Congress should pass a resolution condemning Rush Limbaugh

Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 08:08 am
Campbell34;40436 wrote:
Remember it was the soulless Republicans who freed the slaves. And it was my Republican great great grandfather who took a musket ball in the foot from one of those low life Democrats. And now it is the soulless Republicans again who are trying to get laws passed to stop the slaughter of the unborn. If Republicans just love money, then Democrats must love the buckets of Blood coming from the sixty million American children their laws help to murder. Yeah, that's a history you can be proud about.

Excuse me, but the Repub party of Lincoln hardly resembles the Repub party of today. It was the 1920's where it went fundamental change, and became the pro-business model we see today. It was Lincoln who freed the slaves, not the Republican party...and Lincoln would be closer aligned to Hillary Clinton, than to George Bush, were he alive today, make no mistake.
Oh, so you still harbor resentment about your ol' great great grandfather's misadventure. Well, many a honorable and worthy Democrat died at the hand of a reprobate Republican.
And give me a big break....you "Republicans" don't give a rat's booty abut "the unborn", because as soon as they are born, you completely wash your hands of the newborns, and their welfare is in the hands either the parent(s), who oftentimes is ill-equipped, or ill-prepared to care for the child, or the State, which fosters a child destined to have hardship during his or her formative years, and likely to become a constituent of the criminal justice system.
So , so much for your compassion for the unborn...it's an exercise in hypocrisy.
And no one is falling for the "killing of children" routine....embryos and fetuses are not children...they are embryos and fetuses. It is a school of thought. You're on one side, I'm on the other. It's a question that may never be decided...therefore, the only solution is compromise....but that would be too much like right...and everyone knows Repubs don't compromise, they'd sooner drink arsenic, or shoot themselves in the foot with a musketball.

I see you didn't deny my assertion...you only put up a smokescreen.
In any event....with the Larry Craig situation being the tip of the iceberg, that sinks the Titanic Republican Puppet Show....Democrats are poised to pick up a majority in both houses of Congress...governorships, and most importantly, the White House...are you aiming to secede from the Union because of "sour grapes"....typical Republican response. Take your marbles and go home.
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 08:23 am
Campbell34;40431 wrote:
If you had heard the entire program and not just the 5 min. you would of known Rush was quoted out of context. However, if it makes you feel better to believe a lie so be it. And the one's that were calling for Rush's head are mainly liberal Democrats who's hate like yours, blinds them to what is true. And it was the solider in question, the main person Rush was pointing out that was the real liar, and it took a court appearence by him to show the reality of that. And that man was found to be both a liar, and guilty.

The entire program wasn't about what rush called phony soldiers. If you would take the time to yank your head out of your keester you would know that.

How was his bigoted remark taken out of context???

He said what he said. PERIOD. It's all on tape, which BTW I have listened to as well as read the transcript of the windbag's show.

My problem with this whole thing is that he doesn't have the balls to stand up to his own statement. Typical wingnut coward.

How about the remarks he made of McGough being a suicide bomber?

This idiot blowhard is just doing it for ratings. Nothing more.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 08:27 am
Could have happened I guess.

Sabz5150;40449 wrote:
The only way I could see her conception is if it were between Satan and that lady from The Weakest Link, and she huffed nitrous oxide and smoked crack all the way up to the birth.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 10:19 am
Check out the interview from a REAL soldier that paid a price in Iraq.

He is one of the "phony soldiers" the blowhard was referring to.

Fed Up American: Vet's Respond
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 06:00 am
wvpeach;40447 wrote:
Wow campbell

Brother you need to check the hate and revenge you are harboring in your heart. Really it is unbecoming for a christian like yourself.

That's not hate and revenge, that is the truth of the past and present.

Democrats of the past loved their slavery and killed hundred's of thousands of Americans to keep their slaves. That's the Truth

And today, Democrats love their abortion, and will do anything to keep their Abortion mills running. That's also the truth.

There is no hate or revenge to those statements. I'm stating facts.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 07:54 am
Keep your Jesus off my penis,
keep your Bible off my balls.
Keep your prayers out of my ears,
and your crosses off my walls.

You can keep your resurrection
and your virgin mother too.
Keep your Jesus off my penis and
I'll keep my penis off of you.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 10:51 am
aaronssongs;40453 wrote:
Excuse me, but the Repub party of Lincoln hardly resembles the Repub party of today. It was the 1920's where it went fundamental change, and became the pro-business model we see today. It was Lincoln who freed the slaves, not the Republican party...and Lincoln would be closer aligned to Hillary Clinton, than to George Bush, were he alive today, make no mistake.
Oh, so you still harbor resentment about your ol' great great grandfather's misadventure. Well, many a honorable and worthy Democrat died at the hand of a reprobate Republican.
And give me a big break....you "Republicans" don't give a rat's booty abut "the unborn", because as soon as they are born, you completely wash your hands of the newborns, and their welfare is in the hands either the parent(s), who oftentimes is ill-equipped, or ill-prepared to care for the child, or the State, which fosters a child destined to have hardship during his or her formative years, and likely to become a constituent of the criminal justice system.
So , so much for your compassion for the unborn...it's an exercise in hypocrisy.
And no one is falling for the "killing of children" routine....embryos and fetuses are not children...they are embryos and fetuses. It is a school of thought. You're on one side, I'm on the other. It's a question that may never be decided...therefore, the only solution is compromise....but that would be too much like right...and everyone knows Repubs don't compromise, they'd sooner drink arsenic, or shoot themselves in the foot with a musketball.

I see you didn't deny my assertion...you only put up a smokescreen.
In any event....with the Larry Craig situation being the tip of the iceberg, that sinks the Titanic Republican Puppet Show....Democrats are poised to pick up a majority in both houses of Congress...governorships, and most importantly, the White House...are you aiming to secede from the Union because of "sour grapes"....typical Republican response. Take your marbles and go home.

I'm sorry but Lincoln could not of kept the war going unless he had the support of his party, so no, it was not just Lincoln. And Lincoln was nothing like Hillary, Lincoln was a God fearing man that loved the Bible, and he also stated that you donot bring down the rich to lift the poor. Hillary does not believe any of that.
And the Bible clearly teaches that life begins at conception so forget your embryos. And no, I'm not going to compromise on murder. You tell your God how superior you are, and then tell Him how 50% of the unborn were better off dead anyway. Yeah, tell God there's a chance they might of ended up in the criminal justice system, so they needed to be killed. I'm sure He will understand. After all, it's mainly our generation that felt the need to kill our children by the millions. So tell your God He has to understand, we have free sex now, and if we want to have sex we will, and with whoever. And if God has a problem with that, He should come see you. And if a woman gets pregnant, no problem, we just abort that little gift from God away. Then we can move on to more free sex. Now make sure God gets it. OK
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 10:56 am
Campbell34;40541 wrote:
And the Bible clearly teaches that life begins at conception so forget your embryos.


Oh really???

PLEASE cite your sources for that bit of wisdom.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 12:13 pm
FedUpAmerican;40543 wrote:

Oh really???

PLEASE cite your sources for that bit of wisdom.

Exodus 21:22-25 states that if two men are fighting, and one of the men strikes a pregnant woman and she is killed, or her child is killed, then that mans life will be required. For it is a life, for a life. The Bible sees no difference between the woman, or her unborn child.
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Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 01:14 pm
Now thats a way to twist the words of an OT scripture. No my friend, you are not getting off that easy. You said the Bible teaches that life begins at conception and you failed to produce your evidence.

Besides, thats the OT which was washed away when Jesus supposedly made the ultimate sacrifice. Thats according to you and your son anyway.

So let me get this straight. It's OK to believe in the OT when it fits your arguement.

Do you believe in slavery too?

Do you believe that because you are a man, you are superior to women?

What about animal sacrifices? Do you practice that also?
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 01:16 pm

I suggest you tell God , sorry man has kept people from being born , they will never be born . I guess your not so powerful after all are you God , since man can stop man from ever being born. I know you planned for those souls to walk the earth , but mankind has stopped your plans , sorry about that god.This is what you are saying campbell and its just nuts.

Campbell34;40541 wrote:
I'm sorry but Lincoln could not of kept the war going unless he had the support of his party, so no, it was not just Lincoln. And Lincoln was nothing like Hillary, Lincoln was a God fearing man that loved the Bible, and he also stated that you donot bring down the rich to lift the poor. Hillary does not believe any of that.
And the Bible clearly teaches that life begins at conception so forget your embryos. And no, I'm not going to compromise on murder. You tell your God how superior you are, and then tell Him how 50% of the unborn were better off dead anyway. Yeah, tell God there's a chance they might of ended up in the criminal justice system, so they needed to be killed. I'm sure He will understand. After all, it's mainly our generation that felt the need to kill our children by the millions. So tell your God He has to understand, we have free sex now, and if we want to have sex we will, and with whoever. And if God has a problem with that, He should come see you. And if a woman gets pregnant, no problem, we just abort that little gift from God away. Then we can move on to more free sex. Now make sure God gets it. OK
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 01:18 pm
Campbell says a lot of crazy things. I LOVE to use Bible passages against him to prove him wrong. It makes him even more crazy.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 02:09 pm
FedUpAmerican;40558 wrote:
Now thats a way to twist the words of an OT scripture. No my friend, you are not getting off that easy. You said the Bible teaches that life begins at conception and you failed to produce your evidence.

Besides, thats the OT which was washed away when Jesus supposedly made the ultimate sacrifice. Thats according to you and your son anyway.

So let me get this straight. It's OK to believe in the OT when it fits your arguement.

Do you believe in slavery too?

Do you believe that because you are a man, you are superior to women?

What about animal sacrifices? Do you practice that also?

According to that Scripture ANY child at ANY stage of life would be covered by Gods law. God stated clearly, it's a life for a life. If that were not the case God would of pointed that out. He did not. The Old Testament was not done away with. Yet some of it's man made laws that are found there have been. In the Old Testament are two sets of laws, there are the laws of Moses, and there are the Laws of God. Jesus death on the cross did not mean it's time to party now and we get to break all the Old Testament Laws.
Christ death now fulfills the prophecies of the Old Testament and that was His death pays the debt for sin. Yet God's laws are to be obeyed. Animal sacrifice was just an early example of what would be required to be the final sacrifice. Jesus replaced the animal sacrifice, it was Christ own death that did away with that.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 02:18 pm
wvpeach;40559 wrote:

I suggest you tell God , sorry man has kept people from being born , they will never be born . I guess your not so powerful after all are you God , since man can stop man from ever being born. I know you planned for those souls to walk the earth , but mankind has stopped your plans , sorry about that god.This is what you are saying campbell and its just nuts.

Man has not stopped anything. God will find a way as God does. But those who have murdered these children will pay the cost. When God tells us that if a man strikes a woman and causes her to loses her child, then that man must be put to death, that should not be taken lightly. And someday we will find ourselves before Jehovah, will you tell Him His law was nuts. The Bible tells us, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 02:22 pm
FedUpAmerican;40560 wrote:
Campbell says a lot of crazy things. I LOVE to use Bible passages against him to prove him wrong. It makes him even more crazy.

You may attempt to use the Bible against me FedUp, but it's kind of like a four year old telling me how to drive my car. You don't know the Bible, because your to busy trying to disprove it.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:05 pm
Campbell34;40564 wrote:
According to that Scripture ANY child at ANY stage of life would be covered by Gods law. God stated clearly, it's a life for a life. If that were not the case God would of pointed that out. He did not. The Old Testament was not done away with. Yet some of it's man made laws that are found there have been. In the Old Testament are two sets of laws, there are the laws of Moses, and there are the Laws of God. Jesus death on the cross did not mean it's time to party now and we get to break all the Old Testament Laws.
Christ death now fulfills the prophecies of the Old Testament and that was His death pays the debt for sin. Yet God's laws are to be obeyed. Animal sacrifice was just an early example of what would be required to be the final sacrifice. Jesus replaced the animal sacrifice, it was Christ own death that did away with that.

So what about slavery? How many slaves do you own?

Do you feel superior to women?

And BTW not everyone believes in your god or its laws.

EVERY ONE of your theories are flawed.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:08 pm
Campbell34;40565 wrote:
Man has not stopped anything. God will find a way as God does. But those who have murdered these children will pay the cost. When God tells us that if a man strikes a woman and causes her to loses her child, then that man must be put to death, that should not be taken lightly. And someday we will find ourselves before Jehovah, will you tell Him His law was nuts. The Bible tells us, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

So you condone murder?

Good job of showing your true colors.

Stop fearing things that don't exist Mother Goose.
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:13 pm
Campbell34;40566 wrote:
You may attempt to use the Bible against me FedUp, but it's kind of like a four year old telling me how to drive my car. You don't know the Bible, because your to busy trying to disprove it.

Sorry but yet again you are wrong. You cannot, have not and/or will not EVER prove you bible fantasies. How about you and me, mano ey mano, one one one in a Bible debate.

I'll dust you like and old end table.

I GUARAN-DAMN-TEE I forgot more about the Bible than you could ever dream of knowing.

Care to accept or will you just play the role of coward you do so well.

Might even be a good session for my blogtalk show.

So what do you say? Are your balls big enough?
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Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:26 pm
this thread is about Rush Limbaugh not the bible

back on topic
Reply Sat 6 Oct, 2007 03:28 pm
FedUpAmerican;40571 wrote:
So you condone murder?

Good job of showing your true colors.

Stop fearing things that don't exist Mother Goose.

Murder is killing without cause, this man killed a child so there was a cause.
No I don't condone murder.
I don't fear for myself, I fear for those of you who will not be ready.
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