Max -
Osso, doesn't this depend on the commitment made by the two people involved in the relationship? If each partner understands and accepts that kissing other people is OK, then it is no big deal. But if there is an understanding, i.e. a commitment, that there will be no kissing, then it is a violation of the agreement (not to sound too technical here).
That is too technical to cover, oh, 58 years.
Whatever type of marriage there is, marriage is a commitment.
Commitments should be discussed.
Good movie..
Max -
And people who enter any kind of committed relationship should understand and honor the commitment. This has nothing to do with "ownership".
Osso -
It does in many people's eyes.
I'm old. At the beginning of my life I bought the obey thing. I remember that.
I had my first problem on that with Larry... would I want to obey him.
Alas, Larry was and is a fine person, and my qualms were re vows. He was and is a good man.
My problem on a2k is that I am slightly older than the boomers. I remember the strictures as very real, very constricting.
quote max
All I am saying is that if my wife breaks the mutually understood boundaries of our marriage, I would want her to tell me about it (assuming she feels bad about it.
Well, sure.
You have been talking all along, eh?