unless welcome.

I hope you are never lowered to that position by another.
David wrote:
Thank u for telling us what u hope.
Ionus wrote:

You are welcome...but it would be justice if it happened to you
seeing you advocate it for others. Isnt that the basis of justice ?
Morally, a woman is the only arbiter of whether she shoud give birth.

Ionus wrote:
What if nobody wants you?
David wrote:

No one DOES! That is the extant state of affairs.
No change. . . .
Ionus wrote:
So all we need is for you to go to someone else's place and they can morally abort you.
IF I broke in there, yeah; I gotta remember not to DO that.

Ionus wrote:
Like a trespassing rattle snake. By the way, a rattle snake is not a problem.
Anything that tries to warn you first is not seriously out looking for trouble.
Then pick a better toxic snake.

You are a nuisance and people can see no reason in stopping your life from continuing.
O, Yeah?? How woud u like a poke in the snoot??
Ionus wrote:
Your carefull editing of a quote is fooling no-one...and I wouldnt recommend fighting me.
OK, u r safe.

David wrote:
What I ALWAYS DO: Relax, n have as much fun as I possibly can.
Ionus wrote:
You have summed up the pro-abortion position far better than I could have.
nice of u to say so

Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 05:52 pm
Do u need me to REPEAT my explanation ??
I need you to be aware that your explanation is nonsense.
I merely refuse to accept thatonto the definition of "parasite".
You are the one using the word parasite and are not using the word correctly. You are refusing to accept reality and are guilty of what you accuse me of
" illogical attempt to engraft an ideologically convenient exception onto the definition of "parasite"."
U champion the intrusive BAD GUYS, the parasites that have no right to be there.
Where do they have a right to be ? You have incorrectly used the word parasite.
Some of those parasites have even murdered their victim, on the way out; ingrates.
You have incorrectly used the word parasite.
I can assume from your inability to use words correctly that you have no legal training. Are you familiar with intent and how it relates to murder ? How about non-compos mentis and its application to the very young and the senile ?
Parasitism IS stealing, among other bad things.
No, one is a biological definition and the other is a legal definition. Did you read the definitions supplied or should I repeat them ? They were placed for your edification.
Logically, that makes no difference.
It is with logic that it does make a difference.
The operative consideration is that it has invaded the hostess and is draining her resources (possibly, maybe sickening her)
It cant invade if it comes from nowhere else. Possibly, maybe improving her health and giving her a "glow".
and is forcing her to support his biological development.
She took his "biological development" as you bizzarely call it, and did with it would she would.
Unpaid, forced labor = slavery, in violation of Amendment 13.
So all unwanted pregnancies must end in abortion...the woman has no choice. How does slavery apply to the man who has to pay maintainence ?

What is your point???? I knew that already.
Then you chose to use the words incorrectly. Retract your error.

That it is the hostess's property and thay shoud get the hell out, unless thay r welcome to stay.
You think of a womb as property...another bizarre concept. If a fetus has no right to a womb, what does the mother intend to use it for ?

Thay SHARE an equal ABSENCE of right to be in her body, unless welcome.
A rattlesnake and a fetus would share equal rights to a womans body if she wanted them ? You must be joking.
Morally, a woman is the only arbiter of whether she shoud give birth.
That decision has already been made if she consents to sex. What do you think sex is for ?

Ionus wrote:
What if nobody wants you?
David wrote: No one DOES! That is the extant state of affairs. No change. . . .

Ionus wrote: So all we need is for you to go to someone else's place and they can morally abort you.

IF I broke in there, yeah; I gotta remember not to DO that.
A fetus does not break-in. It starts there. Where else could it start to break-in from?

Ionus wrote: By the way, a rattle snake is not a problem. Anything that tries to warn you first is not seriously out looking for trouble.
Then pick a better toxic snake.
Better at what ?

OK, u r safe.
I feel safer already.

David wrote:
What I ALWAYS DO: Relax, n have as much fun as I possibly can.
Ionus wrote:
You have summed up the pro-abortion position far better than I could have.
nice of u to say so
It wasnt a compliment.

Anyone reading this will see you are not using words by their correct definition, you have no legal training and are trying trickery rather than logic.

Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 08:49 pm
I suspect that homo habilis females had abortions. I suspect that Neanderthal and Cro-Magnun females gathered abortifacient herbs.

Abortions were performed by doctors throughout the 19th C under the name of regulating the menstrual cycle.

I urge men who are against abortion to have vasectomies.
Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 09:51 pm
plainoldme wrote:
I suspect that homo habilis females had abortions.
I suspect that Neanderthal and Cro-Magnun females gathered abortifacient herbs.

Abortions were performed by doctors throughout the 19th C under the name of regulating the menstrual cycle.

I urge men who are against abortion to have vasectomies.
No joking around: we don 't ofen agree,
but I deem that to be very good advice.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 10:57 pm
I will use a colored font,
in an effort be clear, in that
this formatting has become cluttered
in its complexity.

I merely refuse to accept thatonto the definition of "parasite".
You are the one using the word parasite and are not using the word correctly. I dispute u and reject your claim.
I use the same definition of parasite as anyone, including u,
except that I refuse to accept that ridiculous Catholic ideology-motivated
engrafted exception for the same species.

NOW that I have RE-ITERATED my definition of that word,
forever after u will know what I mean when I use the word: right ???

David wrote:
U champion the intrusive BAD GUYS, the parasites that have no right to be there.
Where do they have a right to be? If thay escape out into the environment,
not bothering anyone in public places, presumably
thay have a right to be there.

Some of those parasites have even murdered their victim, on the way out; ingrates.
You have incorrectly used the word parasite. See above.

I can assume from your inability to use words correctly that you have no legal training.
Thank u for that information; so NOW I know about my education, thanx to your bulletin.

Are you familiar with intent and how it relates to murder? Yes.

How about non-compos mentis and its application to the very young and the senile? What about it?
If an embryo is criminally prosecuted, then maybe he'll take your advice and assert that defense.

The operative consideration is that it has invaded the hostess and is draining her resources
(possibly, maybe sickening her)
It cant invade if it comes from nowhere else.
I dispute u.
If he occupies her formerly free and unoccupied space,
that is an invasion (unless invited).

Ionus wrote:
Possibly, maybe improving her health and giving her a "glow".
That is the chick's autonomous private business.

David wrote:
Unpaid, forced labor = slavery, in violation of Amendment 13.
So all unwanted pregnancies must end in abortion...the woman has no choice.
It is not forced labor,
if the chick voluntarily and actively DESIRES to give birth.

Ionus wrote:
How does slavery apply to the man who has to pay maintainence ?
Zero, if there is an abortion.

What is your point???? I knew that already.
Then you chose to use the words incorrectly. Retract your error. Error about the definition of killing ?????????
When, where n how did I commit THAT error??

David wrote:
That it is the hostess's property and thay shoud get the hell out, unless thay r welcome to stay.
You think of a womb as property...another bizarre concept.
If a chick does not even own her own BODY, then a fortiori she can own nothing.

If a fetus has no right to a womb, Indeed he does NOT.

what does the mother intend to use it for? For whatever she damn pleases,
the same as u can use your house for whatever u want.

David wrote:
Thay SHARE an equal ABSENCE of right to be in her body, unless welcome.
A rattlesnake and a fetus would share equal rights to a womans body if she wanted them ? You must be joking.
U distort what I said.
My point is that the parasite and the snake BOTH
have NO right to be there, tresspassing.

David wrote:
Morally, a woman is the only arbiter of whether she shoud give birth.
That decision has already been made if she consents to sex.
Nonsense; again, I set forth my analogy of an insect sneaking in
when an innocent chick has her door open for her own access or egress, or that of her delegates.
ADMITTEDLY, IF the chick intentionally tried to become pregnant (e.g., in vitro fertilization),
then there might be a feeble argument based on estoppel.

What do you think sex is for? Relaxation n pleasure.

Ionus wrote:
What if nobody wants you?
David wrote: No one DOES! That is the extant state of affairs. No change. . . .

Ionus wrote: So all we need is for you to go to someone else's place and they can morally abort you.

IF I broke in there, yeah; I gotta remember not to DO that.
A fetus does not break-in. It starts there. Where else could it start to break-in from? If he did not break in,
then he 'd NOT be there and no question of pregnancy nor of abortion 'd present itself.

David wrote:
What I ALWAYS DO: Relax, n have as much fun as I possibly can.
Ionus wrote:
You have summed up the pro-abortion position far better than I could have.
nice of u to say so
It wasnt a compliment. I LIKE IT ANYWAY!!!

Anyone reading this will see you are not using words by their correct definition,
NOW that I have clearly EXPLAINED my definition, that is no longer an issue, being fully understood. Right???

you have no legal training and are trying trickery rather than logic.
Y is it that u inform me about my own education?
What am I supposed to DO with this alleged information?
Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2010 11:02 pm
I suspect that homo habilis females had abortions. I suspect that Neanderthal and Cro-Magnun females gathered abortifacient herbs.
Your suspicions are based on what ? Women lib hand outs at the 1948 lesbian convention ?
Abortions were performed by doctors throughout the 19th C under the name of regulating the menstrual cycle.
Therefore it must be good. Are you sure ?
I urge men who are against abortion to have vasectomies.
I urge women who like abortion to have hysterectomies. This would enable men and women who are in favour of reproduction to reproduce. Your method is ridiculous.
You have a lot of problems with men dont you ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 12:02 am
Big Bad Dave
I also shall "use a colored font, in an effort be clear, in that this formatting has become cluttered in its complexity."

The above link provided the following definitions:

noun, singular: parasite - An organism that obtains nourishment and shelter on another organism.

noun, singular: organism - An individual living thing that can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, and maintain homeostasis. It can be a virus, bacterium, protist, fungus, plant or an animal.

The above link provided the following definition:

par·a·site (pr-st)
1. Biology An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.

www.yourdictionary.comWebster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The above link provided the following definition:

para·site (par′ə sīt′)
a person, as in ancient Greece, who flattered and amused the host in return for free meals
a person who lives at the expense of another or others without making any useful contribution or return; hanger-on
BIOL. a plant or animal that lives on or in an organism of another species from which it derives sustenance or protection without benefit to, and usually with harmful effects on, the host

When you have admitted you are wrong on the definition of a parasite we can move on to your other points.

failures art
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 01:07 am
MonaLeeza wrote:

The thing about abortion is that however much everyone keeps arguing about it and whatever laws are enacted, it will never go away. It just moves from a clinic to a backstreet kitchen table or another state. Sure it should be avoided wherever possible but life is messy in the real world.

Lots of data supports this. The number of abortions in countries where it is legal is only slightly higher than those where it is not. The only difference is criminalizing the woman. It's good that we have such vacant prisons and so much money lying around. I guess we should be filling these places up with women.

Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 03:38 am
Ionus wrote:

Big Bad Dave
I also shall "use a colored font, in an effort be clear, in that this formatting has become cluttered in its complexity."

The above link provided the following definitions:

noun, singular: parasite - An organism that obtains nourishment and shelter on another organism.

noun, singular: organism - An individual living thing that can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, and maintain homeostasis. It can be a virus, bacterium, protist, fungus, plant or an animal.

The above link provided the following definition:

par·a·site (pr-st)
1. Biology An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.

www.yourdictionary.comWebster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The above link provided the following definition:

para·site (par′ə sīt′)
a person, as in ancient Greece, who flattered and amused the host in return for free meals
a person who lives at the expense of another or others without making any useful contribution or return; hanger-on
BIOL. a plant or animal that lives on or in an organism of another species from which it derives sustenance or protection without benefit to, and usually with harmful effects on, the host

When you have admitted you are wrong on the definition of a parasite we can move on to your other points.
U r a GOOD SPORT, Ionus to show the definition both
with and without the ideological exception (which I high lighted, for e z reference). U have risen in my esteem, for your fairness.

I have already seen both of the renderings of lexicography.
I already KNOW that there exist Catholic lexicographers,
who add the emotion-driven, ideology-driven, pseudo-exception about "another species",
that has no support in logic. As I 've said b4, I 've argued this long b4 Roe v. Wade.

I certainly ACCEPT the other definitions that u provided hereinabove (the ones without that exception).

U r a good fellow!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 04:51 am
Ionus wrote:

This has nothing to do with religion.
Ionus wrote:
Who put you in charge of deciding other people's concerns?

I don 't understand the question.
Religious people will decide what concerns them....

Religious people need to be given other problems to worry about... If they attack rights no one can live without, they should be forced to defend the right of religion by which they do so... It they petition to end abortion, people should petition to amend the constitution to disallow freedom of religion and assembly... You could end party politics at the same time...
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 04:55 am
Ionus wrote:

This has nothing to do with religion.
Ionus wrote:
Who put you in charge of deciding other people's concerns?

I don 't understand the question.
Religious people will decide what concerns them....

Fido wrote:
Religious people need to be given other problems to worry about... If they attack rights no one can live without, they should be forced to defend the right of religion by which they do so... It they petition to end abortion, people should petition to amend the constitution to disallow freedom of religion and assembly... You could end party politics at the same time...
Maybe u think that 's humorous ??


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