@High Seas,
Thanks for calling my attention to hawkeye10's failings. Still, I did lose my temper and stooped to name-calling. Besides, one has to keep a cool head in order to present his point of view effectively.
I'm afraid I don't have a very satisfactory answer to your question, as all this took place more than forty years ago. What gets me is that the psychologist actually had a good reputation, which I now believe was created artificially by him cultivating social contacts and establishing friendships with people in the local news media. My sister was a journalist during that time and made the observation that many of her fellow journalists were lazy in their work. In other words, they frequently would not take the time to fully investigate what they were reporting about by checking out more than one source of information. Hence, this psychologist became the single "authority" the local news media would and have continued to cite as a pyschologist. And he continues to be locally popular today. Why? I don't know. Perhaps he
has helped other patients. All I know is that he definitely did not help me and hurt my mother deeply. Everything I've said about him in my posts of this topc is true.
Part of the problem I had when I was a teenager was that I was naive, ignorant, and trusting. I also had a passive personality at the time, which burns me. (I've mostly overcome that problem.) I assumed that just because he had the title "Doctor" before his name that his opinions carried as much weight as those of a medical doctor. But psychology seems to be far less based upon empirical results and more based upon opinion and theorizing.
As far as my parents figuring out that he was less than competent is concerned? I don't know why. Both of my parents were bright, intelligent people. So, I don't get it. My sister, though, says that he's a master manipulator.
Sorry, but I have to cite two more examples of how whacked off he really was. During my freshman year in high school during a "therapy" session, I said that I hated surfers. It was simply a statement that was not well thought out. After all, I was a typically inarticulate teenager. I actually didn't hate all surfers. One of my leading tormentors at school was a surfer; so, I made the dumb statement. As soon as I said, "I hate surfers," the pyschologist tore into me as if I were some kind of racist bigot. If I were a psychologist and a patient of mine who was a teenager said, "I hate surfers,"
I would ask him, "Why?" The psychologist didn't even do that. He seemed to make up his mind without listening to his patients much. At least that was the way he dealt with me.
During the Christmas break of my freshman year, my sister had dropped out of an out-of-state law school because she had become disillusioned and had returned home, as she was still living with us. To add to this low point in her life, after undergoing wisdom tooth surgery in town, she came down with an infection and became ill. Since I was enjoying the Christmas break, the psychologist accused me of chortling over my sister's misery because she had excelled academically and I hadn't done so. His claim was
a total lie. I was never jealous of my sister. I've always been close to her, and I was not chortling over her temporary misery. The reason why I was happy during the Christmas break was that I was having a two-week respite from the bullying that I was being subjected to at school. And what gets me is that I was so
stupid that I thought he knew something about me that I didn't know. What I should have done is tell our parents, "Dr. ------- is an idiot. You shouldn't take me to see him anymore."
What's sad is that mental illness is a reality. Sometimes people need the help of a professional. Again, I realize that there are some good psychologists and psychiatrists; but some psychologists and some psychiatrists don't know what they're talking about.
No one may believe this, but I no longer hold a grudge (as I did for decades) against this psychologist today. Several months ago I resolved that I was not going to continue to allow him to live rent-free in my mind anymore. Continuing to hold a grudge against him would only give him power over me. Besides, we all make mistakes (including yours truly); and perhaps over the last 40 years he's learned from his own mistakes. By making all these comments in this topic, I was only trying to commiserate with poor Homomorph. Besides, telling horror stories is fun!