politically-wrong;28890 wrote:1- if u understand my point entirely as u said , and u disagree with it, tell me why its wrong, dont divert the centre of discussion away from it to other things u feel we disagree upon.
2- again when i said u r depending on the regimes staying for ever u say NO , which means that the point u stated in ur earlier post (about arab regimes fearing US reputation(of invading misbehaving regimes and so they sell the oil to u) can not be true because if u expect regime changes.
3- the point discussing the unfortunate (i wish i knew a stronger word to describe this) loss of over 3000 people has been answered by questions, i never said that it was justified because the attackers felt so , and about america recognizing its their fault, now that u mention it america shouldnot complain when their foreign policy backfires and Israel gains, i still think nothing could have justified WTC attacks but american thinktanks should have known and expected this kind of response, and they did!! .
4- u say Israel would never invade any of the countries i mentioned unless provoked by them , OK that makes since, what i dont understand is WHAT THE HELL WILL THEY DO TO HELP AMERICA IF KING FAISAL JUNIOR CRAZY TAKES OVER KSA TOMORROW AND SAY'S THAT SELLING OIL TO AMERICA IS FORBIDDEN IN ISLAM BECAUSE THEY HELP ISRAEL ????????????????
5- I donot approve of using bombs against innocent civilians, but what is the definition for innocent civilians? , AND i donot condone terrorist organizations running governments but still what is the definition for terrorist organizations?(am starting to sound like Bill Clinton right? loolz)
6- ya sure i donot decide for u , but neither do u, its logic that decides

You'll have to excuse some of the folks up in here...they don't seem to be able to walk and chew gum, at the same time.
They would have you believe that America is responsible for nothing. That the actions of America, are, somehow, sacrosanct and "above reproach". Somehow our biased and racist foreign policies (or the lack of coherent ones) are supposed to have no repercussions, and that we can invade whomever, take whatever, do whatever, and the people that we're impacting, are suppose to just "take it", and not say anything...because after all, we're frigging America, and always right...never made any mistakes, ever.
Yeah, right...takes a licking, keeps on ticking.
Only madmen believe this to be true...rational, sane, civilized people can easily understand how our complex relationship with Israel, might upset the fragile balance, in a region where no one has the property deeds to ( as Whoopi Goldberg succinctly put it) exercise authority without challenge.
And our meddling, and that of the West, in Middle Eastern affairs, since post WWI, might have made a few people angry....I know if someone came in my house, and started moving furniture around, I'd be very angry.
Rational, and sane people would seek to be open and honest merchants and conduct business in a fair, ethical way, as opposed to swindling, and price gouging, and lying and cheating and stealing the way some big Western oil companies have done...because, as someone said, earlier, "it's all about the green"...truer words have never been spoken...it is all about the green, and greed, and power, and lust for power, and removing obstacles to power, and profits, and strategic location, and real estate....at any cost.
Presidents may smile...hold press conferences....joke, cajole, sometimes may even appear clever....but they are aware of the bottom line, as well. Tell the people what they want to hear...in fact, tell them anything...and if you tell it well (while providing distractions), they'll believe anything...and if you can get the press to cooperate...baby, it's a piece of cake...and to keep things going your way, and to keep that oil flowing, and them profits piling up...rig a few elections and voting machines...and presidents that have gone before made use of wiretapping...so use that too...anything...to achieve the desired result...even lie to your own people....kill your own people...stab your own comrades in the back...anything...anything...to achieve the desired result...perhaps you understand, now.....once you've sold your soul...anything goes.