Campbell34;41066 wrote:That really did not answer my question. You said America will be punished for many things. It was never Gods plan for doctors of this nation to rip apart the bodies of these little one's. Abortion is the spilling of innocent blood. It is the taking away of a human life. Now their spirit will live on. Yet these human bodies were destroyed. Of this even science would agree. So do you believe that when God looks down on the millions of torn apart bodies of little girls and boys, and many of them just tossed in dumpsters. God will say, it's ok, it's ok, no problem there America, carry on my good and faithful servents. And don't forget, we need two more dumpsters for tomorrows load. Do you really believe that God looks at abortion as just a procedure that has nothing to do with sin or evil. That if they kill a child in the mothers body it's not murder, but if they kill the child 5 seconds after the child is outside the mothers body, now it is murder. Do you really believe that?
For the millionth time....fetuses are not children.... untold millions of embryos are miscarried, yearly...do you think that they possess "souls"? Do you think that they have any reference to anything, being incomplete and in development stage?
I'd sooner believe that fetuses could be classified as "innocents", "after" birth...after they have drawn their first breath....significant, because it is common belief that "giving up the ghost", or expiration occurs in "exhaling" the last breath....therefore, the breath of life is significant..it is the start of life and the ending of it as well.
That being said...abortion of an unborn is not murder, in any classic sense...it is a regrettable, and sometimes preventable occurrence. Other times, it is not.
And what is the big deal, anyways....you people, you anti-abortion people throw away these children after they are born....you don't care about their welfare, "after they are born"....only "before they are born"....they can be destined to lives of poverty, poor healthcare, poor education or none, and eventually be caught up in the criminal justice system....but you don't care about that...all you care about is them not being aborted....
What kind of sense does this make? How, then are your efforts "noble"? How, then are you doing
"God's work"??? Answer me this. It's the height of hypocrisy, and a travesty....which one day will have a reckoning.