In one of my favorite books, "Winning through Enlightenment", Dr. Ron Smothermon, writes in his chapter, "About God", "Either God is everything or there is no God. If God is, God is. If God isn't, God isn't. Your beliefs do not determine what is and isn't. God is not what you thought God was. God is what God is. If God is God, then she is all powerful. If she is all powerful then all there is, is God. Otherwise there is no God. If one iota of power or matter that exists in the universe which is not God, then she is not God, and there is no God. Obviously, the existence of God doesn't depend on what you believe about it. Who cares what you believe? So, don't elevate your belief on the matter to the status of relevance.
God is the power in the universe to be and to observe being. That's it. All things and circumstances are generated out of this condition. Obviously there is "being" and "observation of being"; simple being and observation shows that by direct observation. Therefore God is. Or isn't. It's irrelevant, since what is, is, regardless of your position. Obviously there are some concrete examples of being and observation of being around here. You are both. Don't get stuck in being proud about that. It is just what is.
But if you are a manifestation and embodiment of God, how can yo be as you are? Well, you are and if you are interested in "how", tune into the way your mind functions. Evidently God isn't interested in placing relevance on "morality".
It appears that God doesn't make "moral judgements" except through the mind.God is the power in the universe and included in the universe is "evil".
If God is not the source of all things, then God is not God. So accept it. God is the source of evil. If God is not the source of all things, then God is not God. Therefore, God is the source of all "evil" as well as all "good". To get this you will have to become unstuck from your mind which is stuck in judgements and polarities about "good" and "evil" motivated by survival.
The mind cannot observe. It can only be and "you" can observe it and record "with it". An unobserved mind creates what we call "evil". The root of all evil is the mind's righteous condemnation of others and withholding your love from them. If you would like to clean up "evil"in the world, simply be the observer of your mind and be responsible and be willing to acknowledge the scope of your own evil. When you are thus enlightened (responsible) the world begins to look more enlightened and responsible to you. In fact, the world is in the process of becoming conscious, responsible, and enlightened, and the experience of that is a gift I want to give you"
I'm almost sure there is a contingency that will overwhelmingly reject this philosophy, however it resonates with me...either one has a small and limited view of God, or one acknowledges that God, the mystery of God, and his unlimited context is too vast for the human mind to comprehend, especially in frail human terms...I don't know about you, but I'd rather believe that God is bigger than I can conceive. Hello, somebody.