Thanks for the answers.
OK, I have to ask you about a couple of things, because I'm afraid you're making some big mistakes. Huge, really.
If your parents were German and French, where did you get the idea that it was OK for you, as the groom, to plan a wedding? That isn't the way it's done in Germany or France.
And why would you plan all this and buy wedding supplies and invitations before you even knew if the girl loved you? Before you even proposed!? Your girlfriend...and parents on both sides...are likely to see this as being unacceptably manipulative and controlling. It's like you have made plans for her whole life without asking her. That's scary!
IF you can live together happily, and
IF you both decide to get married,
THEN you can plan a wedding and a life together. These are not your decisions to make. They are partnership decisions...you must make them together. Just like you'll have to make countless other decisions together for the rest of your lives.
We want your relationship to be a happy one in the years ahead. You won't have that if your plan is to control everything and convince her to go along with you. She is not a child, but an adult. You must treat her as a partner.