Iran Isreal and US

Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 05:31 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;49853 wrote:
If you want to believe that,then thats up to you,Iraq is a mess,92b and i,dont agree on very much but we both think american foreign policy in the middle-east is wrong.

Watch the news. The surge is working. Iraqis actually held new year celebrations for the first time in years. How many terrorist attacks have there been in the U.S. since 911?
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 06:22 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;49972 wrote:
Who said the muslims are always the good guys ? not me.

You just cant seem to get it into your head the creation of the state of Israel is responsible for a lot of problems in the middle-east,nope the jews did not want to be kicked out or persucuted for centuries,(christians doing most of the persecution) but it was the jews who did the kicking out when the state of israel was created.

Of course, it wasn't easy for the Christians to 'mostly' persecute them with all the competition from Muslims, but it suits you better for history to work that way, so why not?

Okay... so it created problems. It's not like they all got together one day and decided to provoke the Muslims for the fun of it. They lived there first, and if they wanted to take the land back, they were perfectly morally entitled to it if they could. For someone who hates imperialism, you seem to be okay with Muslim imperialism and not okay with those who fight it.
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 06:30 pm
The U.S. has for the last 60 years been the primary support of Israel. Let's not forget the role Britain and the U.N. played. The latter being the primary forces of establishment, then quickly turning tail and running from the situation. Never to look back.
Out of curiosity, which Christian organization was persecuting Jews?
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 06:38 pm
The evil Crusaders, of course.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 08:53 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;49935 wrote:
IMo the Brits shouldn't have been there in the 1st place,i dont like imperialism.

They were there because they took over the Ottoman Empire via WWI. They HAD to be there. You feel no obligation to accept any responsibility for anything, or anyone, at any time, for any reason. Again.....you're conveniently Scottish, and forever DETACHED, whenever you need to be. If you won't define yourself, I'll do it for you -- ARMCHAIR SOCIALIST.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 01:27 pm
Reagaknight;49981 wrote:
Of course, it wasn't easy for the Christians to 'mostly' persecute them with all the competition from Muslims, but it suits you better for history to work that way, so why not?

Okay... so it created problems. It's not like they all got together one day and decided to provoke the Muslims for the fun of it. They lived there first, and if they wanted to take the land back, they were perfectly morally entitled to it if they could. For someone who hates imperialism, you seem to be okay with Muslim imperialism and not okay with those who fight it.

Christians have killed far more jews than muslims have,through the centuries and treated them far worse the the muslims.
"Okay mso it has created problems" no kidding sherlock,You say they lived there first that is debateable,you think its ok after 2000 years for the jews to come back and take back "their land" what do you think about the indigenious peoples of the americas wanting back their land,after there land was taken from them by white christian settlers,do you advocate,giving them back their land ? after all they were there first.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 01:30 pm
Pinochet73;49993 wrote:
They were there because they took over the Ottoman Empire via WWI. They HAD to be there. You feel no obligation to accept any responsibility for anything, or anyone, at any time, for any reason. Again.....you're conveniently Scottish, and forever DETACHED, whenever you need to be. If you won't define yourself, I'll do it for you -- ARMCHAIR SOCIALIST.

Pino ifyou read all my posts iv have already said that the british and french carved up the middle-east after WW1 and the fall of the Ottaman Empire,they created the new country's they drew the maps,they chose who they wanted in power,to suit their own selfish needs.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 01:34 pm
g-man;49985 wrote:
The U.S. has for the last 60 years been the primary support of Israel. Let's not forget the role Britain and the U.N. played. The latter being the primary forces of establishment, then quickly turning tail and running from the situation. Never to look back.
Out of curiosity, which Christian organization was persecuting Jews?

The jews were persecuted by christians for centuries throughout Europe,the germans killed 6 million not that long ago.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 01:40 pm
g-man;49978 wrote:
Watch the news. The surge is working. Iraqis actually held new year celebrations for the first time in years. How many terrorist attacks have there been in the U.S. since 911?

Pity that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11,and you wouldn't be fighting AQ on two fronts,do you advocate keeping 160,000 troops in Iraq for long,becuase that is the only way you will keep control of it,the government is a shambles.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 02:18 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
The original inhabitants of palestine.

The history of the area is complexdue to the many tribes and (later nations) that settled conquered and ruled,traded there or moved through:Canaanites,philistines,Samaritans,Nabatateans,Greeks,Muslims and Christians.

In Pre-Biblical times the area was known as the land of Canaan,and had been a collection of ccity states,tributaryto the Egyptian Pharoah,as attested to in the Tel-El Amarna Tablets.The break up ot the Egyptian Empirebeginning about 1500bcmade possible the invasion of the Israelites.According to Jewish tradition,twelve tribes entered Canaanfrom Egypt and conquered it.led by Moses approx 1240-1200bc.Historical evidence from the Amarna tablets suggests that there were already "apiru" (Hebrews) among the Canaanitesin the time of Egyptian rule.
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 06:24 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;50024 wrote:
The jews were persecuted by christians for centuries throughout Europe,the germans killed 6 million not that long ago.

And we all know what a bible thumper Hitler was. Followed the Ten Commandments to the letter. Rolling Eyes
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 06:37 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;50022 wrote:
Christians have killed far more jews than muslims have,through the centuries and treated them far worse the the muslims.
"Okay mso it has created problems" no kidding sherlock,You say they lived there first that is debateable,you think its ok after 2000 years for the jews to come back and take back "their land" what do you think about the indigenious peoples of the americas wanting back their land,after there land was taken from them by white christian settlers,do you advocate,giving them back their land ? after all they were there first.

So you're not in favor of Scottish indpendence? It's sort of not debateable that they were there first, cause they were.

"Okay mso it has created problems" no kidding sherlock

Wow... I was repeating your words and you're acting like I just decided to say something painfully obvious out of the blue.

you think its ok after 2000 years for the jews to come back and take back "their land" what do you think about the indigenious peoples of the americas wanting back their land,after there land was taken from them by white christian settlers,do you advocate,giving them back their land ? after all they were there first

Now you're getting very close to putting words into my mouth. This might be a valid comparison if I had said the Muslims had to hand the land over to them. The Israelis had to take it by force. So, if the Native Americans (who largely did not even believe in the concept of land ownership anyway) decided to take America back by force, they would be morally justified. Doesn't mean I think we all have to fork over our houses to the next Indian we see.

The Jews had lived in Israel for a long time prior to the new state of Israel, relocating there, there was even a remnant population that had never left. They never voluntarily left, they were forced out, and now you're acting like there's a time limit on how long they have to take back Israel. Well I've got news for ya, it's been a pretty damned long time since the English took over Scotland, so put that in your kilt and yell 'freedom' at it.

Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 07:36 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;50023 wrote:
Pino ifyou read all my posts iv have already said that the british and french carved up the middle-east after WW1 and the fall of the Ottaman Empire,they created the new country's they drew the maps,they chose who they wanted in power,to suit their own selfish needs.

What I'm saying is that YOU ARE PARTLY CULPABLE for that, as a citizen of the UK. Yes.....YOU. You belong to some greater power than yourself, and that power, like it or not, is the UK. Your hands are bloody, too, Scooby-Doo. How does it feel? :mad:
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 11:59 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;50024 wrote:
The jews were persecuted by christians for centuries throughout Europe,the germans killed 6 million not that long ago.

Germany did not persecute Jews in the name of Christianity. The hatred of Jews had to do with Jews economic progress. Nazis saw Jews as greedy and deceitful.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 12:05 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;50027 wrote:
Pity that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11,and you wouldn't be fighting AQ on two fronts,do you advocate keeping 160,000 troops in Iraq for long,becuase that is the only way you will keep control of it,the government is a shambles.

I have not stated that Iraq had anything to do with 911. I'll explain one more time. Sanctions were placed on Iraq which Hussein scoffed at and toyed with inspectors by the U.N.. The U.S. and it's allies took the sanctions serious. The U.N. was too busy counting it's oil for food money to take notice. One of the excellent side effects of going to war in Iraq is that it gave AQ a play ground. To their dismay of course. Also, no terrorist attacks in America.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 12:11 pm
Reagaknight;50049 wrote:
And we all know what a bible thumper Hitler was. Followed the Ten Commandments to the letter. Rolling Eyes

The germans were still a chritian cxountr,and if you check your history books,you will find that the jews were persecuted by christians for centuries.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 12:15 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;50030 wrote:
The original inhabitants of palestine.

The history of the area is complexdue to the many tribes and (later nations) that settled conquered and ruled,traded there or moved through:Canaanites,philistines,Samaritans,Nabatateans,Greeks,Muslims and Christians.

In Pre-Biblical times the area was known as the land of Canaan,and had been a collection of ccity states,tributaryto the Egyptian Pharoah,as attested to in the Tel-El Amarna Tablets.The break up ot the Egyptian Empirebeginning about 1500bcmade possible the invasion of the Israelites.According to Jewish tradition,twelve tribes entered Canaanfrom Egypt and conquered it.led by Moses approx 1240-1200bc.Historical evidence from the Amarna tablets suggests that there were already "apiru" (Hebrews) among the Canaanitesin the time of Egyptian rule.

Read this again reagaknight.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 12:28 pm
Reagaknight;50050 wrote:
So you're not in favor of Scottish indpendence? It's sort of not debateable that they were there first, cause they were.

Wow... I was repeating your words and you're acting like I just decided to say something painfully obvious out of the blue.

Now you're getting very close to putting words into my mouth. This might be a valid comparison if I had said the Muslims had to hand the land over to them. The Israelis had to take it by force. So, if the Native Americans (who largely did not even believe in the concept of land ownership anyway) decided to take America back by force, they would be morally justified. Doesn't mean I think we all have to fork over our houses to the next Indian we see.

The Jews had lived in Israel for a long time prior to the new state of Israel, relocating there, there was even a remnant population that had never left. They never voluntarily left, they were forced out, and now you're acting like there's a time limit on how long they have to take back Israel. Well I've got news for ya, it's been a pretty damned long time since the English took over Scotland, so put that in your kilt and yell 'freedom' at it.


"so if the native americans (who largely did not believe in the concept of land ownership anyway" LOL yeh they just gave their land over voluntarily lol

The jews had lived in israel for along time,but they were not the only ethnic group who occuped these lands,lots of peoples and tribes aroiund the world never left their lands voluntarily,what do you suggest,we give lands all over the world to the indegenious populations.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 12:32 pm
g-man;50069 wrote:
I have not stated that Iraq had anything to do with 911. I'll explain one more time. Sanctions were placed on Iraq which Hussein scoffed at and toyed with inspectors by the U.N.. The U.S. and it's allies took the sanctions serious. The U.N. was too busy counting it's oil for food money to take notice. One of the excellent side effects of going to war in Iraq is that it gave AQ a play ground. To their dismay of course. Also, no terrorist attacks in America.

Thats not what you govenrment said at the time of the invasion of Iraq,they linked iraq to 9/11 and said iraq was a threat to the US,which is was not.

Have you found those WMDs yet :wtf:
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 01:36 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;50087 wrote:
The germans were still a chritian cxountr,and if you check your history books,you will find that the jews were persecuted by christians for centuries.

This is like saying that the Ku Klux Klan is mostly Protestant, so Protestants, not the KKK, commited all of the crimes the KKK is responsible for.

They did not kill the Jews because they were Christian, they killed them because they were paranoid anti-Semites, much like liberals today, who were denounced widely by the Catholic Church.
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