Ionus wrote:
Yeah, I have usually found that people who brag about their qualifications are worried about being wrong. Re-reading your previous post, I think you are placing me with most uneducated "Americans". I find this interesting as I am educated and I am not "American". But I try to avoid pigeon holing people, it seems so Concentraion Camp.
You should not presume of concentration camps that not everyone there belonged, and you should not presume of our prisons that everyone there belongs...
For example, many of the Kappos were career criminals, and many if not most of those who survived made possible the deaths of milions with their cooperation... The things would not have worked without the manimpulation of human nature and the desire for life, but is the desire to preserve ones own life justification for one's participation in a great mechanism of human degradation and slaughter??? When only ten percent of the Russians taken captive survived, Stalin was right to look at the rest as suspects...There is a time, and everyone should know it before hand, when they will die rather than adding to human misery in the hopes of surviving... Each must, even today, make of themselves an impediment to injustice... Do not cooperate in your own demise... Resist those who would steal your rights, even if for the best of reasons...
You forget in this discussion that people have a right to children, to children with rights and opportunities, but that others to have a life, or to have a better life trade on their rights to children just as they trade on the rights of their children, and that is the problem with our so called rights, that priviages like property have resulted in such an extreme inequality of wealth that now all some people have left to sell to keep themselves from destitution or death is their rights, which are our rights, which are supposed to be inalienable...
The common view of rights as something that can be disposed of by a majority vote or surrendered for a pot of lentil soup is wrong... Surely, those people who would give up their rights are not worth much because they join the other side, the side of masters and slaves who are a threat to all freedom...But those who would buy rights or take rights because it is inevitable given their power are worth nothing... Only a free people aware of the true price of freedom that was paid for us by millions dead on hundreds of battlefields is fit and able to defend its own rights, which are my rights and the rights I intend to hand off to my children... If the inequality of rights has resulted from the inequality of wealth then that inequality should end, or no matter how much money a person has, they should have no more influence in government than any other... Government has got to work for allof us, poor and rich alike... A people forced forever to defend its rights from each other is exhausted when it is required to defend rights from enemies.....
All rights are inalienable, but when all else is the property of the rich then rights will become alienable, as even inalienable rights have often proved to be... Do we want that situation??? Do we want the situation we are faced with, where rights we find essential to our existence are endgangered by a principal, and ideal, and a privilage like prperty rights??? The value of rights is practical, but the value of property privilages are only theoretical... Are we going to let private wealth destroy this whole people???
As long as the churches stand with the rich in attacking individual rights under the guise of attacking evil when they are not attacking evil at it root which they support and represent, but are only attacking a branch of evil, the evil that results from the larger evil of private property and individual wealth, then they are the enemy ...