@failures art,
failures art wrote:...Interesting point. I think that the gamble is that this will help them. [...] If it works, it's creeps me out.
If it doesn't work, I'll be a little encouraged...
Creep you out - why? Either you believe in something or you don't - this ambivalence is hypocritical. Most senior Republicans support Park 51, the rest are outliers. Read article linked by Ossobuco on previous page showing mosque opponents are undercutting Gen. Petraeus's effort in Afghanistan:
Quote:..Bernie Kerik .. smuggled a Twitter message out of prison to register his rage at the ground zero desecration. As my colleague Clyde Haberman reminded us, such was Kerik’s previous reverence for the burial ground of 9/11 that he appropriated an apartment overlooking the site (and designated for recovery workers) for an extramarital affair.
After 9/11/1, many cowards wrote their objections to re-building
the World Trade Center, in defiance or disrespect of the expressed will of the Moslems
who did not want us to have it. In their writings, thay projected their own timidity
onto all of the citizens of NY with the rhetorical question of
who 'd want to work in a re-built WTC? (too dangerous)
Well, I 'm too old and lazy to take a personal interest in this,
but I imagine that the Moslems inside this one-fingered salute
to the WTC and to America woud need to wonder how many weeks,
months or years woud pass b4 any fun-loving, vengeful citizen woud retributively
sap the place with dynamite or other explosives
(did Tim McVeigh employ excremental fertilizer?)
with the Moslems inside it, just like an anti-9/11,
yin - yang, debits n credits, and all like that.
That place woud be hanging out naked and just begging
for something vindictive to happen.
Actually the only reason they decided the build a new Mosque in the area is because all of the Mosque and prayer buildings in the area are all too crowded and they were having long lines and even turning people away. The Imam behind the building of the community center/Mosque is simply not that kind of a Muslim to want to stick it Americans.
Parsing the Record of Feisal Abdul Rauf
It doesn't matter why they want to build a new mosque or who funds it. It doesn't matter if it's being or not being sensitive anymore than the vatican building a cathedral in the Bronx or the jews building a synagogue in queens or the scientologists building a whatever in L.A. It doesn't matter because the US constitution says it doesn't matter.
It didn't take long for the RW idiots to start calling for criminal terrorist acts.
That is what is really scary.
OmSigDAVID wrote:..That place woud be hanging out naked and just begging for something vindictive to happen.
Try attending a lecture at the 92nd St Y, a jewish center - you'll have to go through 2 security checks, present IDs, get subjected to pat-down if their metal detector beeps, etc etc. That's year-round, not a special response to any particular warning. The Moslems can do the same downtown.
parados said:
Quote:That is what is really scary.
What is scary is how rapidly and thoughtlessly so many on the right are jumping on the anti-band wagon.
Unfortunately it is not only the usual suspects. I haven't heard that many democrats coming to the defense of Muslims having the right to build a mosque anywhere they want or trying to tone down heated rhetoric of associating all Muslims with the extremist Muslims. Reid was going on about the "sensitivity" and then Obama sort came to the support and then sort of back tracked and then tried to clarify his back track. He needs to come out strong and clear with one of speeches like the mayor of NY did.
sumac wrote:
parados said:
Quote:That is what is really scary.
What is scary is how rapidly and thoughtlessly so many on the right are jumping on the anti-band wagon.
Actually, I said that in reply to Parodos
yeah, I'm beginning to think Obama might just be another politician like every other politician.
No problem. It doesn't change what you were conveying.
Obama tried to ride the fence because he was looking at the politics of the issue. We need a leader who is clear one way or another. We need plenty of leaders from both parties being crystal clear. Haven't heard a peep from a lot of them. Too scared to take a stand.
parados wrote:It didn't take long for the RW idiots to start calling for criminal terrorist acts.
A liberal
twist, there; I did not post an exhortation.
I am not well versed in U.S. politics, but I have to wonder why any president has to weigh in with a personal opinion on this sort of thing.
Clearly, he has established the constitutional part of it. What is needed to be said beyond this?
Republicans want him to say something that they can use for their agenda and Democrats want him to say something profound.
dyslexia wrote:It doesn't matter why they want to build a new mosque or who funds it. It doesn't matter if it's being or not being sensitive anymore than the vatican building a cathedral in the Bronx or the jews building a synagogue in queens or the scientologists building a whatever in L.A. It doesn't matter because the US constitution says it doesn't matter.
NO. The Constitution only limits
as to
SOME things that it cannot do, like interfering
with a citizen 's possession of defensive guns, for example.
Intrepid wrote:That is what is really scary.
Explain that to the Moslems.
well Intrepid, it's pretty obvious that president Obama must weigh in with an opinion; otherwise the underbelly of the democratic party wouldn't know what their opinion is and the underbelly of the republican party wouldn't know what their opinion is.