On the "worst day" of his life this father fought back.

Reply Wed 10 Nov, 2010 09:54 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Your ability to reason in the abstract is very, very poor.
U appear to be hopelessly confused (unless u r posting under the influence of drugs.)

Fido wrote:
Shut up.
I refuse.

Reply Wed 10 Nov, 2010 04:13 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Your ability to reason in the abstract is very, very poor.
U appear to be hopelessly confused (unless u r posting under the influence of drugs.)

Fido wrote:
Shut up.
I refuse.

Here is what you can do: Find some specific points of disagreement and point out how they appear to you unreasonable so I can disprove your points in a summary fashion, or, as long as you have your mouth wide open let me hand you some keilbassa...

Reply Wed 10 Nov, 2010 04:41 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Your ability to reason in the abstract is very, very poor.
U appear to be hopelessly confused (unless u r posting under the influence of drugs.)

Fido wrote:
Shut up.
I refuse.
Fido wrote:
Here is what you can do: Find some specific points of disagreement and point out how they appear to you unreasonable so I can disprove your points in a summary fashion, or, as long as you have your mouth wide open let me hand you some keilbassa...
The problem is your confusions of reasoning which also include
and are based upon high population densities of faulty assumptions, all combined together.

Its all a hopeless, tedious, sticky mess, all confused with itself; gross.
There are huge amounts of errors to disentangle.

U appear not to be aware of this jungle of multiple errors.
Reply Wed 10 Nov, 2010 04:59 pm
Yes, I am not aware of errors... Most of my errors if they are errors are based upon knowledge and observation... I do not rely much on reason to reach the truth, if being a rather neutral tool, only as good as the information one begins with... And again, it is better at defense of injustice than a method of arriving at justice... So, with no example at hand that I can defend in any fashion, let me revert to my former suggestion... Shut up, at least until you have something meaningful to add...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Nov, 2010 07:38 pm
If people could manage to be rational about it they would want a whole society that was strong and secure
A Defence Force, a strong economy, a stable political system...they do that now.
that those who feel they have no choice but to kill their own to survive will never be true friends and support to those who force that decision upon them...
Women who have abortions do not have a choice, they are desperate and driven.
As long as some people will never have enough, the whole society cannot hope to have enough....
It is based on relative values. Someone always has to be better to secure a better chance of their genetic survival. Instincts rule.
Reply Wed 10 Nov, 2010 10:03 pm
Ionus wrote:

If people could manage to be rational about it they would want a whole society that was strong and secure
A Defence Force, a strong economy, a stable political system...they do that now.

Really; because it appears to me we are a house divided, as divided as our way as Greece or Rome, which both practiced abortion and suffered their meaningless lives to they crumbled before natural societies... A democracy is a defensive form of organization, but we are not that... Capital, our strong economy in your words, has been on life supports most of my life, and it is breaking the country, and the people the economy should support are supporting it.... For the capitalist need for markets and resources- our force of defense is spent in offense, again with the price born by the people, and not by the capitalist... We my look strong to societies we have long sucked the life out of, but we are on the point of failure, and the right in particular cares not if it pushes the government over the edge... I don't care with them...The government with the parties and with the help of the church have divided this people till we are on the verge of civil war... Everything is there but the gun fire, and because we cannot show a united front to likely enemies we invite attack....

that those who feel they have no choice but to kill their own to survive will never be true friends and support to those who force that decision upon them...
Women who have abortions do not have a choice, they are desperate and driven.

Some times... We are not so poor as many people nor so desparate... It is in relations to the wealthy who are often super wealthy who not only control our government but our destinies that cause so many people of average means feel poor... The envidious comparison between rich and poor, the ignorant idea that the rich live carefree happy lives all contribute to abortions... People think what they imagine true... That is, they here about the wealthy, but they are so few and distant that they only get to know of them on television... Money may not buy happiness, but poverty does buy lots of misery...And to escape that misery they will kill their own life inside of them... Happiness is not the opposite or misery, but people hoping to escape misery, uncertainty, and fear think that the escape from these would be the purest happiness... If we were all allowed our meaning, if we could find our place of honor in our families and jobs and nation our misery would be endurable even if not welcome... Because poverty is so relentless, and because no one in the maw of it ever finds their way out it makes for desparation... Where people are universally poor they are usually supportive and happy... It is the awful comparison, the hoplessness bred of want amid wealth that makes for desparation...

As long as some people will never have enough, the whole society cannot hope to have enough....
It is based on relative values. Someone always has to be better to secure a better chance of their genetic survival. Instincts rule.

Nonsense... poor people knowing every want, with very little of technology lived in highly regimented societies... The people were free, and safe, as that was the object of the democracies... But resources and production was clearly controled and people accepted it so that all might survive... such peopl welcomed all their children and adopted any they might come by, and there was a specific reason for that, but also the general reason that happiness, like life is to be shared....
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2010 01:18 am
it appears to me we are a house divided
Who is we ?
We my look strong to societies we have long sucked the life out of
Not another flagellant. Who is we and how have "we sucked the life out of" anything ?
The government with the parties and with the help of the church have divided this people till we are on the verge of civil war
Who is we.....and civil war ? Are you sure you are not over dramatising ?
because we cannot show a united front to likely enemies we invite attack....
Who is we and who are our enemies ?
poor people knowing every want, with very little of technology lived in highly regimented societies... The people were free, and safe, as that was the object of the democracies..
Are you saying highly regimented societies are democracies ? Nonsense.

I cant respond anymore till I find out who WE are.
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2010 02:46 am
There are some people whose reasoning processes
are so badly confused in multiple ways that argument is impossible.

Its sad.
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2010 03:47 am
There are some people whose reasoning processes
are so badly confused in multiple ways that argument is impossible.
Its sad.
I am trying to understand his concepts but he tries to include too many verbs and not enough differing nouns.
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2010 10:32 am
There are some people whose reasoning processes
are so badly confused in multiple ways that argument is impossible.
Its sad.
Ionus wrote:
I am trying to understand his concepts
but he tries to include too many verbs and not enough differing nouns.
He 'd be more CLEAR, if he argued one point at a time,
at least until he gets good at it.

Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2010 10:05 pm
Ionus wrote:

it appears to me we are a house divided
Who is we ?
We my look strong to societies we have long sucked the life out of
Not another flagellant. Who is we and how have "we sucked the life out of" anything ?
The government with the parties and with the help of the church have divided this people till we are on the verge of civil war
Who is we.....and civil war ? Are you sure you are not over dramatising ?
because we cannot show a united front to likely enemies we invite attack....
Who is we and who are our enemies ?
poor people knowing every want, with very little of technology lived in highly regimented societies... The people were free, and safe, as that was the object of the democracies..
Are you saying highly regimented societies are democracies ? Nonsense.

I cant respond anymore till I find out who WE are.

all those people who sing the national anthem at say the pledge of allegience...Boy, that was rough... Does pretending you are ignorant make you feel like Socrates???
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2010 10:07 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

There are some people whose reasoning processes
are so badly confused in multiple ways that argument is impossible.

Its sad.

You are sad... You cannot handle a complex line of reasoning... Sorry, but it is not all so simple as one and one make two...
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2010 10:16 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

There are some people whose reasoning processes
are so badly confused in multiple ways that argument is impossible.
Its sad.
Ionus wrote:
I am trying to understand his concepts
but he tries to include too many verbs and not enough differing nouns.
He 'd be more CLEAR, if he argued one point at a time,
at least until he gets good at it.


The whole situation is complex, and has parallels in history as do many of the conditions we face in our society today... I would love to simplify the situation to suit your simple minds, since you clearly desire that sort of white is white and black is black explanation of reality, but I cannot, and will not...

The situation is complex with many variables... I don't like abortion, but we all need our rights, and those people with no respect for right can go to hell... They, meaning you, are the problem... Some women kill their own life inside them before it is born... Attacking rights throws all our lives into danger... If you bone heads cannot consider the consequences of your desires you have no place at the table of government... You have God... Rely on God, and give unto God... The rest of us need our rights, and should enjoy them without harrasment from idiots who have no idea...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2010 10:58 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

There are some people whose reasoning processes
are so badly confused in multiple ways that argument is impossible.

Its sad.
Fido wrote:

You are sad... You cannot handle a complex line of reasoning...
Sorry, but it is not all so simple as one and one make two...
Its NOT any kind of reasoning; its only chaotic disorder.

If u argue one point at a time,
then u can (possibly) be clear.

Give it a shot; see what happens.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2010 11:03 pm
I dont know what country you are in...do you know what country I am in ?
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 02:41 pm
Ionus wrote:

I dont know what country you are in...do you know what country I am in ?
I am an American, which is what we from the U.S. call ourselves, and your reasoning on this issue is little different from most unducated Americans, where ever you are from...
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 08:55 pm
your reasoning on this issue is little different from most unducated Americans
unducated - undulated ? underated ? unlucated ? judicated ? uneducated ? unduc-taped?

You arent putting down whole groups of people are you ? Saying you are superior because of ..... ???
Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2010 10:27 pm
Ionus wrote:

your reasoning on this issue is little different from most unducated Americans
unducated - undulated ? underated ? unlucated ? judicated ? uneducated ? unduc-taped?

You arent putting down whole groups of people are you ? Saying you are superior because of ..... ???

Fckin arthritise... Typing is the only thing that keeps my hands freed up, but lately I have been working a lot with my hands, a little remodel addition thing, but it makes me feel like I have a couple of bricks at the end of my wrists, and it all does not leave me much time to double check... All I can do is hit and run... But yes, I am superior, honorable, hard working, and proud... I always know something about what I am talking about or I keep it shut.. And, though I got a pretty good start and a bad attitude from a Catholic School, I am pretty much self educated in my spare time... So, superior, moral, experienced, fit; take your pick... I can wire a house, fabricate duct, do plumbing, hang and finish drywall, roof, weld certified, rebuild a transmission, engine, or carburator, rear end, and replace brakes... If you are shooting for average, congratulations...
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 01:59 am
Yeah, I have usually found that people who brag about their qualifications are worried about being wrong. Re-reading your previous post, I think you are placing me with most uneducated "Americans". I find this interesting as I am educated and I am not "American". But I try to avoid pigeon holing people, it seems so Concentraion Camp.
Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2010 06:32 am
Ionus wrote:

Yeah, I have usually found that people who brag about their qualifications are worried about being wrong. Re-reading your previous post, I think you are placing me with most uneducated "Americans". I find this interesting as I am educated and I am not "American". But I try to avoid pigeon holing people, it seems so Concentraion Camp.

You should not presume of concentration camps that not everyone there belonged, and you should not presume of our prisons that everyone there belongs...

For example, many of the Kappos were career criminals, and many if not most of those who survived made possible the deaths of milions with their cooperation... The things would not have worked without the manimpulation of human nature and the desire for life, but is the desire to preserve ones own life justification for one's participation in a great mechanism of human degradation and slaughter??? When only ten percent of the Russians taken captive survived, Stalin was right to look at the rest as suspects...There is a time, and everyone should know it before hand, when they will die rather than adding to human misery in the hopes of surviving... Each must, even today, make of themselves an impediment to injustice... Do not cooperate in your own demise... Resist those who would steal your rights, even if for the best of reasons...

You forget in this discussion that people have a right to children, to children with rights and opportunities, but that others to have a life, or to have a better life trade on their rights to children just as they trade on the rights of their children, and that is the problem with our so called rights, that priviages like property have resulted in such an extreme inequality of wealth that now all some people have left to sell to keep themselves from destitution or death is their rights, which are our rights, which are supposed to be inalienable...

The common view of rights as something that can be disposed of by a majority vote or surrendered for a pot of lentil soup is wrong... Surely, those people who would give up their rights are not worth much because they join the other side, the side of masters and slaves who are a threat to all freedom...But those who would buy rights or take rights because it is inevitable given their power are worth nothing... Only a free people aware of the true price of freedom that was paid for us by millions dead on hundreds of battlefields is fit and able to defend its own rights, which are my rights and the rights I intend to hand off to my children... If the inequality of rights has resulted from the inequality of wealth then that inequality should end, or no matter how much money a person has, they should have no more influence in government than any other... Government has got to work for allof us, poor and rich alike... A people forced forever to defend its rights from each other is exhausted when it is required to defend rights from enemies.....

All rights are inalienable, but when all else is the property of the rich then rights will become alienable, as even inalienable rights have often proved to be... Do we want that situation??? Do we want the situation we are faced with, where rights we find essential to our existence are endgangered by a principal, and ideal, and a privilage like prperty rights??? The value of rights is practical, but the value of property privilages are only theoretical... Are we going to let private wealth destroy this whole people???

As long as the churches stand with the rich in attacking individual rights under the guise of attacking evil when they are not attacking evil at it root which they support and represent, but are only attacking a branch of evil, the evil that results from the larger evil of private property and individual wealth, then they are the enemy ...
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