FBM wrote:
That's always a danger, innit, with or without alcohol involved? But as long as you don't actually rape her, you should be pretty safe. She'd have to work pretty hard to fabricate evidence of coercion. I mean, after all, if it was her idea to share a hotel room. If she was the sort to have bible study in mind, she sure as hell wouldn't book the two of you in the same hotel room, would she?
You're kidding right?
All that it takes to make it rape is for her to say "no", ONCE.
As far as booking 1 room for 2 people.
Hotels can be expensive.
Just because one person is a female, and one person is a male, does not mean either one is obligated to have sex with the other. Assuming the intent is sex is a bit narrow minded and provincial, don't you think?
Like I said, hotel room come with 2 beds.
Actually, all that needs to be done by the OP to find out what her intent was, is to say "So, you booked just one room?........."
That hanging question would most likely be answered in a way that would solve this great mystery.