A Question To American citizens Only (from a Muslim u would call a moderate)

Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 05:52 pm
Silverchild79;28842 wrote:
every person, save for the political figures and associations, on my friends list is an actual friend from my real life. Because of the military some of them have scattered to the four corners but they're still friends and keep in touch.

I have spoken to Muslims, infact I once worked with a couple of them thank you

And that qualifies you to speak on their behalf? Don't make me laugh any harder.
Were some your friends privy to your ideology, as displayed on this site, you might have "fewer" "friends".
And some here, are questioning how I know you're a white man....why don't you tell them, Cam...how would I know?
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 05:53 pm
I'm sure you can count all yours on one finger.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 06:10 pm
aaronssongs;28856 wrote:
And that qualifies you to speak on their behalf? Don't make me laugh any harder.
Were some your friends privy to your ideology, as displayed on this site, you might have "fewer" "friends".
And some here, are questioning how I know you're a white man....why don't you tell them, Cam...how would I know?

no my study into the subject qualifies me

I can post my DANTEES exam results on world religion and humanities if you'd like?

in fact I CLEP'ed out of a year and a half of college, you wanna know why?

because I could

what qualifies you?

and how am I white? well my Myspace profile is linked to this website, so it isn't exactly hard to figure out I'm white, you wanna cookie for figuring that one out or something?
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Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 06:20 pm
That's interesting...but I still would consider your opinion on the matter(s), "colored" by your positions and your ideology....and, therefore "subjective", and hardly, "objective".
What qualifies me, is that I am a "news junkie", and have friends and acquaintances who happen to be Muslim.

Well, perhaps you can tell your pit bulls, to calm down, and stop asking me stupid questions,(either I have done my research and know something of the reference I have made or alluded to, or have an "unqualified opinion" based on reason)....and word to the wise...if I am no longer responding to your posts, it's because I've concluded that you are either hopelessly deluded, mentally deficient ( and therefore "incapable" of carrying on an intelligent discussion), or really not worth the effort of my keystrokes, or the sweat off my behind....however, if I am responding to your posts, it's because I continue to harbor hope that although we may have differences, we can, at the very least, express our positions, honestly and respectfully. I don't attack unless attacked first.
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 07:25 pm
Did you know there is a ignore button in your user CP. It works great in such instances. To bad your ignoring me, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 07:27 pm
On a second note, just because you don't respond to my posts, it in no way means i will stop replying to yours.
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Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 01:53 am
Drnaline;28724 wrote:
Don't assume i'm missing the point just because i disagree with you. I understand your point entirely.
Nope, your wrong. In a free market, change happens daily. The market raises and falls by the minute.So if i can justify enough an offence i perceive to be, i would be allowed to kill for the justification? That's what your saying? We need to recognise that it is our fault for getting attacked, is that what you are saying? They can attack us because if this guilt and we should let them? Isreal would never do such a thing unless provoked. It would be foolish to believe that.
I'm sure we will, as i said. These are not reasonable people. They intensionally kill innocents.So you condone the use of human bombs against innocent civilians? Do you approve of terrorist organizations running the government? No, i would say it's not in your interest that i support them. Unfortunately yuo don't decide for me.

1- if u understand my point entirely as u said , and u disagree with it, tell me why its wrong, dont divert the centre of discussion away from it to other things u feel we disagree upon.
2- again when i said u r depending on the regimes staying for ever u say NO , which means that the point u stated in ur earlier post (about arab regimes fearing US reputation(of invading misbehaving regimes and so they sell the oil to u) can not be true because if u expect regime changes.
3- the point discussing the unfortunate (i wish i knew a stronger word to describe this) loss of over 3000 people has been answered by questions, i never said that it was justified because the attackers felt so , and about america recognizing its their fault, now that u mention it america shouldnot complain when their foreign policy backfires and Israel gains, i still think nothing could have justified WTC attacks but american thinktanks should have known and expected this kind of response, and they did!! .
4- u say Israel would never invade any of the countries i mentioned unless provoked by them , OK that makes since, what i dont understand is WHAT THE HELL WILL THEY DO TO HELP AMERICA IF KING FAISAL JUNIOR CRAZY TAKES OVER KSA TOMORROW AND SAY'S THAT SELLING OIL TO AMERICA IS FORBIDDEN IN ISLAM BECAUSE THEY HELP ISRAEL ????????????????
5- I donot approve of using bombs against innocent civilians, but what is the definition for innocent civilians? , AND i donot condone terrorist organizations running governments but still what is the definition for terrorist organizations?(am starting to sound like Bill Clinton right? loolz)
6- ya sure i donot decide for u , but neither do u, its logic that decides Razz
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 02:02 am
Pinochet73;28785 wrote:
The Muslim world can't blame all its problems on Israel, Palestine and the US. It has to also look within itself and do some serious 'soul-searching' and internal problem solving. For starters, what will it take for Shias and Sunnis to stop killing each other? And whose fault is that?

hey hey hey, who said i blame all my problems on Israel? , no i dont , Israel isnot responsible for the theft of my shoes when i went into the mosque last friday, was it? , seriously though we truly do need to do some soul searching as u said, but then again thats another thread.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 02:29 am
Volunteer;28849 wrote:
Riddle me this Batman, why are your countrymen killing and enslaving Christians in Sudan by the thousands and millions? What is their aim?

While you're at it, how about explaining why Sudanese Arab Islamists are killing Sudanese Black Islamic people.

ohhhhhhhh, how shall i answer what shall i say, looooolz , next time u accuse me (or my country) of something please dont use international headlines coz i can simply deny them, u say (my country men) and (christians in Sudan) as if they are not citizens well surprise they r , and about slavery thats a really big accusation am not gonna take ur word for it, show me evidence , not conclusive just evidence, the biggest misconception is when u think that the war (which ended by the way) in the south was between christians and muslims , the biggest two parties of Sudan (muslim background naturally) had co-ordinated their fights against Sudan governments armies during the ninties with the southern liberation movement army (the one u think is christian but was actually consisting of a majority of christians plus muslims and tribals) , if it was a war of christians against muslims, why would these two parties work with (the christians) against their own brothers (or muslims)? , simply because it was a war between a dictatorship (todays government) and the rest of the country, earlier when the parties helping the southern movemnet were the one's in government their was war their too, but no one ever said it was christians against muslims why? , because it truly wasnot.
about arab muslims killing black muslims, man do u have to believe everything the media has to offer? , or do u simply choose to believe them when it suits u? , if a criminal(who happened to be roman catholic christian just for example) in the US kills another citizen (who happens to be a protestant) does that mean the roman catholics started a holy war against protestants? well may be its just a case of a criminal mind at work? if this criminal made a gang and they became a group (like the italian mafia) does that make their attacks mass murder? , its the motive that always decides dont forget that, those criminals murdering others in darfur are nothing but what i just called them, criminals blessed with a weak government, that is very much responsible for whats happening as much as the criminals themselves, whats happening in darfur is due to poverty, lack of education, nigligence and disease, not holy wars, or racial war.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 02:31 am
politically-wrong;28890 wrote:
1- if u understand my point entirely as u said , and u disagree with it, tell me why its wrong, dont divert the centre of discussion away from it to other things u feel we disagree upon.
2- again when i said u r depending on the regimes staying for ever u say NO , which means that the point u stated in ur earlier post (about arab regimes fearing US reputation(of invading misbehaving regimes and so they sell the oil to u) can not be true because if u expect regime changes.
3- the point discussing the unfortunate (i wish i knew a stronger word to describe this) loss of over 3000 people has been answered by questions, i never said that it was justified because the attackers felt so , and about america recognizing its their fault, now that u mention it america shouldnot complain when their foreign policy backfires and Israel gains, i still think nothing could have justified WTC attacks but american thinktanks should have known and expected this kind of response, and they did!! .
4- u say Israel would never invade any of the countries i mentioned unless provoked by them , OK that makes since, what i dont understand is WHAT THE HELL WILL THEY DO TO HELP AMERICA IF KING FAISAL JUNIOR CRAZY TAKES OVER KSA TOMORROW AND SAY'S THAT SELLING OIL TO AMERICA IS FORBIDDEN IN ISLAM BECAUSE THEY HELP ISRAEL ????????????????
5- I donot approve of using bombs against innocent civilians, but what is the definition for innocent civilians? , AND i donot condone terrorist organizations running governments but still what is the definition for terrorist organizations?(am starting to sound like Bill Clinton right? loolz)
6- ya sure i donot decide for u , but neither do u, its logic that decides Razz

You'll have to excuse some of the folks up in here...they don't seem to be able to walk and chew gum, at the same time.
They would have you believe that America is responsible for nothing. That the actions of America, are, somehow, sacrosanct and "above reproach". Somehow our biased and racist foreign policies (or the lack of coherent ones) are supposed to have no repercussions, and that we can invade whomever, take whatever, do whatever, and the people that we're impacting, are suppose to just "take it", and not say anything...because after all, we're frigging America, and always right...never made any mistakes, ever.
Yeah, right...takes a licking, keeps on ticking.
Only madmen believe this to be true...rational, sane, civilized people can easily understand how our complex relationship with Israel, might upset the fragile balance, in a region where no one has the property deeds to ( as Whoopi Goldberg succinctly put it) exercise authority without challenge.
And our meddling, and that of the West, in Middle Eastern affairs, since post WWI, might have made a few people angry....I know if someone came in my house, and started moving furniture around, I'd be very angry.
Rational, and sane people would seek to be open and honest merchants and conduct business in a fair, ethical way, as opposed to swindling, and price gouging, and lying and cheating and stealing the way some big Western oil companies have done...because, as someone said, earlier, "it's all about the green"...truer words have never been spoken...it is all about the green, and greed, and power, and lust for power, and removing obstacles to power, and profits, and strategic location, and real estate....at any cost.
Presidents may smile...hold press conferences....joke, cajole, sometimes may even appear clever....but they are aware of the bottom line, as well. Tell the people what they want to hear...in fact, tell them anything...and if you tell it well (while providing distractions), they'll believe anything...and if you can get the press to cooperate...baby, it's a piece of cake...and to keep things going your way, and to keep that oil flowing, and them profits piling up...rig a few elections and voting machines...and presidents that have gone before made use of wiretapping...so use that too...anything...to achieve the desired result...even lie to your own people....kill your own people...stab your own comrades in the back...anything...anything...to achieve the desired result...perhaps you understand, now.....once you've sold your soul...anything goes.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 09:39 am
aaronssongs;28866 wrote:
That's interesting...but I still would consider your opinion on the matter(s), "colored" by your positions and your ideology....and, therefore "subjective", and hardly, "objective".
What qualifies me, is that I am a "news junkie", and have friends and acquaintances who happen to be Muslim.

Well, perhaps you can tell your pit bulls, to calm down, and stop asking me stupid questions,(either I have done my research and know something of the reference I have made or alluded to, or have an "unqualified opinion" based on reason)....and word to the wise...if I am no longer responding to your posts, it's because I've concluded that you are either hopelessly deluded, mentally deficient ( and therefore "incapable" of carrying on an intelligent discussion), or really not worth the effort of my keystrokes, or the sweat off my behind....however, if I am responding to your posts, it's because I continue to harbor hope that although we may have differences, we can, at the very least, express our positions, honestly and respectfully. I don't attack unless attacked first.

Aaron, you have replaced me here as the community hot-head and screaming maniac. I don't appreciate it. I hate having to behave, and argue logically. I'm a dedicated, crazed animal. Hell....I even built a mock-up of a nuke, which I 'ride' in my backyard, "Doctor Strangelove-style". Can you beat that?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 09:40 am
politically-wrong;28891 wrote:
hey hey hey, who said i blame all my problems on Israel? , no i dont , Israel isnot responsible for the theft of my shoes when i went into the mosque last friday, was it? , seriously though we truly do need to do some soul searching as u said, but then again thats another thread.

You da man. I like your open-mindedness. You're a good ambassador for your fellow Muslims. Keep it up.:thumbup:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 05:43 pm
politically-wrong;28892 wrote:
ohhhhhhhh, how shall i answer what shall i say, looooolz , next time u accuse me (or my country) of something please dont use international headlines coz i can simply deny them, u say (my country men) and (christians in Sudan) as if they are not citizens well surprise they r , and about slavery thats a really big accusation am not gonna take ur word for it, show me evidence , not conclusive just evidence, the biggest misconception is when u think that the war (which ended by the way) in the south was between christians and muslims , the biggest two parties of Sudan (muslim background naturally) had co-ordinated their fights against Sudan governments armies during the ninties with the southern liberation movement army (the one u think is christian but was actually consisting of a majority of christians plus muslims and tribals) , if it was a war of christians against muslims, why would these two parties work with (the christians) against their own brothers (or muslims)? , simply because it was a war between a dictatorship (todays government) and the rest of the country, earlier when the parties helping the southern movemnet were the one's in government their was war their too, but no one ever said it was christians against muslims why? , because it truly wasnot.
about arab muslims killing black muslims, man do u have to believe everything the media has to offer? , or do u simply choose to believe them when it suits u? , if a criminal(who happened to be roman catholic christian just for example) in the US kills another citizen (who happens to be a protestant) does that mean the roman catholics started a holy war against protestants? well may be its just a case of a criminal mind at work? if this criminal made a gang and they became a group (like the italian mafia) does that make their attacks mass murder? , its the motive that always decides dont forget that, those criminals murdering others in darfur are nothing but what i just called them, criminals blessed with a weak government, that is very much responsible for whats happening as much as the criminals themselves, whats happening in darfur is due to poverty, lack of education, nigligence and disease, not holy wars, or racial war.

More than slavery, mutilation, rape, and murder also. Way to go, Hitler denied his actions too. I have the eyewitness accounts of non-media non-islamist people who have been there and seen what is and has been happening. That won't satisfy you, because your playbook says deny anything you do is wrong, especially if it happens to involve non-muslims. Could it be you have access to this internet as a part of your government's effort to wash its hands clean in the eyes of the non-islamic, non-arab world?

You say they are citizens too. Slaves are not citizens. They are slaves. Second class citizens who are not free are are not citizens. They are a sub-class. Quit lying and stop acting like or implying your values are the same as ours, they aren't, you know it and I know it. Lying to non-muslims is approved in your playbook (the koran) also.

Nigligence? Nice slip of the toungue. You finally stated the truth, racial war is one thing happening in Sudan. Hence, my comment about your country's actions being like Hitler's.

If these people who commit these crimes against humanity are criminals as you say in the eyes of the Sudanese government, why is the government providing funding, manpower, and equipment to these criminals? That isn't a matter of a weak government, it is deliberate.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 05:46 pm
aaronssongs;28893 wrote:
You'll have to excuse some of the folks up in here...they don't seem to be able to walk and chew gum, at the same time.
They would have you believe that America is responsible for nothing. That the actions of America, are, somehow, sacrosanct and "above reproach". Somehow our biased and racist foreign policies (or the lack of coherent ones) are supposed to have no repercussions, and that we can invade whomever, take whatever, do whatever, and the people that we're impacting, are suppose to just "take it", and not say anything...because after all, we're frigging America, and always right...never made any mistakes, ever.
Yeah, right...takes a licking, keeps on ticking.
Only madmen believe this to be true...rational, sane, civilized people can easily understand how our complex relationship with Israel, might upset the fragile balance, in a region where no one has the property deeds to ( as Whoopi Goldberg succinctly put it) exercise authority without challenge.
And our meddling, and that of the West, in Middle Eastern affairs, since post WWI, might have made a few people angry....I know if someone came in my house, and started moving furniture around, I'd be very angry.
Rational, and sane people would seek to be open and honest merchants and conduct business in a fair, ethical way, as opposed to swindling, and price gouging, and lying and cheating and stealing the way some big Western oil companies have done...because, as someone said, earlier, "it's all about the green"...truer words have never been spoken...it is all about the green, and greed, and power, and lust for power, and removing obstacles to power, and profits, and strategic location, and real estate....at any cost.
Presidents may smile...hold press conferences....joke, cajole, sometimes may even appear clever....but they are aware of the bottom line, as well. Tell the people what they want to hear...in fact, tell them anything...and if you tell it well (while providing distractions), they'll believe anything...and if you can get the press to cooperate...baby, it's a piece of cake...and to keep things going your way, and to keep that oil flowing, and them profits piling up...rig a few elections and voting machines...and presidents that have gone before made use of wiretapping...so use that too...anything...to achieve the desired result...even lie to your own people....kill your own people...stab your own comrades in the back...anything...anything...to achieve the desired result...perhaps you understand, now.....once you've sold your soul...anything goes.

aaron, come on now, you need to ditch that self-flagellation because you are a priviledged white guy garbage and tell the truth.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 10:08 pm
Volunteer;28973 wrote:
aaron, come on now, you need to ditch that self-flagellation because you are a priviledged white guy garbage and tell the truth.

If it makes you feel uncomfortable for me to enlighten you to "the truth"...then I have done my job. And in the previous post (#53)...you have forgive me....I thought all that was in reference to the US government...silly me.
Reply Thu 2 Aug, 2007 10:23 pm
I think what hes unconfy with is the amount of bull coming from you.
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Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 06:52 am
Aaron, I have interesting news. Until you learn to calm down, be nice and get your head on straight, I will not read your posts. Have a nice day.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 04:46 pm
And whom are the oppressors these Islamist are fighting against globally? Fellow Muslims perhaps, the Horn of Africa Arab fanaticals killing moderate African Muslims. Irag, Afghanistan etc. You hypothosis is rather infantile and frankly makes no sense. They are fighting for freedom, hell no they are fighting so freedom shall never reign in Islamic Countries. Wahabbi Islam is everyones enemy, it brokers no argument unless Allah says so.. Their version of "Freedom' is a to live in a Wahhabi utopia. Moderate Muslims do not wish to live in oppression fear and degragation, only a hard core socialist/communist would use a word like FREEDOM to describe acts of terror against innocents.

Quote: 5- I donot approve of using bombs against innocent civilians, but what is the definition for innocent civilians? , AND i donot condone terrorist organizations running governments but still what is the definition for terrorist organizations?(am starting to sound like Bill Clinton right? loolz)

An innocent is everysingle non-Muslim that dies in the name of Allah. I realise Islam likes to pretend that innocents dying at the hands of Muslims isn't an act of murder because if they die without accepting Allah or Islam they aren't innocents. Regardless of their religion Innocents are those that die in the name of Allah. Hamas is a terrorist organization, just ask the innocent Israelies and Palestinian people who die by their brutal blood thirsty hands. Pretenting terrorist are freedom fighters isn't going to change the fact they are cold blooded killers in a quest to Islamify moderate countries with their evil and radical Wahabbi Islam.
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 04:48 pm
aaronssongs;28992 wrote:
If it makes you feel uncomfortable for me to enlighten you to "the truth"...then I have done my job. And in the previous post (#53)...you have forgive me....I thought all that was in reference to the US government...silly me.

Very silly. I made an observation in another thread about your education. In that thread it referenced your knowledge (or lack thereof) of biology. In this thread you are displaying a lack of ability to read. What school did you attend? Have they received a government grant since then to improve their students' performance?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 04:52 pm
RedOct;29039 wrote:
There's emphasis on the Islamists because that's where the Washington-based Zionist policy makers and policy influencers have placed their fingers since Carter's National Security Advisor, Brezinski, who is a Polish Zionist. Majority of the members of the PNAC are Zionists with close ties to Israel.

Short of that, I don't see it as America versus Islam thing. I see it as America versus freedom thing. For a democracy to exist, there has to exist a balance of power between people and their government. In the US, the government is too powerful. To prevent a flight of capital, they want the same control over the rest of the world. Venezuela, Russia, China, Iran, and so called Islamists are merely fighting to be free.

In the US, the government considers itself above the constitution and the law, and they want to do the same with the rest of the world, and increasingly, the world is fighting back to be free.

Humm, is the person expressing the above opinion an Islamist or a Neo-Nazi? Could it be they are on the other end of the political horse shoe? Maybe they are a commie pinko.

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