@Fatal Freedoms,
I agree with what you are saying however, Each year about 19,500 U.S. abortions are undertaken to end pregnancies that occurred as a result of rape or incest. Therefore even if “the mother knew the risks and consequences involved with having sex” it would not be her fault if she got pregnant.
Also if a woman was silly enough to get pregnant knowing the consequences, abortion is a sign of her showing she is responsible enough to abort the baby before it was too late and which could lead to the baby having to living in an unacceptable quality of life.
As well as this a woman could have been trying for a baby for a long time and then when she does get pregnant find out she has to abort the baby because of a serious genetic problem she was unaware of and if she did not abort the baby it could have to live with a serious medical problem.
I do agree with you, and in some situations abortion is wrong. However I think abortion should still be an option for women and they should have the freedom to choose for themselves whether to keep the baby or not, especially in harsh circumstances.