A Question To American citizens Only (from a Muslim u would call a moderate)

Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 05:56 pm
politically-wrong;32141 wrote:
A nation of tribes that were poor and were living lives of misery and total paganism became the most advanced civilization in the world for many many years till crushed and destroyed by the crusades and the mughuls through Islam, 'Nough said.

Nonsense. Muslims ultimately 'won' the Crusades, militarily. You're victims of primitive, violent cultures, and an inhumane religion. Sorry. No offense, to you, Steel, personally. If we ever meet in battle, I'll put you out of your misery swiftly, painlessly. Why? Cuz I like you. Yeah....I'm cool like that. Very Happy
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 05:28 am
Volunteer;32305 wrote:
You should really stop smoking your hooka.

i dont know what is a hooka , but you do .Very Happy
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 05:32 am
Pinochet73;32324 wrote:
Nonsense. Muslims ultimately 'won' the Crusades, militarily. You're victims of primitive, violent cultures, and an inhumane religion. Sorry. No offense, to you, Steel, personally. If we ever meet in battle, I'll put you out of your misery swiftly, painlessly. Why? Cuz I like you. Yeah....I'm cool like that. Very Happy

If we ever meet in battle, I'll put you out of your misery swiftly, painlessly. Why? Cuz I like you. Yeah....I'm cool like that

you assume that i will be a soldier like you, sorry i will be watching from the command post while your battalion goes down. :cool:

you are right about the cultures , but wrong about the religion.
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 03:46 pm
politically-wrong;32376 wrote:
i dont know what is a hooka , but you do .Very Happy

Maybe I spelled it wrong. I saw many while in Morroco. A hooka is a water pipe Like those seen in Alice in wonderland.
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 05:32 pm
Hooka, i new him well, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 07:27 pm
politically-wrong;32377 wrote:
you assume that i will be a soldier like you, sorry i will be watching from the command post while your battalion goes down. :cool:

you are right about the cultures , but wrong about the religion.

Steel, enemy command posts are high-value targets. As we used to say in the Infantry -- "Keep your ass in the grass."Very Happy
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 01:39 am
Volunteer;32450 wrote:
Maybe I spelled it wrong. I saw many while in Morocco. A hooka is a water pipe Like those seen in Alice in wonderland.

AM not sure, but i think that you are referring to what we call sheesha in Sudan, its a pipe connected to a glass vase that contains water (sometimes flavored with Pepsi or Miranda Very Happy ) and at the top of that vase is a small something inside which we put tobacco, its like a big pipe (like the one Popeye the sailor uses) , some people put marijuana in it, others just use tobacco, its use is wide spread, and the perfect areas for it are along the river Nile (nice weather and scenery natural and human Wink ) .
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 01:49 am
Pinochet73;32471 wrote:
Steel, enemy command posts are high-value targets. As we used to say in the Infantry -- "Keep your ass in the grass."Very Happy

we dont have much grass over here Very Happy , but seriously and from a purely military point of view , as you have been there , do you think a coalition of Iran , egypt, and turkey could take on the US in conventional war fare?
no nukes or biological or chemical **** involved, just the good old military .
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 02:12 am
politically-wrong;32491 wrote:
we dont have much grass over here Very Happy , but seriously and from a purely military point of view , as you have been there , do you think a coalition of Iran , egypt, and turkey could take on the US in conventional war fare?
no nukes or biological or chemical **** involved, just the good old military .

Are you mad?? Israel, all by itself could take all 3 of them conventionaly! Imagine what 2 U.S. air craft carrier battle groups would do to them! Don't let that last "polite war" where hezbollah hid amongst civilians in Lebanon fool you. If Israel had a "serious" hawk like Benjamin Netanyahu at the helm running things, there's no way Hassan Nasrallah would've been allowed to "hide out" in the Iranian embassy because there would'nt be an Iranian embassy. I would've be reduced to rubble like the rest of eastern Lebanon was!

Furthermore, taking nukes and other WMD weapons off the table, the United States can take on the whole world conventionaly and it would resemble the "smackdown" that Israel put on the Arab world back in 1967. Just read "The Eagle has Landed" thread. . .

"It is difficult to estimate the exact costs of a carrier battle group, but it certainly goes into many billions of dollars. The ships, the aircraft, the logistical supplies and the personnel, together, probably equal a quarter or more of the defence budget of a medium-sized country.

What is more, no equivalent concentration of power to a US carrier task force exists in the world; the few UK, French and Indian carriers are minuscule by comparison, the Russian ones rusting away.

Leaving aside nuclear weapons, which are always problematic and perhaps destined to be forever inapplicable, this group of warships constitutes the strongest and most flexible core of military force today. A carrier force is virtually indestructible, and yet it has the capacity to deal out death and destruction across most of our globe.

The US possesses 12 such carriers (another, the USS Ronald Reagan, is to join the fleet soon), each with the attendant group of complementary warships. There are also smaller carriers designed, not for open-ocean combat against all, but to take powerful Marine Corps battalions ashore.

This array of force is staggering. Were it ever assembled en masse the result would be the largest concentration of naval and aerial force the world would have seen."

Boo Ya!
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 02:37 am
POLITICAL JEDI;32492 wrote:
Are you mad?? Israel, all by itself could take all 3 of them conventionally! Imagine what 2 U.S. air craft carrier battle groups would do to them! Don't let that last "polite war" where hezbollah hid amongst civilians in Lebanon fool you. If Israel had a "serious" hawk like Benjamin Netanyahu at the helm running things, there's no way Hassan Nasrallah would've been allowed to "hide out" in the Iranian embassy because there would'nt be an Iranian embassy. I would've be reduced to rubble like the rest of eastern Lebanon was!

Furthermore, taking nukes and other WMD weapons off the table, the United States can take on the whole world conventionally and it would resemble the "smack down" that Israel put on the Arab world back in 1967. Just read "The Eagle has Landed" thread. . .

"It is difficult to estimate the exact costs of a carrier battle group, but it certainly goes into many billions of dollars. The ships, the aircraft, the logistical supplies and the personnel, together, probably equal a quarter or more of the defense budget of a medium-sized country.

What is more, no equivalent concentration of power to a US carrier task force exists in the world; the few UK, French and Indian carriers are minuscule by comparison, the Russian ones rusting away.

Leaving aside nuclear weapons, which are always problematic and perhaps destined to be forever inapplicable, this group of warships constitutes the strongest and most flexible core of military force today. A carrier force is virtually indestructible, and yet it has the capacity to deal out death and destruction across most of our globe.

The US possesses 12 such carriers (another, the USS Ronald Reagan, is to join the fleet soon), each with the attendant group of complementary warships. There are also smaller carriers designed, not for open-ocean combat against all, but to take powerful Marine Corps battalions ashore.

This array of force is staggering. Were it ever assembled en masse the result would be the largest concentration of naval and aerial force the world would have seen."

Boo Ya!

Nice!! now how many years of military service have you had?
i dont want the opinion of a parrot repeating what ever he heard or read (no offense intended) just AM asking for an experts opinion, if i would listen to any one who is convinced he is saying the truth, i would definitely get mad at the huge variety in which reality and truth can exist.
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 04:08 am
politically-wrong;32495 wrote:
nice!! now how many years of military service have you had?
i dont want the opinion of a parrot repeating what ever he heard or read (no offence intended) just iam asking for an experts opinion, if i would listen to any one who is convinced he is saying the truth, i would diffenitly get mad at the huge variety in which reality and truth can exist.

I haven't had any years in our military, but I fail to see what that has to do with anything! I am very educated in matters of military history -- yesterday and today. Furthermore, Paul Kennedy is an expert.

And finally, there are profound reasons why Arafat, not Sharon, was surrounded in his bunker -- why ancient Athens beat back hundreds of thousands of Persians, yet little more than a century later, and after becoming far more populated and wealthier, could not repel a few thousand Macedonians --why the Taliban who were favored by geography and climate were routed in less then 100 days -- why France, which stopped the Germans at Verdun, but a quarter century later let them romp through Paris in just six weeks -- and why Saddam who fielded the 4th largest army in the world, and dressed better then John Gotti, had his army crushed in 3 weeks and was fished outta a spider hole looking like a bum from midtown Manhattan.

I'll leave it to you to find out what those profound reasons are.
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 04:30 am
@Red cv,
Red;31797 wrote:
We don't run off Liberals posters, they enter with a pre-conceived notion that we are frothing at the mouth Neo Cons out to ruin the world. We aren't- I'm a classical Liberal, I believe in a hand up and a hand out for society however I am strongly against a life time of welfare. I am not a devoted Christian yet I'm not offended by their views. I believe in equality of all people, sadly the hard left or Socialist views are extreme and if you don't mirror their views they are cry babies. It's not my fault they can't debate with skill and I'm not wiping their snotty noses when they start losing a debate alst the while screaming racist's hater. Honestly, some on the left are beyond tards they're cry baby tards maxiumus.

The chances of me suddenly becoming a pc polite poster is well um, NEVER. I have tried, really I searched me soul for patience but in all honesty when my wee soul was getting it's personality I stood in the temper line twice and missed the "Patience" line altogether. I live with this terrible burden daily, I've tried duck tape but I can chew through it. Crazy glue taste good after a while, my mouth guard I chewed in half. My only hope is to start drinking Kool-Aide, now I'm scared.

{previous post}
Originally stated by politically-wrong View Post
Iam worried if we keep losing people like that a day will come when all posts contain nothing but , yes true i agree, and so on, i mean if the opposing opinion keeps leaving it will no longer be conflictingviews looolz more like (Amen views).

you guys are tough when smelling a prey, next time try to be bit diplomatic if u know what i mean, you dont have to backout, just try not to immidate , iam not saying its your fault, no far from it, but we can try and be more persuasive.
Members are not run off. They leave because they do not get the essence of what this discussion forum is fundamentally about - discussion. It is the message that is important, not the form. If someone fails to use the spellcheck function, get over it and try to understand the point they are making and then counter or agree, as you feel fit.

Ah, the things that they say about you when your back is turned....not much different from what they say to your face. At least there is consistency.
Yeah, I'm back....if only to set the record straight.
Contrary to popular belief, I didn't leave because I didn't "get the essence of what this discussion forum is fundamentally about"....it sure as hell, "ain't" discussion. I left because I was tired of having to repeatedly defend myself against attack after attack, without ever having the opportunity to engage anyone on the "right" in any meaningful discourse. You were too busy trying to find fault with my person, instead of arguing position, and viewpoint.
I am not nor have ever been a "classic" liberal...although I was never allowed the opportunity to express my views. I think people were in awe that a black gay man could eloquently express world views and put more than two or three words together to form a cohesive thought. I really did intimidate people...which, by the way, was never my intention. I really don't think that highly of myself...but I am confident (now) and content with who I am.
People have bandied about slurs, such as being racists, which I have categorically denied, yet, fallen on "deaf ears". Why? Because it would be so easy to dismiss me, if you could be sure that I embraced your mirror images...I have, personally, never seen such contempt, such racism, such hatred, as you people have displayed. I would have never thought it possible in 2008...a time we should be united, given 9/11...given the erosion of our freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...but I was naive, and too willing to believe that there was common ground that we could share..Democrat and Republican, liberal and conservative, black, white, and brown, straight or gay. Americans all. How stupid of me.
I saw a special on PBS, today, of the story of Islamic Spain...and how through years of war, strife, interaction, commerce, intermarriage, and scholarship, between Muslims, Jews and Christians, Spain was born. It was the Muslim and Jewish scholars who translated books from Arabic into Castilian Spanish and subsequently, Latin, and the embracing of Aristotle which led to the entire Renaissance. And trust me, what the Spanish Inquisition did at the behest of Isabella and Ferdinand via the Pope, was absolutely no different what is being done now, in the name of Christianity against Islam. They forced both Jews and Muslims to convert or die....I have heard the same claims, in this forum, that that is the mission of radical Islamists...so let me get this straight...that was wrong then, but this is right now...kill or be killed? Convert or be converted? Clearly, cool heads are indicated, and diplomacy and tolerance (which, by the way, was the way of Christ Jesus), should be the rules of engagement.
I, myself, am a Christian...so, don't get it twisted...I am not pro-Islam, or pro-Judaism, or even pro-Christian. I am a Earthling...simply trying to find my way...and since nobody has died, and come back to tell if God is pro Jew, pro Christian, pro Islam, or pro-Atheist...everybody needs to chill. You don't have no better hook up than I or anybody else. You are not that special that God calls you on the phone, and only you. Who might you be? Next.
And excuse me for mentioning the fact that people have a habit of not spell-checking, or using wrong word forms, and wrong words...if you're going to communicate, you need to be understood. If you don't know what you're talking about, or "standard English", you won't be understood, or, at the very least, "taken seriously"...so be advised. Besides, you come across as "moronic". A "guilty pleasure" of a number of you.

And all this talk about the left being wimpy, cry babies, "cut and runners", weak on national security is just hogwash...we're all Americans...and that's supposed to mean something.
And I believe in "teaching a man how to fish"...instead of giving him a fish...so, quit telling lies on that front. Ask. Don't assume anything.
The government sanctions illegal drugs...and don't you forget it...ain't no black or brown people flying drugs in here. A whole lot of black and brown people are getting caught, low level, and a big tadoo is being made of it. That ain't no war on drugs. Why do you think Bush is bucking for a union of Mexico, and Canada and the US....get your heads out of your butts, and think ( for a change)

"The enjoyment of power inevitably corrupts the judgment of reason, and perverts its liberty".- Immanuel Kant

In any event...don't think this is a olive branch or anything....I just don't like folks lying on me. From the commentaries that I've seen, nothing much has changed. I'm still bored. Aaron
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 04:36 am
@Red cv,
Red;31797 wrote:
We don't run off Liberals posters, they enter with a pre-conceived notion that we are frothing at the mouth Neo Cons out to ruin the world. We aren't- I'm a classical Liberal, I believe in a hand up and a hand out for society however I am strongly against a life time of welfare. I am not a devoted Christian yet I'm not offended by their views. I believe in equality of all people, sadly the hard left or Socialist views are extreme and if you don't mirror their views they are cry babies. It's not my fault they can't debate with skill and I'm not wiping their snotty noses when they start losing a debate alst the while screaming racist's hater. Honestly, some on the left are beyond tards they're cry baby tards maxiumus.

The chances of me suddenly becoming a pc polite poster is well um, NEVER. I have tried, really I searched me soul for patience but in all honesty when my wee soul was getting it's personality I stood in the temper line twice and missed the "Patience" line altogether. I live with this terrible burden daily, I've tried duck tape but I can chew through it. Crazy glue taste good after a while, my mouth guard I chewed in half. My only hope is to start drinking Kool-Aide, now I'm scared.

{previous post}
Originally stated by politically-wrong View Post
Iam worried if we keep losing people like that a day will come when all posts contain nothing but , yes true i agree, and so on, i mean if the opposing opinion keeps leaving it will no longer be conflictingviews looolz more like (Amen views).

you guys are tough when smelling a prey, next time try to be bit diplomatic if u know what i mean, you dont have to backout, just try not to immidate , iam not saying its your fault, no far from it, but we can try and be more persuasive.
Members are not run off. They leave because they do not get the essence of what this discussion forum is fundamentally about - discussion. It is the message that is important, not the form. If someone fails to use the spellcheck function, get over it and try to understand the point they are making and then counter or agree, as you feel fit.

Ah, the things that they say about you when your back is turned....not much different from what they say to your face. At least there is consistency.
Yeah, I'm back....if only to set the record straight.
Contrary to popular belief, I didn't leave because I didn't "get the essence of what this discussion forum is fundamentally about"....it sure as hell, "ain't" discussion. I left because I was tired of having to repeatedly defend myself against attack after attack, without ever having the opportunity to engage anyone on the "right" in any meaningful discourse. You were too busy trying to find fault with my person, instead of arguing position, and viewpoint.
I am not nor have ever been a "classic" liberal...although I was never allowed the opportunity to express my views. I think people were in awe that a black gay man could eloquently express world views and put more than two or three words together to form a cohesive thought. I really did intimidate people...which, by the way, was never my intention. I really don't think that highly of myself...but I am confident (now) and content with who I am.
People have bandied about slurs, such as being racist, which I have categorically denied, yet, it's fallen on "deaf ears". Why? Because it would be so easy to dismiss me, if you could be sure that I embraced your mirror images...I have, personally, never seen such contempt, such racism, such hatred, as you people have displayed. I would have never thought it possible in 2008...a time we should be united, given 9/11...given the erosion of our freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...but I was naive, and too willing to believe that there was common ground that we could share..Democrat and Republican, liberal and conservative, black, white, and brown, straight or gay. Americans all. How stupid of me.

I saw a special on PBS, today, of the story of Islamic Spain...and how through years of war, strife, interaction, commerce, intermarriage, and scholarship, between Muslims, Jews and Christians, Spain was born. It was the Muslim and Jewish scholars who translated books from Arabic into Castilian Spanish and subsequently, Latin, and the embracing of Aristotle which led to the entire Renaissance. And trust me, what the Spanish Inquisition did at the behest of Isabella and Ferdinand via the Pope, was absolutely no different what is being done now, in the name of Christianity against Islam. They forced both Jews and Muslims to convert or die....I have heard the same claims, in this forum, that that is the mission of radical Islamists...so let me get this straight...that was wrong then, but this is right now...kill or be killed? Convert or be converted? Clearly, cool heads are indicated, and diplomacy and tolerance (which, by the way, was the way of Christ Jesus), should be the rules of engagement.
I, myself, am a Christian...so, don't get it twisted...I am not pro-Islam, or pro-Judaism, or even pro-Christian. I am a Earthling...simply trying to find my way...and since nobody has died, and come back to tell if God is pro Jew, pro Christian, pro Islam, or pro-Atheist...everybody needs to chill. You don't have no better hook up than I or anybody else. You are not that special that God calls you on the phone, and only you. Who might you be? Next.
And excuse me for mentioning the fact that people have a habit of not spell-checking, or using wrong word forms, and wrong words...if you're going to communicate, you need to be understood. If you don't know what you're talking about, or "standard English", you won't be understood, or, at the very least, "taken seriously"...so be advised. Besides, you come across as "moronic". A "guilty pleasure" of a number of you.

And all this talk about the left being wimpy, cry babies, "cut and runners", weak on national security is just hogwash...we're all Americans...and that's supposed to mean something.
And I believe in "teaching a man how to fish"...instead of giving him a fish...so, quit telling lies on that front. Ask. Don't assume anything.
The government sanctions illegal drugs...and don't you forget it...ain't no black or brown people flying drugs in here. A whole lot of black and brown people are getting caught, low level, and a big tadoo is being made of it. That ain't no war on drugs. Why do you think Bush is bucking for a union of Mexico, and Canada and the US....get your heads out of your butts, and think ( for a change) And now, now, now he has the gall to mention Vietnam, compared to Iraq....what a stupid, stupid man! Iraq is our Vietnam, all over again.

"The enjoyment of power inevitably corrupts the judgment of reason, and perverts its liberty".- Immanuel Kant

In any event...don't think this is a olive branch or anything....I just don't like folks lying on me. From the commentaries that I've seen, nothing much has changed. I'm still bored. And you all are still....well, you know. Aaron
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 05:02 am
POLITICAL JEDI;32497 wrote:
I haven't had any years in our military, but I fail to see what that has to do with anything! I am very educated in matters of military history -- yesterday and today. Furthermore, Paul Kennedy is an expert.

And finally, there are profound reasons why Arafat, not Sharon, was surrounded in his bunker -- why ancient Athens beat back hundreds of thousands of Persians, yet little more than a century later, and after becoming far more populated and wealthier, could not repel a few thousand Macedonians --why the Taliban who were favored by geography and climate were routed in less then 100 days -- why France, which stopped the Germans at Verdun, but a quarter century later let them romp through Paris in just six weeks -- and why Saddam who fielded the 4th largest army in the world, and dressed better then John Gotti, had his army crushed in 3 weeks and was fished outta a spider hole looking like a bum from midtown Manhattan.

I'll leave it to you to find out what those profound reasons are.

but I fail to see what that has to do with anything!

exactly , thats why am asking for the opinion of an expert .

I am very educated in matters of military history -- yesterday and today

thats nice really, but as i have already told Drnaline :history only tells what happened in the past it can not predict the future, further more there is alot more to war than just who got more fire power , am sure you know that, regarding Israel taking on all three, if there is one thing i know about war it that in order to be sure 100% you will win a said war your country must have 60% excess of the opposing countries military . as in you have 160% of your adversary, Israel doesnot have 160% of just egypts military so lets not get over heated.

Paul Kennedy is an expert.

ok am interested only in the opinion of an army officer with many years under his belt, is that ok with you? Smile

And finally, there are profound reasons why Arafat, not Sharon, was surrounded in his bunker -- why ancient Athens beat back hundreds of thousands of Persians, yet little more than a century later, and after becoming far more populated and wealthier, could not repel a few thousand Macedonians --why the Taliban who were favored by geography and climate were routed in less then 100 days -- why France, which stopped the Germans at Verdun, but a quarter century later let them romp through Paris in just six weeks -- and why Saddam who fielded the 4th largest army in the world, and dressed better then John Gotti, had his army crushed in 3 weeks and was fished outta a spider hole looking like a bum from midtown Manhattan.

ok here we come to your expertise , but am not interested thank you.Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 05:11 am
Welcome back Aaronssongs , am sure you know that by deciding to leave you are giving them what they are wanting on a silver platter , just stay and annoy the hell out of them , this forum is for all , agree or disagree as you feel fit (but i would appreciate it if you would back me up Very Happy) , its all your choice.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 08:18 am
politically-wrong;32495 wrote:
Nice!! now how many years of military service have you had?
i dont want the opinion of a parrot repeating what ever he heard or read (no offense intended) just AM asking for an experts opinion, if i would listen to any one who is convinced he is saying the truth, i would definitely get mad at the huge variety in which reality and truth can exist.
How long did it take us to drive Saddom out the first time? How about the second time? I would expect similar results with similar foes. You don't need to be an expert to figure this out, your statement would lead me to believe you think yourself an expert?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 08:51 am
aaronssongs;32500 wrote:
{previous post}
Originally stated by politically-wrong View Post
Iam worried if we keep losing people like that a day will come when all posts contain nothing but , yes true i agree, and so on, i mean if the opposing opinion keeps leaving it will no longer be conflictingviews looolz more like (Amen views).

you guys are tough when smelling a prey, next time try to be bit diplomatic if u know what i mean, you dont have to backout, just try not to immidate , iam not saying its your fault, no far from it, but we can try and be more persuasive.
Members are not run off. They leave because they do not get the essence of what this discussion forum is fundamentally about - discussion. It is the message that is important, not the form. If someone fails to use the spellcheck function, get over it and try to understand the point they are making and then counter or agree, as you feel fit.

Ah, the things that they say about you when your back is turned....not much different from what they say to your face. At least there is consistency.
Yeah, I'm back....if only to set the record straight.
Contrary to popular belief, I didn't leave because I didn't "get the essence of what this discussion forum is fundamentally about"....it sure as hell, "ain't" discussion. I left because I was tired of having to repeatedly defend myself against attack after attack, without ever having the opportunity to engage anyone on the "right" in any meaningful discourse. You were too busy trying to find fault with my person, instead of arguing position, and viewpoint.
I am not nor have ever been a "classic" liberal...although I was never allowed the opportunity to express my views. I think people were in awe that a black gay man could eloquently express world views and put more than two or three words together to form a cohesive thought. I really did intimidate people...which, by the way, was never my intention. I really don't think that highly of myself...but I am confident (now) and content with who I am.
People have bandied about slurs, such as being racist, which I have categorically denied, yet, it's fallen on "deaf ears". Why? Because it would be so easy to dismiss me, if you could be sure that I embraced your mirror images...I have, personally, never seen such contempt, such racism, such hatred, as you people have displayed. I would have never thought it possible in 2008...a time we should be united, given 9/11...given the erosion of our freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...but I was naive, and too willing to believe that there was common ground that we could share..Democrat and Republican, liberal and conservative, black, white, and brown, straight or gay. Americans all. How stupid of me.

I saw a special on PBS, today, of the story of Islamic Spain...and how through years of war, strife, interaction, commerce, intermarriage, and scholarship, between Muslims, Jews and Christians, Spain was born. It was the Muslim and Jewish scholars who translated books from Arabic into Castilian Spanish and subsequently, Latin, and the embracing of Aristotle which led to the entire Renaissance. And trust me, what the Spanish Inquisition did at the behest of Isabella and Ferdinand via the Pope, was absolutely no different what is being done now, in the name of Christianity against Islam. They forced both Jews and Muslims to convert or die....I have heard the same claims, in this forum, that that is the mission of radical Islamists...so let me get this straight...that was wrong then, but this is right now...kill or be killed? Convert or be converted? Clearly, cool heads are indicated, and diplomacy and tolerance (which, by the way, was the way of Christ Jesus), should be the rules of engagement.
I, myself, am a Christian...so, don't get it twisted...I am not pro-Islam, or pro-Judaism, or even pro-Christian. I am a Earthling...simply trying to find my way...and since nobody has died, and come back to tell if God is pro Jew, pro Christian, pro Islam, or pro-Atheist...everybody needs to chill. You don't have no better hook up than I or anybody else. You are not that special that God calls you on the phone, and only you. Who might you be? Next.
And excuse me for mentioning the fact that people have a habit of not spell-checking, or using wrong word forms, and wrong words...if you're going to communicate, you need to be understood. If you don't know what you're talking about, or "standard English", you won't be understood, or, at the very least, "taken seriously"...so be advised. Besides, you come across as "moronic". A "guilty pleasure" of a number of you.

And all this talk about the left being wimpy, cry babies, "cut and runners", weak on national security is just hogwash...we're all Americans...and that's supposed to mean something.
And I believe in "teaching a man how to fish"...instead of giving him a fish...so, quit telling lies on that front. Ask. Don't assume anything.
The government sanctions illegal drugs...and don't you forget it...ain't no black or brown people flying drugs in here. A whole lot of black and brown people are getting caught, low level, and a big tadoo is being made of it. That ain't no war on drugs. Why do you think Bush is bucking for a union of Mexico, and Canada and the US....get your heads out of your butts, and think ( for a change) And now, now, now he has the gall to mention Vietnam, compared to Iraq....what a stupid, stupid man! Iraq is our Vietnam, all over again.

"The enjoyment of power inevitably corrupts the judgment of reason, and perverts its liberty".- Immanuel Kant

In any event...don't think this is a olive branch or anything....I just don't like folks lying on me. From the commentaries that I've seen, nothing much has changed. I'm still bored. And you all are still....well, you know. Aaron
Ah, the things that they say about you when your back is turned....not much different from what they say to your face.
It was posted for all to read including you. Behind your back would be through PM's. By the way you never answered my last one?
I left because I was tired of having to repeatedly defend myself against attack after attack, without ever having the opportunity to engage anyone on the "right" in any meaningful discourse. You were too busy trying to find fault with my person, instead of arguing position, and viewpoint.
Funny thing is you think you offended no one when you first entered? You waltzed in here and said what ever you wanted and expected us to take it. Guess what, we push back. And we soon found out who could take what, sorry you lost. You are the one that made sure you didn't recieve any "meaningful discourse" but you already have yourself convinced it was caused by your race.
I really don't think that highly of myself...
Here we go again.
People have bandied about slurs, such as being racist, which I have categorically denied, yet, it's fallen on "deaf ears". Why? Because it would be so easy to dismiss me, if you could be sure that I embraced your mirror images...I have, personally, never seen such contempt, such racism, such hatred, as you people have displayed.
"You people" and you'd like us to believe we are the racists, nice. You are probably the biggest racist yet on this site. Shall we take a poll.
I would have never thought it possible in 2008...a time we should be united, given 9/11...given the erosion of our freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...but I was naive, and too willing to believe that there was common ground that we could share..
Common ground it earned not a given. You don't deserve it.
Democrat and Republican, liberal and conservative, black, white, and brown, straight or gay. Americans all. How stupid of me.
You said it not me.
In any event...don't think this is a olive branch or anything....I just don't like folks lying on me. From the commentaries that I've seen, nothing much has changed. I'm still bored. And you all are still....well, you know. Aaron
And you keep coming back? Foolish is a person coming here each time and expecting a different result? You said it yourself, "How stupid of me."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 11:38 am
aaronssongs;32500 wrote:
{previous post}
Originally stated by politically-wrong View Post
Iam worried if we keep losing people like that a day will come when all posts contain nothing but , yes true i agree, and so on, i mean if the opposing opinion keeps leaving it will no longer be conflictingviews looolz more like (Amen views).

you guys are tough when smelling a prey, next time try to be bit diplomatic if u know what i mean, you dont have to backout, just try not to immidate , iam not saying its your fault, no far from it, but we can try and be more persuasive.
Members are not run off. They leave because they do not get the essence of what this discussion forum is fundamentally about - discussion. It is the message that is important, not the form. If someone fails to use the spellcheck function, get over it and try to understand the point they are making and then counter or agree, as you feel fit.

Ah, the things that they say about you when your back is turned....not much different from what they say to your face. At least there is consistency.
Yeah, I'm back....if only to set the record straight.
Contrary to popular belief, I didn't leave because I didn't "get the essence of what this discussion forum is fundamentally about"....it sure as hell, "ain't" discussion. I left because I was tired of having to repeatedly defend myself against attack after attack, without ever having the opportunity to engage anyone on the "right" in any meaningful discourse. You were too busy trying to find fault with my person, instead of arguing position, and viewpoint.
I am not nor have ever been a "classic" liberal...although I was never allowed the opportunity to express my views. I think people were in awe that a black gay man could eloquently express world views and put more than two or three words together to form a cohesive thought. I really did intimidate people...which, by the way, was never my intention. I really don't think that highly of myself...but I am confident (now) and content with who I am.
People have bandied about slurs, such as being racist, which I have categorically denied, yet, it's fallen on "deaf ears". Why? Because it would be so easy to dismiss me, if you could be sure that I embraced your mirror images...I have, personally, never seen such contempt, such racism, such hatred, as you people have displayed. I would have never thought it possible in 2008...a time we should be united, given 9/11...given the erosion of our freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...but I was naive, and too willing to believe that there was common ground that we could share..Democrat and Republican, liberal and conservative, black, white, and brown, straight or gay. Americans all. How stupid of me.

I saw a special on PBS, today, of the story of Islamic Spain...and how through years of war, strife, interaction, commerce, intermarriage, and scholarship, between Muslims, Jews and Christians, Spain was born. It was the Muslim and Jewish scholars who translated books from Arabic into Castilian Spanish and subsequently, Latin, and the embracing of Aristotle which led to the entire Renaissance. And trust me, what the Spanish Inquisition did at the behest of Isabella and Ferdinand via the Pope, was absolutely no different what is being done now, in the name of Christianity against Islam. They forced both Jews and Muslims to convert or die....I have heard the same claims, in this forum, that that is the mission of radical Islamists...so let me get this straight...that was wrong then, but this is right now...kill or be killed? Convert or be converted? Clearly, cool heads are indicated, and diplomacy and tolerance (which, by the way, was the way of Christ Jesus), should be the rules of engagement.
I, myself, am a Christian...so, don't get it twisted...I am not pro-Islam, or pro-Judaism, or even pro-Christian. I am a Earthling...simply trying to find my way...and since nobody has died, and come back to tell if God is pro Jew, pro Christian, pro Islam, or pro-Atheist...everybody needs to chill. You don't have no better hook up than I or anybody else. You are not that special that God calls you on the phone, and only you. Who might you be? Next.
And excuse me for mentioning the fact that people have a habit of not spell-checking, or using wrong word forms, and wrong words...if you're going to communicate, you need to be understood. If you don't know what you're talking about, or "standard English", you won't be understood, or, at the very least, "taken seriously"...so be advised. Besides, you come across as "moronic". A "guilty pleasure" of a number of you.

And all this talk about the left being wimpy, cry babies, "cut and runners", weak on national security is just hogwash...we're all Americans...and that's supposed to mean something.
And I believe in "teaching a man how to fish"...instead of giving him a fish...so, quit telling lies on that front. Ask. Don't assume anything.
The government sanctions illegal drugs...and don't you forget it...ain't no black or brown people flying drugs in here. A whole lot of black and brown people are getting caught, low level, and a big tadoo is being made of it. That ain't no war on drugs. Why do you think Bush is bucking for a union of Mexico, and Canada and the US....get your heads out of your butts, and think ( for a change) And now, now, now he has the gall to mention Vietnam, compared to Iraq....what a stupid, stupid man! Iraq is our Vietnam, all over again.

"The enjoyment of power inevitably corrupts the judgment of reason, and perverts its liberty".- Immanuel Kant

In any event...don't think this is a olive branch or anything....I just don't like folks lying on me. From the commentaries that I've seen, nothing much has changed. I'm still bored. And you all are still....well, you know. Aaron

I knew you couldn't stay away...I did not read your post, just saw your name and wanted to comment.
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 12:33 pm
Same ol **** different day.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 04:31 pm
socalgolfguy;32546 wrote:
I knew you couldn't stay away...I did not read your post, just saw your name and wanted to comment.

Well, what is the point of that? I came back because, just as I thought, lies were being bandied around, and I was not about to let them stand.
Mostly, there is a lot of hot air up in here. I haven't been back for more than an hour, and already the same old riff raff is attacking me all over again.
Like I said before...I've been accused of being racist, when nothing could be further from the truth...I have white and brown friends who would belly laugh at the thought...and they're intelligent enough to know, as I do, that racism is nothing more than ignorance and fear...the only thing I fear is the mentally unstable, and me being a "humanist" flies in the face of racism. So let's put that one to bed for once and for all. If you cannot debate the issues, coherently, without trying to undermine my personage, then know that "silence is golden", and act accordingly, since directives are being decreed.
And I'm not going to argue with those whom I think stupid and actually beneath me...so rant and rave on...I know who I am, and there is nothing to prove. Except perhaps, that I can be a thorn, in either side or head.

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