Mosque to be Built Near Ground Zero

Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 09:59 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

They probably just wanted one type of hot dogs, and it was easier to get the ones that everyone could eat.

Halal hot dogs taste just like the regular ones... not a big deal.


This was my reply to Phoenix

Actually, the hotdogs were free. To be honest and frank (no pun intended on frank ) I think they had the halal's left from their last event. (frozen, of course). It would only mean that the Muslim turnout for the last event was not as large as they anticipated.

I don't think Canadian Jews like Kosher foods. They prefer peameal bacon and beer.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:01 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

God, I hate being right all the time.



The Taliban vs. the Mosque

Taliban officials know it’s sacrilegious to hope a mosque will not be built, but that’s exactly what they’re wishing for: the success of the fiery campaign to block the proposed Islamic cultural center and prayer room near the site of the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan. “By preventing this mosque from being built, America is doing us a big favor,” Taliban operative Zabihullah tells NEWSWEEK. (Like many Afghans, he uses a single name.) “It’s providing us with more recruits, donations, and popular support.”

America’s enemies in Afghanistan are delighted by the vehement public opposition to the proposed “Ground Zero mosque.” The backlash against the project has drawn the heaviest e-mail response ever on jihadi Web sites, Zabihullah claims—far bigger even than France’s ban on burqas earlier this year. (That was big, he recalls: “We received many e-mails asking for advice on how Muslims should react to the hijab ban, and how they can punish France.”) This time the target is America itself. “We are getting even more messages of support and solidarity on the mosque issue and questions about how to fight back against this outrage.”

Exactly as predicted.


Recruitment is not up because of the stupid mosque in NYC, it is up because of the flood in Pakistan and the Taliban is cashing in on the hardship of the Pakistani people and exploiting the young boys and giving them guns to kill because they are even more desperate for basic necessities. How sad that journalists have no ethics and would publish such lies...

How predictable...

Do your really think that starving Pakistani boys are joining Jihad because fat New Yorkers are not going to get a fitness center? How arrogant.
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:03 am
Since you did not post any reference or actual evidence. Your version is no more plausible than Cyclo's. Maybe less since he posted a link.
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:05 am
Take a look at youtube videos on Muslim hate in Pakistan directed at the west. Also use a bit of common sense. You don't think the flood is evidence enough gosh put two and two together...
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:07 am
Considering the article was discussing recruiting in Afghanistan, not Pakistan, I wonder why you even brought it up.

Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:08 am
Recruitment is not up because of the stupid mosque in NYC, it is up because of the flood in Pakistan and the Taliban is cashing in on the hardship of the Pakistani people and exploiting the young boys and giving them guns to kill because they are even more desperate for basic necessities. How sad that journalists have no ethics and would publish such lies...

How predictable...

Speaking of no ethics, what is launching an illegal invasion upon a country, two of them actually, that did nothing to the US. What's ethical about bombing the hell out of innocent civilians. What's ethical about two wars of aggression in order to effect a change in government. That's terrorism, pure and simple.
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:21 am
RexRed wrote:

Take a look at youtube videos on Muslim hate in Pakistan directed at the west. Also use a bit of common sense. You don't think the flood is evidence enough gosh put two and two together...

Common sense? Flood? Pakistan? Evidence?

Uh, sure, ok.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:23 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Considering the article was discussing recruiting in Afghanistan, not Pakistan,
I wonder why you even brought it up. [emphasis added by David]
Because Moslems are FUNGIBLE (tho, admittedly, not every one of them is homicidal, like Atta);
thay don 't have a different philosophy for Pakistan than for India and another for Afganistan, etc.

FART, u r fiercely fanatical in your defense of the Moslems.

If I am underinformed and thay REALLY DO
have such different, geografically based philosophies, then please so indicate.


Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:28 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Considering the article was discussing recruiting in Afghanistan, not Pakistan, I wonder why you even brought it up.

Because Moslems are FUNGIBLE (tho, admittedly, not every one of them is homicidal, like Atta);
thay don 't have a different philosophy for Pakistan than for India and another for Afganistan, etc.

No more so than anyone else. Also, you are completely incorrect - there are different sects of Islaam in different places, with some being much more severe than others.

FART, u r fiercely fanatical in your defense of the Moslems.

I should point out to you, once again, that I am not Failures ART. That's a completely different person. You've been taken in by a joke, David.

I don't defend Muslims any more so than I do anyone else, either. You are the one who creates artificial distinctions based on people's religion, claiming that one group should be held to one standard, and another, another. I seek to hold all to the same standards.

Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:34 am
FART, u r fiercely fanatical ...

As I recall, it was you, Sig, who made such a big to do about scatological references in order to create a diversion so you could avoiding a situation where it was becoming apparent that you were being an ass.

Now you've glommed onto FART with a tenacity that truly fits an anal retentive guy like you.
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Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:53 am
There are all sorts of CIA planted stories in the American media. This Newsweek "story" smells kind of fishy.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 01:58 pm
That was a pretty sharp setup you used a while back to cover your butt for the future, Cy. You've probably fooled some people.

I think it may have been with Okie.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 02:56 pm

Speaking of no ethics, what is launching an illegal invasion upon a country, two of them actually, that did nothing to the US. What's ethical about bombing the hell out of innocent civilians. What's ethical about two wars of aggression in order to effect a change in government. That's terrorism, pure and simple.

It's hard to argue with you when you make up your own facts JTT.
Under what law was the invasion of Afghanistan illegal?
For that matter, under what law was the invasion of Iraq illegal.
If you feel they were, then why hasn't the UN and the international court acted on your allegations?
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 03:01 pm
parados wrote:


Speaking of no ethics, what is launching an illegal invasion upon a country, two of them actually, that did nothing to the US. What's ethical about bombing the hell out of innocent civilians. What's ethical about two wars of aggression in order to effect a change in government. That's terrorism, pure and simple.

It's hard to argue with you when you make up your own facts JTT.
Under what law was the invasion of Afghanistan illegal?
For that matter, under what law was the invasion of Iraq illegal.
If you feel they were, then why hasn't the UN and the international court acted on your allegations?

Under what law is the invasion and genocide in Sudan legal, Sharia?

There is your answer...

And define an invasion, is it when you invade with the intent to keep the land or invade with the intent to liberate from a dictator and or religious tyranny? Eminent dangers... Which is worse and less lawful?
Define the difference between liberation and domination?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 03:06 pm
Also maybe the recruitment to the Taliban is up in Afghanistan because the US military has been broadcasting that they will be invading the birthplace of the Taliban in Afghanistan for a few months? But I am sure it is more that Afghans are joining the Taliban because they are mad that New Yorkers may not be getting a fitness center with swimming pools and tennis courts...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 03:41 pm
For that matter, under what law was the invasion of Iraq illegal.
If you feel they were, then why hasn't the UN and the international court acted on your allegations?

Now that's making up your facts. Richard Perle admitted it back in 2003 (see story).

As for why the UN hasn't pursued the matter? Give me a break. How many outstanding sanctions are there against Israel that are never pursued? The UN is toothless (hence why the illegal Iraq investigation went ahead). The USA is its largest funder and President Bush's decision to withdraw the U.S. signature from the Statute of the International Criminal Court means the USA can't be called to account. The statute's purpose is to try individuals who commit crimes against humanity — acts of mass terror against civilian populations. (see story) Guess why Bush didn't want to sign it?

Now carry on Mr Pot.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 03:46 pm
Was The Iraq War Legal, Or Illegal, Under International Law?

"Advantage is a better soldier than rashness." -Montjoy in Wm. Shakespeare's Henry V, 3.6.120

Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D.

09/17/04 "ICH" -- During a BBC radio interview on Wednesday, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan created a controversy by reiterating his long-held position that the Iraq War was illegal because it breached the United Nations Charter. [1] On Thursday, the imperial leaders of the "Coalition of the Willing" retaliated by vehemently arguing that their Iraq War was, to the contrary, legal. [2]

Obviously, this dispute raises a legal question: "Whose opinion is correct, and whose is incorrect?" Additionally, we should be asking ourselves: "Who decides? (i.e., 'Whose jurisprudential opinion shall be dispositive for purposes of resolving this dispute?')"

It seems eminently reasonable -- even for the disputants -- to conclude that the optimal source of guidance on this question of international law would have to be the world's foremost experts in the field of international law. Hence, the UN's chief and the coalition's leaders need to know how the world's top international law experts would resolve their jurisprudential dispute. And we, the people, need to know who's right and who's wrong here.

Realistically, one cannot seriously expect the disputants -- much less their national electorates -- to wade through numerous legal documents, most of which contain rigorous and not-occasionally tedious reasoning, to find the correct answer. Thus, it seems prudent to proceed directly to the world's most authoritative answer to our pressing question du jour: "Was the Iraq War legal, or illegal, under international law?"

And The World's Most Authoritative Answer Is ... Among the world's foremost experts in the field of international law, the overwhelming jurisprudential consensus is that the Anglo-American invasion, conquest, and occupation of Iraq constitute three phases of one illegal war of aggression. [3]

Moreover, these experts in the international law of war deem both preventive wars and preemptive strikes to be euphemistic subcategories of outlawed wars of aggression.

And the experts' answer would hold true regardless of whether their governing legal authority was: (A) the UN Security Council Resolutions that were passed to implement the conflict-resolution provisions of the UN Charter; or (B) prior treaties and juridical holdings which have long since become general international law. [4]

Readers who need to "trust but verify" (i.e., to corroborate) for themselves that the experts' overwhelming opinion is exactly as stated above should read a document entitled "15 January 2003." (Find it by scrolling down approximately one-fourth of the way, after you've clicked onto this ES website: http://www.eurolegal.org/useur/bbiraqwar.htm "The Legality Of The Iraq War" .) Why?

That document was drafted and signed by the world's foremost international law experts -- the prestigious International Commission of International Law Jurists -- to provide ultimate proof of their authoritative opinion concerning the legal status of war against Iraq. Furthermore, this large body of eminent international law experts explicitly stated that they'd drafted their legal document in order to advise Messrs. Bush and Blair prior to the invasion: (1) that it would be blatantly illegal under international law for the Anglo-American belligerents to invade Iraq; and (2) that their joint decision as Commanders-in-Chief to commence hostilities would constitute prosecutable war crimes.

Skeptical readers who don't regard this highly-authoritative conclusion as an adequate answer are invited to undertake the legal reasoning for themselves at the ES website. Note that every applicable Article in the UN Charter, and every relevant UN Security Council Resolution, is cited and analyzed therein. And readers who continue to scroll down the ES website will find a succession of articles which summarize the opinions of noteworthy individual experts on international law. These, too, strongly confirm that the invasion of Iraq constituted an illegal war of aggression under international law. [5]

Finally, ambitious readers will learn what non-credible source was most responsible for propagating the fictitious pre-war claim that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon (hint: yet another uncredentialed neocon think-tanker from the thoroughly-discredited American Enterprise Institute).

Three Conclusions It is the overwhelming consensus of the world's foremost international law experts that: (1) UN Secretary General Annan's opinion is correct (i.e., true) because the Iraq War was, indeed, illegal; and

(2) the opinion of the "Coalition of the Willing's" leaders is incorrect (i.e., false) because their Iraq War was NOT legal.

(3) Therefore, Americans must break free of the neocons' self-delusional groupthink mentality by learning to differentiate between fact and truth, which are all-too-easily confused. For instance, it's an undeniable fact that Messrs. Bush and Cheney have been arguing along the campaign trail that "The Iraq War was legal!" Nevertheless, the mere fact that they've been vehemently arguing that point certainly does NOT make it true! Their argument is flawed by a logical fallacy called an ipse dixit (i.e., "something asserted but not proved"). As we've already seen, their argument is just plain WRONG AS A MATTER OF LAW! Therefore, Messrs. Bush and Cheney are making a false argument (i.e., deceptively asserting something that is untrue).

The Bottom Line Americans should reject the temptation to vote for Messrs. Bush and Cheney, because: (1) both men were advised beforehand that their decision to commence the invasion of Iraq would be blatantly illegal under international law; (2) they invaded nonetheless, and now they're cynically attempting to mislead the public again by falsely arguing that "The Iraq War was legal!"; (3) however, their argument is legally-meritless nonsense -- the current equivalent of their earlier false argument that torture is a legal method for the US military's interrogation of prisoners; (4) they've repeatedly demonstrated their disdain for universal human rights and democratic governance under the rule of law; and

(5) the 21st-century world isn't Tombstone's OK Corral and they certainly aren't Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday -- however much they might wish us to believe that they are! [6]


[1] Read this 9-16-04 PI article by clicking on these blue words: http://www.politinfo.com/articles/article_2004_09_16_4815.html "UN Says Nothing New In Annan's 'Illegal War' Comment". Also see this 9-17-04 GU article, which contends that UN Secretary General Annan's statement wasn't his long-held opinion, but is new and belated: http://politics.guardian.co.uk/iraq/story/0,12956,1306642,00.html "The War Was Illegal"

[2] Read this 9-17-04 JO article by clicking on these blue words: http://snipurl.com/94y0 "Bush Joins Coalition Leaders In Defending War Against Iraq"

[3] Read the 9-15-04 ES's indispensable analysis by clicking on these blue words: http://www.eurolegal.org/useur/bbiraqwar.htm#TOP Legality of the Iraq War. If the click-on doesn't link, paste this URL into your webserver: http://www.eurolegal.org/useur/bbiraqwar.htm [Skeptical readers should not read to confirm their biases, but instead should set their biases aside until they've finished reading all of the legal arguments on this website, which will take awhile.]

[4] There seems to be one relevant omission from the ES website. General international law could have been be cited as an alternative basis for proving the Iraq War's illegality by analyzing these authoritative precedents: (A) the Kellogg-Briand Pact of Paris (1928); and (B) the Charters, Principles, Indictments, and Holdings from the International Military Tribunals at Nüremberg and Tokyo (1945-48).

[5] Generally speaking, legal opinions offered by government attorneys are NOT considered to be authoritative because: (a) they're drafted in the adversarial mode of an advocate, often under self-interested political pressure from the executive branch; (b) even at its best, their reasoning tends toward casuistry, reflecting Cicero's injudicious maxim,"salus populi suprema lex esto" (De Legibus, III, 3.8: "Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law!" Or the Bushites' tortuous translation thereof: "We feel that we can legally torture our prisoners now if it might save our people later!"); and (c) for an apt example, see the history of the Third Reich's attorneys Hans Frank and Wilhelm Frick, whose pre-war legal advice to Reichsführer Hitler was that Germany could use the pretext of an imminent threat to "preemptively" invade Poland, for which war crime they were both tried, sentenced, and hanged to death by the International Military Tribunal at Nüremberg. Note bene, Attorney General Ashcroft and Bush administration "torture memo" attorneys Bybee, Chertoff, Gonzales, Haynes and Woo!

[6] Read Douglas Jehl's 9-16-4 CD/SPI article by clicking on these blue words: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0916-02.htm "CIA Analysis Holds Bleak Vision For Iraq's Future". Also see the 9-16-04 Dreyfuss Report column: http://tompaine.com/archives/the_dreyfuss_report.php "Annan For President"

Author: Evan Augustine Peterson III, J.D., is the Executive Director of the American Center for International Law ("ACIL"). <[email protected]>


Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 03:54 pm
The only way that a mosque can be stopped from being built or even torn down is if there is legal president..

Is there legal president?

How about this?


Branch Davidian Compound
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 03:55 pm
Precedent, not President bro


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