@Fatal Freedoms,
All that I am saying is Iran is doing nothing more then what we are doing. I am pretty damn sure we have given missile systems to countries. But all of this talk about going to war over things that do not exist like Nuclear weapons has got to stop. We need to put alittle more effort into research before we decide to start a 3rd front.
Also Pino just so you are aware, I am serving this country as we speak. I have worked my whole life to give something back to this country. I may not have served in the military or ever been to war but I have sacrificed some of my self in other ways to get to this point. I worked 60 hours a week plus going to school with 15 to 20 hours of homework per week. Just so I could get a job with the feds. Now I have that job and I am giving back to this country. I love this country just as much as you claim to. If not more. So do not ever say I do not support this country again.
What I do not support is going to war on false pretenses. What I do not support is our men and women dying for nothing. Do not tell me securing our oil is worth people dying. A strategic foothold is not worth there lives either. If you are so hell bent on destroying the middle east why not pull out and let them kill themselves? We can simply walk in when they are done and take all the things you want.
This may upset you Pino but there are Americans that are willing to die for this country that do not agree with every war we enter. I stand behind our troops, I have very good friends that have been to the Sand Box more than once, and I thank them every time I see them. I have cried with them. I love them like brothers for the sacrifices they have made. And I honestly do not think there sacrifices are worth the reward. The scars they burden all the pain and hurt is not worth it. Not for Oil, not for a sweet ass missile base in the Middle East.
I understand that this is the internet and you have a reputation to uphold. But try and be a little more thoughtful in your discussions man. I speak my mind because I have nothing to hide but I do it in what I feel is a diplomatic manner. I do not make fun of you or call you names. I am me, look at my Avatar yup that is my ugly ass in the picture. My screen name bares my last name. I am me and some times I think you dont know who you are or what you really feel man.