Congress should pass a resolution condemning Rush Limbaugh

Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 07:04 pm
Campbell34;40873 wrote:
The facts are, late term abortions are almost always done for birth control which has little to do with the health of a woman. Hillary supports late term abortions for a womans health, yet the way the law is written if a woman gets up one day and doesen't feel good, she can claim she needs a late term, and she gets it. Now do you understand?

No matter how many times you repeat yourself...it doesn't make it "truer", do you understand? Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the reasons a woman chooses to have an abortion, it's her right to choose, not yours. And contrary to popular belief, it's between her conscience, her God, and herself...Get out of other folks' business. Or go have a vasectomy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 07:05 pm
I agree Aaron and scripture backs this up that God sends the spirit and soul at the moment of birth , just like it returns to God at the moment of Death.

God is not allowing millions of souls/ spirits to be frozen in fertility clinics only to be thrown away as bio waste later. Nor Is God allowing man to stop souls from coming into this world. Man cannot change the plans of God . People use birth control and stop many more children from being born than do those that have abortions. Birth control does not stop the plans of God either. God will accomplish just exactly what he said he will accomplish and that includes each and every human he said would be born. God is just that all knowing and all powerful.

[SIZE="3"] Each and every soul/ spirit that God made to be born into the family of man will be born . God is just that powerful. Man cannot stop God.[/SIZE]

Most people who think man can change the plans of God are really not Christians . They say they are , but its apparent they are not . I am not sure what Campbells deal is . I think his pride gets in his way from admitting the truth, because I do believe campbell is a christian , all be it a stiff necked one. He apparently does not understand that God will accomplish exactly what he set out to do, and that includes every soul that was to be born. [SIZE="3"]Nothing or nobody can change the plans of God. [/SIZE]

aaronssongs;40874 wrote:
Right...just like the American people being overwhelmingly against the Iraq War, but the reality of the situation meant that George Bush could execute it anyway, and damn what people thought.
Your premise was that Hillary was short of the Devil, himself, and now, after being supplied with documentation which clearly spells out her take on the matter , you twist and turn and spin your rhetoric to what women can do , under the law, is "criminal".
I don't give a rat's booty about what you happen to think is criminal...a woman's right to choose is paramount to any entity having jurisdiction over what she can and cannot do with her own body. It is a decision between her and her conscience (some would say, God)...but it's her's.
And many believe that fetuses and embryos are not bona fide human beings with feelings or rights, until they are viable, meaning that they can exist outside of the womb, independently.
end of story. I am pro-choice...it is not baby killing as you describe...there are two schools of thought, obviously...give it a rest.
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 07:11 pm
Campbell34;40965 wrote:
A premature child of 6 months often will survive outside of a womans body with a little help, but late term abortions make sure thats not going to happen, especially after they suck the childs brains out. Yet I'm sure that little fact means nothing to you. Maybe you should watch a child have his brains sucked out when he is 8 or 9 months along, and then come back here and tell me he's not a baby.

If you read, you would understand that I, like Hillary Clinton, support a woman right to choose, while frowning on late term abortions, unless it means the woman's life....abortions should be the course of last resort...always (what don't you get about that?) I really don't know what more can be said....Abortions are wrong-headed, unless it is in the interest of preserving the woman's life...LOUD And CLEAR. But it's no decision of yours or anyone else's to make.
And really, there is much better fare for you to watch than what you have described....I can't think of anyone sitting down to view such a thing, in order to become a self-righteous fanatic.
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 09:29 pm
Notice :

Campbell will ignore my post, until he attacks it , like a animal cornered.
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 10:18 pm
wvpeach;40966 wrote:
Campbell this is a lie. First of all it costs more to have a late term abortion , money is always a factor. Second it is dangerous for the woman to have a late term abortion. Thirdly late term abortions often result in the woman becoming infertile.

You show yourself willing to lie to further your viewpoint. Late term abortions are rarely done , and they certainly are not used for birth control.

I'm sorry but I was repeating Mrs. Clintons view, that she only supported it in the cases of a womans health. And if you call three to four thousand late terms a year rare, then I don't no what to tell you. And in your other post, it was you who said there was no excuse for that. And three to four thousand is what I have have heard stated, and it is the doctors that have said it is more for birth control, not me. And before you call anyone a liar, you better check your facts.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 10:26 pm
wvpeach;40981 wrote:
Notice :

Campbell will ignore my post, until he attacks it , like a animal cornered.

Campbells a coward.

I call him on his bullshit ALL the time. I challenged him to debate the Bible with me to show I forgot more of the Bible then he will EVER know and he's been dodging me ever since.

He's afraid of looking bad.

I mean MORE bad.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 10:33 pm
aaronssongs;40972 wrote:
If you read, you would understand that I, like Hillary Clinton, support a woman right to choose, while frowning on late term abortions, unless it means the woman's life....abortions should be the course of last resort...always (what don't you get about that?) I really don't know what more can be said....Abortions are wrong-headed, unless it is in the interest of preserving the woman's life...LOUD And CLEAR. But it's no decision of yours or anyone else's to make.
And really, there is much better fare for you to watch than what you have described....I can't think of anyone sitting down to view such a thing, in order to become a self-righteous fanatic.

Most late term abortions are for birth control according to doctors. (What don't you get about that.) And if you frown on late term abortions, what do you think God is doing? And in the Scriptures nations that killed their children did not fair to well when God got a hold on them. Do you think God is going to treat America any differently? I think the real fanatics, are the one's who look the other way while doctors crack open a childs head to suck out their brains. Abortions are more than just wrong headed, they are evil. And I don't know the name of any God that would ever support such an evil. Who is your God? And they use to make this same arguement for slavery. Those like you would say. "I'm against slavery, but it is not my place to tell another man what he should do with his slaves". Sound familiar?
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 10:37 pm
wvpeach;40969 wrote:
I agree Aaron and scripture backs this up that God sends the spirit and soul at the moment of birth , just like it returns to God at the moment of Death.

God is not allowing millions of souls/ spirits to be frozen in fertility clinics only to be thrown away as bio waste later. Nor Is God allowing man to stop souls from coming into this world. Man cannot change the plans of God . People use birth control and stop many more children from being born than do those that have abortions. Birth control does not stop the plans of God either. God will accomplish just exactly what he said he will accomplish and that includes each and every human he said would be born. God is just that all knowing and all powerful.

[SIZE="3"] Each and every soul/ spirit that God made to be born into the family of man will be born . God is just that powerful. Man cannot stop God.[/SIZE]

Most people who think man can change the plans of God are really not Christians . They say they are , but its apparent they are not . I am not sure what Campbells deal is . I think his pride gets in his way from admitting the truth, because I do believe campbell is a christian , all be it a stiff necked one. He apparently does not understand that God will accomplish exactly what he set out to do, and that includes every soul that was to be born. [SIZE="3"]Nothing or nobody can change the plans of God. [/SIZE]

Please quote the Scripture which states the spirit only enters the body at birth, and based on your belief then the killing of all these children is not murder? Is that what you are saying?
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 10:46 pm
[SIZE="4"]Nope campbell I think God will punish America for many things including the killing of innocents around the world for greed .[/SIZE]

Campbell34;40989 wrote:
Most late term abortions are for birth control according to doctors. (What don't you get about that.) And if you frown on late term abortions, what do you think God is doing? And in the Scriptures nations that killed their children did not fair to well when God got a hold on them. Do you think God is going to treat America any differently? I think the real fanatics, are the one's who look the other way while doctors crack open a childs head to suck out their brains. Abortions are more than just wrong headed, they are evil. And I don't know the name of any God that would ever support such an evil. Who is your God? And they use to make this same arguement for slavery. Those like you would say. "I'm against slavery, but it is not my place to tell another man what he should do with his slaves". Sound familiar?
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 10:50 pm
wvpeach;40981 wrote:
Notice :

Campbell will ignore my post, until he attacks it , like a animal cornered.

I only attack you post because I believe they are both anti Bible, and anti God. Clear teachings of Scripture seem to be obscured so you can feel
at comfort with the ways of this world. This world kills children by abortion, and you appear to look for loop holes to justify this atrocity. And anytime you can agree with people who oppose God on every level, you really need to start thinking about who's side your really on. Jesus tells us if you really love Him, the world will hate you. From where I'm standing, you and the world seem to be hitting it off pretty good.
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 10:51 pm
Well I know for a fact I have quoted the scripture for you at least three times on this very forum and you in your blindness did not listen.

[SIZE="5"] Do you think God will allow his plans for souls to come into this world to be sidetracked by mankind campbell? [/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Is mankind able to change God's plans campbell? [/SIZE]

Never mind, if I feel like it one day soon I will look the threads from this forum up , where I have repeatedly explained to you the scriptures. I will not waste my time typing it all again. Because its apparent to me the truth is not in you.

Campbell34;40990 wrote:
Please quote the Scripture which states the spirit only enters the body at birth, and based on your belief then the killing of all these children is not murder? Is that what you are saying?
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 10:56 pm
That is correct campbell , Jesus christ , my Lord and my savior who died and rose again for me , the first born and the first resurrected of all mankind told us that we, his servants should not expect to escape what our Lord did. The world hated him for telling the truth.

I consider it a honor when people like you hate me campbell , indeed I know that you would have hated the Lord in his time on earth to. Because his message did not match what the church told you. You are a Saducee, no better than a Pharisee and we know what the Lord thought of them campbell.

Hate me campbell, I am praying for you.

Campbell34;40995 wrote:
I only attack you post because I believe they are both anti Bible, and anti God. Clear teachings of Scripture seem to be obscured so you can feel
at comfort with the ways of this world. This world kills children by abortion, and you appear to look for loop holes to justify this atrocity. And anytime you can agree with people who oppose God on every level, you really need to start thinking about who's side your really on. Jesus tells us if you really love Him, the world will hate you. From where I'm standing, you and the world seem to be hitting it off pretty good.
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 11:44 pm
Campbell34;40989 wrote:
Most late term abortions are for birth control according to doctors. (What don't you get about that.)

What I don't get is , just because you said it, doesn't make it true.

And if you frown on late term abortions, what do you think God is doing?
I, personally don't think that God's ways are my ways...I don't think God is subject to human emotion, such as anger...but then, I would never profess to know the ways of God, or to try to limit him to my human experience...but that's just me

And in the Scriptures nations that killed their children did not fair to well when God got a hold on them.

You keep equating fetuses and embryos with children...they are not children until they are born...so, I personally don't think the clock starts ticking until they are....aborting fetuses is not "killing chidren"....it's stopping a pregnancy from advancing to term.
I don' t buy your premise....anymore today, than I did yesterday. So get over yourself.
Do you think God is going to treat America any differently? I think the real fanatics, are the one's who look the other way while doctors crack open a childs head to suck out their brains. Abortions are more than just wrong headed, they are evil. And I don't know the name of any God that would ever support such an evil. Who is your God? And they use to make this same arguement for slavery. Those like you would say. "I'm against slavery, but it is not my place to tell another man what he should do with his slaves". Sound familiar?

I say, better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt....I am the descendant of slaves, sir. Your analogy is not only offensive and insensitive, it's ridiculous and doesn't bear any relevance to the topic at hand. You are a religious zealot, and you need to be restrained....or hospitalized, or both.
Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 11:50 pm
Campbell34;40995 wrote:
I only attack you post because I believe they are both anti Bible, and anti God. Clear teachings of Scripture seem to be obscured so you can feel
at comfort with the ways of this world. This world kills children by abortion, and you appear to look for loop holes to justify this atrocity. And anytime you can agree with people who oppose God on every level, you really need to start thinking about who's side your really on. Jesus tells us if you really love Him, the world will hate you. From where I'm standing, you and the world seem to be hitting it off pretty good.

Since you are so anti-abortion...tell us, other than raising "a stink", what you have contributed to the welfare of those infants, who have benefited from your efforts, to save them from being aborted....because as far as I know...once children become wards of the state...they are headed for "desperate lives", uncertain futures, foster care, and more than likely, the criminal justice system...so tell us what you've done on their behalf, other than protest abortions. You, personally.
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 01:56 am
wvpeach;40996 wrote:
Well I know for a fact I have quoted the scripture for you at least three times on this very forum and you in your blindness did not listen.

[SIZE="5"] Do you think God will allow his plans for souls to come into this world to be sidetracked by mankind campbell? [/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]Is mankind able to change God's plans campbell? [/SIZE]

Never mind, if I feel like it one day soon I will look the threads from this forum up , where I have repeatedly explained to you the scriptures. I will not waste my time typing it all again. Because its apparent to me the truth is not in you.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 02:14 am
wvpeach;41000 wrote:
That is correct campbell , Jesus christ , my Lord and my savior who died and rose again for me , the first born and the first resurrected of all mankind told us that we, his servants should not expect to escape what our Lord did. The world hated him for telling the truth.

I consider it a honor when people like you hate me campbell , indeed I know that you would have hated the Lord in his time on earth to. Because his message did not match what the church told you. You are a Saducee, no better than a Pharisee and we know what the Lord thought of them campbell.

Hate me campbell, I am praying for you.

WVPeach I don't hate you, and I know that is what Watchtower people like to say when someone does not agree with them. I know this, because they use to come over to my house, and after we would talk they would leave my home, and then turn and spit on the ground because they though I was apostate. They like you would get mad when they could not agree with Jehovah's own words. You know, when Jehovah said He made the earth alone and by Himself. If it were not so sad, it would be funny. The Jesus Christ I worship would never agree with those who look the other way while doctors are chopping up little girls and boys, and tossing them into dumpsters. And Christians should be that light on the hill pointing out to the world the evilness of this pratice.
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 02:18 am
wvpeach;40993 wrote:
[SIZE="4"]Nope campbell I think God will punish America for many things including the killing of innocents around the world for greed .[/SIZE]

Do you believe God will punish America for the killing of the millions of children we murdered by abortion?
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 02:52 am
aaronssongs;41005 wrote:
I say, better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt....I am the descendant of slaves, sir. Your analogy is not only offensive and insensitive, it's ridiculous and doesn't bear any relevance to the topic at hand. You are a religious zealot, and you need to be restrained....or hospitalized, or both.

Well according to a study published in Family Planning Perspectives, 93% of abortions are for Birth Control.
Now you don't have to take my word for it.

And yes Gods ways are higher than our ways, because God would not approve of chopping up little girls and boys, I'm sure of that.

And I'm sorry you did not approve of what Democrats use to say about slaves, just as I did not approve of my great great grandfather having to get shot by a Democrat to free them. Thank God, he was one Republican who was willing to put his life on the line to free your descendants.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 02:57 am
aaronssongs;41007 wrote:
Since you are so anti-abortion...tell us, other than raising "a stink", what you have contributed to the welfare of those infants, who have benefited from your efforts, to save them from being aborted....because as far as I know...once children become wards of the state...they are headed for "desperate lives", uncertain futures, foster care, and more than likely, the criminal justice system...so tell us what you've done on their behalf, other than protest abortions. You, personally.

My wife and I have given to many out reach programs through the years, and it would be a mistake to believe that once a child is born they are automaticly headed to criminal justice system.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 05:07 am
I know this is a lie. Granted one human being might have spit at you campbell. But no way did the Jehovahs Witness's spit at you.

Shame on for the lie.

Campbell34;41014 wrote:
WVPeach I don't hate you, and I know that is what Watchtower people like to say when someone does not agree with them. I know this, because they use to come over to my house, and after we would talk they would leave my home, and then turn and spit on the ground because they though I was apostate. They like you would get mad when they could not agree with Jehovah's own words. You know, when Jehovah said He made the earth alone and by Himself. If it were not so sad, it would be funny. The Jesus Christ I worship would never agree with those who look the other way while doctors are chopping up little girls and boys, and tossing them into dumpsters. And Christians should be that light on the hill pointing out to the world the evilness of this pratice.

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