I suppose like every muslim is an extremist, would you agree?Will you lay down for Muhammid?
Lots and lots of arms sales, we get ride of a good chunk of them. It's worth over thirty billion over the next ten years. Specifics are a search button away.So we shouldn't sell munitions, i thought to the victor goes the spoils?I would say that they help us secure oil interests, not sources.
is that it? i mean actually america supports israel for 30 billion over ten years?
and for arms sales? sorry but are not u ashamed of being the person (not specifically u ) gaining from the biggest problem of todays world? and u know what i think the amount of money america lost on 911 will cover those 30bil over 10years for a zillion years, and that loss of america is the least of its losses (3000 or more deaths) , u say secure oil interests , i say how ?
actualy israels existence is the biggest threat to those interests, how? allow me:
lets agree on some facts first:-
1- Regimes controling oil sources are on very good terms with america(u dont want them changed).
2- Oil supply will be affected by war's in the region (u hurt when this happens).
3- The majority of citizens of those countries are muslims.
so if u agree with me read on:-
1- muslims hate israel.
2- muslims want palestinian issue resolved(on different scales, some r extreme like kill all jews, some r liberal like lets have two states).
3- whenever things get hot between israel and the palestinians, the arab regimes r put under pressure from the masses to support palestinians.
so do u see where am going with this? , the more trouble in gaza and its surroundings the more pressure the regimes (that america is in good terms with )is put under, which translates into the danger of topling those governments , dont underestimate these dangers for a second,10 years ago no one would have dreamed of cretizing the egyptian government, today its on a daily basis, 10years ago it was unthinkable to talk politics in Saudi arabia, they r having minor ellections now adays, and so on, these regimes can not stay for ever, and when they change HOW IS ISRAEL GOING TO SECURE UR INTERESTS THERE? whether in oil or any where else, ISRAEL is of absolutely no use to the US of A , its just that they control the country, they control the people through the media, they r like a worm in the brain of the USA that controls it, and the rest of the body (the people) can not do anything about it.
P.S. u ask me if i will lay for muhammad, yes i would, but is ISRAEL USA's Muhammads? is that what u r saying?
is that it? i mean actually america supports israel for 30 billion over ten years?
and for arms sales? sorry but are not u ashamed of being the person (not specifically u ) gaining from the biggest problem of todays world? and u know what i think the amount of money america lost on 911 will cover those 30bil over 10years for a zillion years, and that loss of america is the least of its losses (3000 or more deaths) , u say secure oil interests , i say how ?
actualy israels existence is the biggest threat to those interests, how? allow me:
lets agree on some facts first:-
1- Regimes controling oil sources are on very good terms with america(u dont want them changed).
2- Oil supply will be affected by war's in the region (u hurt when this happens).
3- The majority of citizens of those countries are muslims.
so if u agree with me read on:-
1- muslims hate israel.
2- muslims want palestinian issue resolved(on different scales, some r extreme like kill all jews, some r liberal like lets have two states).
3- whenever things get hot between israel and the palestinians, the arab regimes r put under pressure from the masses to support palestinians.
so do u see where am going with this? , the more trouble in gaza and its surroundings the more pressure the regimes (that america is in good terms with )is put under, which translates into the danger of topling those governments , dont underestimate these dangers for a second,10 years ago no one would have dreamed of cretizing the egyptian government, today its on a daily basis, 10years ago it was unthinkable to talk politics in Saudi arabia, they r having minor ellections now adays, and so on, these regimes can not stay for ever, and when they change HOW IS ISRAEL GOING TO SECURE UR INTERESTS THERE? whether in oil or any where else, ISRAEL is of absolutely no use to the US of A , its just that they control the country, they control the people through the media, they r like a worm in the brain of the USA that controls it, and the rest of the body (the people) can not do anything about it.
P.S. u ask me if i will lay for muhammad, yes i would, but is ISRAEL USA's Muhammads? is that what u r saying?
and u know what i think the amount of money america lost on 911 will cover those 30bil over 10years for a zillion years, and that loss of america is the least of its losses (3000 or more deaths) , u say secure oil interests , i say how ?
actualy israels existence is the biggest threat to those interests, how? allow me:
lets agree on some facts first:-
1- Regimes controling oil sources are on very good terms with america(u dont want them changed).
2- Oil supply will be affected by war's in the region (u hurt when this happens).
3- The majority of citizens of those countries are muslims.
so do u see where am going with this?
so do u see where am going with this? , the more trouble in gaza and its surroundings the more pressure the regimes (that america is in good terms with )is put under, which translates into the danger of topling those governments , dont underestimate these dangers for a second,10 years ago no one would have dreamed of cretizing the egyptian government, today its on a daily basis, 10years ago it was unthinkable to talk politics in Saudi arabia, they r having minor ellections now adays, and so on, these regimes can not stay for ever, and when they change HOW IS ISRAEL GOING TO SECURE UR INTERESTS THERE?
whether in oil or any where else, ISRAEL is of absolutely no use to the US of A ,
its just that they control the country, they control the people through the media, they r like a worm in the brain of the USA that controls it, and the rest of the body (the people) can not do anything about it.
on the contrary,i feel the root of the problem is the strength of the jewish lobby in the US, america isnot working for its own good , but for the good of israel (which is totally different from USA's interests), this is a weakness in democracy i think can never be cured, but it can be avoided by having the right people in the right places, how u do that is beyond me(so dont ask me loolz).
how u do that is beyond me(so dont ask me loolz
Is America wrong or right with regard to it's policies? Obviously it is a matter of widely varied opinion. However The US government policies are directly effected by lobbies and special interest groups. Israel is a prime one, but so is Saudi Arabia. The most influential is perhaps a conglomerate of companies that make up the Military Industrial Complex. Nothing makes them wealthier or willing to spend millions on Senators and Congressmen like the prospect of a war. International strife rings in the profits like nothing else. Bush and Cheney have strong links to this industry, so in turn it makes their motives suspect. Who makes all the money when a $30 billion arms deal goes to Israel? Then in turn another $20 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia? With that kind of money being thrown around the corruption is bound to be rampant. Arms races, wars and international strife dominate the last 100 years of America's history. This influence that the Military industrial complex exerts effects our current administrations foriegn policy decisions more then anything else. The very thing that Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address has occured. The prime three in charge of the war on terror, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are all guilty by association.
America is in desperate need of reform. Reform that is necessary to rescue America from the power of a few and return it to the many.
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are all guilty by association.
America is in desperate need of reform. Reform that is necessary to rescue America from the power of a few and return it to the many.
Now all you have to do is prove intent and you've got a case?
Is America wrong or right with regard to it's policies? Obviously it is a matter of widely varied opinion. However The US government policies are directly effected by lobbies and special interest groups. Israel is a prime one, but so is Saudi Arabia. The most influential is perhaps a conglomerate of companies that make up the Military Industrial Complex. Nothing makes them wealthier or willing to spend millions on Senators and Congressmen like the prospect of a war. International strife rings in the profits like nothing else. Bush and Cheney have strong links to this industry, so in turn it makes their motives suspect. Who makes all the money when a $30 billion arms deal goes to Israel? Then in turn another $20 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia? With that kind of money being thrown around the corruption is bound to be rampant. Arms races, wars and international strife dominate the last 100 years of America's history. This influence that the Military industrial complex exerts effects our current administrations foriegn policy decisions more then anything else. The very thing that Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address has occured. The prime three in charge of the war on terror, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are all guilty by association.
America is in desperate need of reform. Reform that is necessary to rescue America from the power of a few and return it to the many.
Drnaline its pritty difficult to have a discussion if u keep missing the point (whether intentional as i think or otherwise), first of all please dont tell me that i have to tell u that if something is been done since the dawn of humanity(i like this term) that does not make it nothing to be ashamed of , for example prostitution , its been here since the start of humanity, its still shamefull i suppose, and when america lost 3000 people on 911 its true its because of those extremists and terrorists, but what i was trying to point out ( and since its my post u should look were am pointing ) is what made them do it(not why they did it), am talking about the root of the problem , where it actually started, the thing that if america wants to end terrorisim should discover and deal with(neutralise i suppose army men would say)
about the first three points,
1- if those regimes are afraid of the US invading the country to take away the oil for free as u say, this might be true(although i totally doubt it but am gonna agree for the sake of discussion) u r depending on them not being changed for ever, and depending on Israel if this happened to do something about it, which i feel isnot looking into the slow changes happening and where they lead to, Israels army might be stronger than all arabs put together, but do u think that IRAN and PAKISTAN r going to be spectators if Israel drives its army into KUWAIT for example? or Egypt or KSA? even if musharaf is a US ally , can u imagine his situation if the scenario u r depending upon happens? what about china and france , my friend no one will support Israel's invasion into any other country , the wall u r resting on does not exist and u might just fall to the ground if u try to lean on it, also if this is US policy why did not they do it in the seventies, when KING FAISAL ( the one i wish was still ruling KSA) stopped oil from the west? as i recall for a whole month? r u sure no such king as him will come from the same family, do u think because it happened before now u guys made sure it want happen again? r u sure america will not have any other 911 ?
And i can not speak for the other muslims but i hate the actions of Israeli's i dont hate them for religion i hate them for their actions in Palestine,
u have made other statements but if u could repeate it in clearer english(iam sorry but u r talking to some one who's mother tongue is arabic) they are vague i can not understand exactly who r u refering to during most of ur statements, by the way i never said u can not support Israel, i am TRYING to say its not in your interests, and about what i assumed u want to do about the Jewish lobbies control, i always assume that people want to do the right thing, regards.
Drnaline its pritty difficult to have a discussion if u keep missing the point (whether intentional as i think or otherwise),
u r depending on them not being changed for ever, and depending on Israel if this happened to do something about it,
and when america lost 3000 people on 911 its true its because of those extremists and terrorists, but what i was trying to point out ( and since its my post u should look were am pointing ) is what made them do it(not why they did it), am talking about the root of the problem , where it actually started, the thing that if america wants to end terrorisim should discover and deal with(neutralise i suppose army men would say)
Israels army might be stronger than all arabs put together, but do u think that IRAN and PAKISTAN r going to be spectators if Israel drives its army into KUWAIT for example? or Egypt or KSA?
do u think because it happened before now u guys made sure it want happen again?
r u sure america will not have any other 911 ?
And i can not speak for the other muslims but i hate the actions of Israeli's i dont hate them for religion i hate them for their actions in Palestine,
And i can not speak for the other muslims but i hate the actions of Israeli's i dont hate them for religion i hate them for their actions in Palestine,
is that it? i mean actually america supports israel for 30 billion over ten years?
and for arms sales? sorry but are not u ashamed of being the person (not specifically u ) gaining from the biggest problem of todays world? and u know what i think the amount of money america lost on 911 will cover those 30bil over 10years for a zillion years, and that loss of america is the least of its losses (3000 or more deaths) , u say secure oil interests , i say how ?
actualy israels existence is the biggest threat to those interests, how? allow me:
lets agree on some facts first:-
1- Regimes controling oil sources are on very good terms with america(u dont want them changed).
2- Oil supply will be affected by war's in the region (u hurt when this happens).
3- The majority of citizens of those countries are muslims.
so if u agree with me read on:-
1- muslims hate israel.
2- muslims want palestinian issue resolved(on different scales, some r extreme like kill all jews, some r liberal like lets have two states).
3- whenever things get hot between israel and the palestinians, the arab regimes r put under pressure from the masses to support palestinians.
so do u see where am going with this? , the more trouble in gaza and its surroundings the more pressure the regimes (that america is in good terms with )is put under, which translates into the danger of topling those governments , dont underestimate these dangers for a second,10 years ago no one would have dreamed of cretizing the egyptian government, today its on a daily basis, 10years ago it was unthinkable to talk politics in Saudi arabia, they r having minor ellections now adays, and so on, these regimes can not stay for ever, and when they change HOW IS ISRAEL GOING TO SECURE UR INTERESTS THERE? whether in oil or any where else, ISRAEL is of absolutely no use to the US of A , its just that they control the country, they control the people through the media, they r like a worm in the brain of the USA that controls it, and the rest of the body (the people) can not do anything about it.
P.S. u ask me if i will lay for muhammad, yes i would, but is ISRAEL USA's Muhammads? is that what u r saying?
America gets shot at, planes crash into buildings , u r afraid the muslim guy next to u in the metro or behind u in a line at ur bank might just blow up into the air, so much has americans ( and not america ) suffered because of muslims targeting their country, tell me what do u think is the reason for this(strong will to terrorise), and what do u think their aim (specifically) is, what do they hope to accomplish (the terrorists) by attacking america?
Islamic Terror can find itself rooted in basically three things
1- A feeling that their culture has been insulted by the West: Meaning that Western Culture has surpassed them and they feel slighted that secularists are in control of the majority of science and resources
2- A feeling that Muslim Countries have been victimized or taken advantage of by the west: Capitalists want oil in tribal regions, you do the math.
3- Endgame, the pursuit of a Muslim controlled world: Some radical Muslims (and Fafur the mouse.. and that dumbass Bee thing) are motivated by the hope of Isreal, and then the rest of the Western World falling into Islamic law.
The problem with any of these reasons is that they don't justify the beheading of Journalists or the WTC attacks
And what? You're some kind of authority? Have you ever asked a Muslim what he or she thought? Do you even know any Muslims? From your MySpace friends list, I saw you had a few "black" friends, but MySpace is so "cavalier", that one could claim friends, and not really "be" friends...know what I mean?
In any event, I'd hardly take your word for it...believing that you couldn't remotely be "objective".
And what? You're some kind of authority? Have you ever asked a Muslim what he or she thought? Do you even know any Muslims? From your MySpace friends list, I saw you had a few "black" friends, but MySpace is so "cavalier", that one could claim friends, and not really "be" friends...know what I mean?
In any event, I'd hardly take your word for it...believing that you couldn't remotely be "objective".
America gets shot at, planes crash into buildings , u r afraid the muslim guy next to u in the metro or behind u in a line at ur bank might just blow up into the air, so much has americans ( and not america ) suffered because of muslims targeting their country, tell me what do u think is the reason for this(strong will to terrorise), and what do u think their aim (specifically) is, what do they hope to accomplish (the terrorists) by attacking america?