"We dropped TWO bombs both on civilian targets....."
Had to, to force a separation amongst the Japanese army, emperor and people. The army wanted to continue the war at all costs, in the spirit of the Samurai. The emperor was under its thumb. The three entities had to be split apart so that something would 'give' under the enormous pressure of continued atomic bombing.
"...............the war was quickly coming to a close...."
No, it wasn't. The Battle of Okinawa was a preview of the horrors of the future fight for Japan. The war was
not coming to a 'close', in the minds of the Japanese. That was the problem. The Japanese would have kept fighting when it was obvious they couldn't win. It would've been a
slaughter-fest on both sides, dragging on for years. We could have lost a
million troops. No thanks.
".......the defeat of the Japanese was near....."
Not according to the Code of Bushido. As long as a single Japanese citizen lived, the war lived.
No regrets. No looking back. No revisionism. Just say 'no' to anti-Western, neo-Marxism.
No, Scooby.
No, FF.
No, Sabz.
PS: And yes, Sabz, I AM AN AMERICAN PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER. I TEACH HISTORY, AND I TEACH THAT THE NUCLEAR BOMBING OF JAPAN WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Furthermore, my hair is short. I believe in God. I'm a Republican. I voted for Bush. I served in the U.S. Army for 20 years, and I LOVE AMERICA. I am everything you are NOT, and
frig'n damned PROUD of it.