Sat 18 Dec, 2010 11:57 am - Some people stand alone, strong and proud, dictating their dogma long and loud. happy faces, playing parts, rotting minds, is just a start.
We need to tell them all about, what it really means, to... (view)
Wed 24 Nov, 2010 12:29 am - For any system of, n, nodes with, e (n), edges that can each affect the value, K_n of each node, there exists a minimum "effort" to achieve an arbitrary K_n for a given node, say n_x,... (view)
Sun 19 Sep, 2010 10:12 am - That's horrendous. I gained 100 pounds on some anti-psychotic for an undiagnosed, but "strongly suspected" condition, as well as coughing up a couple thousand dollars. I was in high... (view)
Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:47 am - In a lecture video, Joseph Campbell discussed how the views on the Ego differ greatly in the eastern and western cultures. On some level they seem to be the same, or maybe they are completely... (view)
Sat 11 Sep, 2010 02:01 am - They have so much power of so many people, and most of them are crackpots. They should be required to have medical, computer based, mathematical, and most importantly philosophical degrees before... (view)
Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:31 pm - I did not, and yes it is in relation.
For example, if we knew enough about the water (ie. chemical comp., temperature variance, wave peak/min frequency and p/m amplitude ect...) and if we... (view)