A Question To American citizens Only (from a Muslim u would call a moderate)

Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 04:53 pm
RedOct;29039 wrote:
There's emphasis on the Islamists because that's where the Washington-based Zionist policy makers and policy influencers have placed their fingers since Carter's National Security Advisor, Brezinski, who is a Polish Zionist. Majority of the members of the PNAC are Zionists with close ties to Israel.

Short of that, I don't see it as America versus Islam thing. I see it as America versus freedom thing. For a democracy to exist, there has to exist a balance of power between people and their government. In the US, the government is too powerful. To prevent a flight of capital, they want the same control over the rest of the world. Venezuela, Russia, China, Iran, and so called Islamists are merely fighting to be free.

In the US, the government considers itself above the constitution and the law, and they want to do the same with the rest of the world, and increasingly, the world is fighting back to be free.

I'm in agreement....what you have said makes sense.
And The American government is incredulous that things are not going as planned. go figure.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 04:59 pm
Volunteer;29058 wrote:
Humm, is the person expressing the above opinion an Islamist or a Neo-Nazi? Could it be they are on the other end of the political horse shoe? Maybe they are a commie pinko.

And you have the audacity to question someone else's credentials and education? If that's what you got out of the aforementioned posting, then, it is you, madam, that is sorely lacking in comprehension skills, logic, and reasoning ability. And you're a religious zealot, to boot! How ridiculous. Your motives are questionable, to say the least...and you're biased in your assumptions concerning non-Christians. Hypocrisy, once again.
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 02:09 am
Volunteer;28972 wrote:
More than slavery, mutilation, rape, and murder also. Way to go, Hitler denied his actions too. I have the eyewitness accounts of non-media non-islamist people who have been there and seen what is and has been happening. That won't satisfy you, because your playbook says deny anything you do is wrong, especially if it happens to involve non-muslims. Could it be you have access to this internet as a part of your government's effort to wash its hands clean in the eyes of the non-islamic, non-arab world?

You say they are citizens too. Slaves are not citizens. They are slaves. Second class citizens who are not free are are not citizens. They are a sub-class. Quit lying and stop acting like or implying your values are the same as ours, they aren't, you know it and I know it. Lying to non-muslims is approved in your playbook (the koran) also.

Nigligence? Nice slip of the toungue. You finally stated the truth, racial war is one thing happening in Sudan. Hence, my comment about your country's actions being like Hitler's.

If these people who commit these crimes against humanity are criminals as you say in the eyes of the Sudanese government, why is the government providing funding, manpower, and equipment to these criminals? That isn't a matter of a weak government, it is deliberate.

Still empty accusations , with not even the least circumstancial evidence that would atleast lead u to think into the alligations u make, i asked for anykind of evidence that whats happening is slavery as u say, i get more accusations of murder and rape , and more words about having evidence , anyway i will be logging in here for some time may be one day u might bring the evidence about slavery and we will have a chance to scrutinize to confirm or deny, u said Hitler denied charges against him, ok but does that mean there is slavery murder and rape in Sudan?!! sorry may be am stupid but i dont get the connection between Hitlers denies and accusations of my country? , and could it be i have access to the internet as a part my governments plan for clearing our name? THANKS MAN I DIDNOT THINK I WAS MAKING ANY EFFECT , BUT UR WORDS MEAN THAT AM DOING NICELY THANKS AGAIN, ya about Quraan alowing lies to people of other faiths, THATS SUCH A CLEARLY TOLD LIE I DO NOT KNOW WHY DO U RESORT TO IT? i believe u know there is nothing like that in islam but u still choose to say so, u r not ashamed of using these low-life methods? Islam allows one to lie on only one situation , when u r trying to bring two people together( i.e. a couple who had a fight, friends who r angry at each other) and so on , by the way the Quraan didnot say only for muslim couples or friends, when i said negligence that wasnot a slip of the tongue, i intentionally stated my own dissatisfaction and anger at our government , my countries actions are like hitler's u say, looolz man dont get me started on Israels history with palestinian citizens, oh i forgot murdering palestinian women and children is patriotisim that does not count, ok how about conspiring to murder jesus , not bad enough ? , which reminds me i have a question for Drnaline here , where is ur freedom of expression when any scholar says that the holocaust never happened is jailed? where is it? under the bed? , lets get back to u volunteer , my government provided support for these criminals? even the UN couldnot prove it, r u trying to do so now? or this is just a game of alligations ? well i dont like that game, sorry.
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 02:30 am
politically-wrong;29083 wrote:
Still empty accusations , with not even the least circumstancial evidence that would atleast lead u to think into the alligations u make, i asked for anykind of evidence that whats happening is slavery as u say, i get more accusations of murder and rape , and more words about having evidence , anyway i will be logging in here for some time may be one day u might bring the evidence about slavery and we will have a chance to scrutinize to confirm or deny, u said Hitler denied charges against him, ok but does that mean there is slavery murder and rape in Sudan?!! sorry may be am stupid but i dont get the connection between Hitlers denies and accusations of my country? , and could it be i have access to the internet as a part my governments plan for clearing our name? THANKS MAN I DIDNOT THINK I WAS MAKING ANY EFFECT , BUT UR WORDS MEAN THAT AM DOING NICELY THANKS AGAIN, ya about Quraan alowing lies to people of other faiths, THATS SUCH A CLEARLY TOLD LIE I DO NOT KNOW WHY DO U RESORT TO IT? i believe u know there is nothing like that in islam but u still choose to say so, u r not ashamed of using these low-life methods? Islam allows one to lie on only one situation , when u r trying to bring two people together( i.e. a couple who had a fight, friends who r angry at each other) and so on , by the way the Quraan didnot say only for muslim couples or friends, when i said negligence that wasnot a slip of the tongue, i intentionally stated my own dissatisfaction and anger at our government , my countries actions are like hitler's u say, looolz man dont get me started on Israels history with palestinian citizens, oh i forgot murdering palestinian women and children is patriotisim that does not count, ok how about conspiring to murder jesus , not bad enough ? , which reminds me i have a question for Drnaline here , where is ur freedom of expression when any scholar says that the holocaust never happened is jailed? where is it? under the bed? , lets get back to u volunteer , my government provided support for these criminals? even the UN couldnot prove it, r u trying to do so now? or this is just a game of alligations ? well i dont like that game, sorry.

politically wrong,
Don't you just love people telling you how you are, and how your country is....and you're the one there, and the best person to know...all they can do is go crazy with a broad paint brush, in a color you don't even like, and they don't bother to ask...it's pure arrogance and snobbery...instead of asking you what it is like, they pre-judge, and convict you, with no appeals...and then they say they believe in democracy, and the Constitution, and presuming you're innocent, instead of presuming that you're guilty.....oh, wait...they didn't say that. silly me...I was presuming. Don't let them take your joy. I see that you don't need anyone's help.
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 07:15 am
aaronssongs;29064 wrote:
And you have the audacity to question someone else's credentials and education? If that's what you got out of the aforementioned posting, then, it is you, madam, that is sorely lacking in comprehension skills, logic, and reasoning ability. And you're a religious zealot, to boot! How ridiculous. Your motives are questionable, to say the least...and you're biased in your assumptions concerning non-Christians. Hypocrisy, once again.

As many educators are prone to state, "There are no dumb questions, the only dumb question is the one that isn't asked."

Like I observed before about your ability to distinguish between male and female attributes, you got the gender wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 07:17 am
aaronssongs;29084 wrote:
politically wrong,
Don't you just love people telling you how you are, and how your country is....and you're the one there, and the best person to know...all they can do is go crazy with a broad paint brush, in a color you don't even like, and they don't bother to ask...it's pure arrogance and snobbery...instead of asking you what it is like, they pre-judge, and convict you, with no appeals...and then they say they believe in democracy, and the Constitution, and presuming you're innocent, instead of presuming that you're guilty.....oh, wait...they didn't say that. silly me...I was presuming. Don't let them take your joy. I see that you don't need anyone's help.

Well, he was honest when he chose his pen name.
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 07:42 am
politically-wrong;29083 wrote:
Still empty accusations , with not even the least circumstancial evidence that would atleast lead u to think into the alligations u make, i asked for anykind of evidence that whats happening is slavery as u say, i get more accusations of murder and rape , and more words about having evidence , anyway i will be logging in here for some time may be one day u might bring the evidence about slavery and we will have a chance to scrutinize to confirm or deny, u said Hitler denied charges against him, ok but does that mean there is slavery murder and rape in Sudan?!! sorry may be am stupid but i dont get the connection between Hitlers denies and accusations of my country? , and could it be i have access to the internet as a part my governments plan for clearing our name? THANKS MAN I DIDNOT THINK I WAS MAKING ANY EFFECT , BUT UR WORDS MEAN THAT AM DOING NICELY THANKS AGAIN, ya about Quraan alowing lies to people of other faiths, THATS SUCH A CLEARLY TOLD LIE I DO NOT KNOW WHY DO U RESORT TO IT? i believe u know there is nothing like that in islam but u still choose to say so, u r not ashamed of using these low-life methods? Islam allows one to lie on only one situation , when u r trying to bring two people together( i.e. a couple who had a fight, friends who r angry at each other) and so on , by the way the Quraan didnot say only for muslim couples or friends, when i said negligence that wasnot a slip of the tongue, i intentionally stated my own dissatisfaction and anger at our government , my countries actions are like hitler's u say, looolz man dont get me started on Israels history with palestinian citizens, oh i forgot murdering palestinian women and children is patriotisim that does not count, ok how about conspiring to murder jesus , not bad enough ? , which reminds me i have a question for Drnaline here , where is ur freedom of expression when any scholar says that the holocaust never happened is jailed? where is it? under the bed? , lets get back to u volunteer , my government provided support for these criminals? even the UN couldnot prove it, r u trying to do so now? or this is just a game of alligations ? well i dont like that game, sorry.

You used the term nigligence, not negligence. The term nigligence could be based on a root nig, short for a derogatory term that used to be used here in the US for Black US citizens.

Not sure you understand that all caps means you are yelling. If you do understand this, then yelling isn't helping your ability to convey a reasonable message or demeanor. Conveying a reasonable message and demeanor is essential to hoodwinking non-thinking liberals into support of your case that the muslim world is just a poor victim of the big bad Judeo-Christian west.

There is no "palestine." There was no people named for palestine when the land was ruled by the Arabs before the second world war. At the time Israel became a country on the map again, the people you call palestinians had the opportunity to establish their own independent country. They and the arab countries chose to oppose such a situation. Since then, the arab countries have been whining and doing everything they could to create the fiction that there is a palestinian nation of people. If it were a fact, the nation would have existed before and it would have been born with Israel in 1948.

Murdering? Israel responds to attacks by islamic murderers using tried and true tactics to destabilize locales. When Israel responds, the cowardly islamic murderers hide behind women and children in an attempt to save themsleves and with the knowledge that those same women and children will be injured or killed when the murderers are being rooted out and brought to justice.

If the Israeli government were murdering and killing "palestinian" women and children (which it is not), the "palestinian" women and children along with their husbands and fathers, would flee from Israel. This isn't the case, you know it. In fact, the majority of "palestinians" in Israel do not want to leave due to their quality of life in Israel compared to what they would experience in an arab country.

The UN is a bad joke. They are corrupt.

Actually, your plans and effect are the opposite of your intent except for the minority liberal population who hate themselves and their priviledge enough to grasp at any counter-cultural idea that seems to help tear down the institutions they hide behind. Your (islamist) aim is to destroy the infrastructure and destabilize coutries and locales to the point at which you can present an alternative to the chaos. You are having good effect in areas like the Sudan and other countries that were in the soviet block of allies or that were wavering on the edge. You were gaining ground in western europe until the populace began to awake from their slumber. As with your conquests in the middle ages, prior to the push back from the crusades, you have been making what seems to be good progress in achieving you aims.

However, the battle is already won. It was won more than 2000 years ago by a jew at a place near Jerusalem called Golgotha.
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 09:27 am
Volunteer;29087 wrote:
Well, he was honest when he chose his pen name.

He was being honest and humorous.....what were you being? Undoubtably, "overreaching". LOL
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 09:36 am
Volunteer;29093 wrote:
You used the term nigligence, not negligence. The term nigligence could be based on a root nig, short for a derogatory term that used to be used here in the US for Black US citizens.

Not sure you understand that all caps means you are yelling. If you do understand this, then yelling isn't helping your ability to convey a reasonable message or demeanor. Conveying a reasonable message and demeanor is essential to hoodwinking non-thinking liberals into support of your case that the muslim world is just a poor victim of the big bad Judeo-Christian west.

There is no "palestine." There was no people named for palestine when the land was ruled by the Arabs before the second world war. At the time Israel became a country on the map again, the people you call palestinians had the opportunity to establish their own independent country. They and the arab countries chose to oppose such a situation. Since then, the arab countries have been whining and doing everything they could to create the fiction that there is a palestinian nation of people. If it were a fact, the nation would have existed before and it would have been born with Israel in 1948.

Murdering? Israel responds to attacks by islamic murderers using tried and true tactics to destabilize locales. When Israel responds, the cowardly islamic murderers hide behind women and children in an attempt to save themsleves and with the knowledge that those same women and children will be injured or killed when the murderers are being rooted out and brought to justice.

If the Israeli government were murdering and killing "palestinian" women and children (which it is not), the "palestinian" women and children along with their husbands and fathers, would flee from Israel. This isn't the case, you know it. In fact, the majority of "palestinians" in Israel do not want to leave due to their quality of life in Israel compared to what they would experience in an arab country.

The UN is a bad joke. They are corrupt.

Actually, your plans and effect are the opposite of your intent except for the minority liberal population who hate themselves and their priviledge enough to grasp at any counter-cultural idea that seems to help tear down the institutions they hide behind. Your (islamist) aim is to destroy the infrastructure and destabilize coutries and locales to the point at which you can present an alternative to the chaos. You are having good effect in areas like the Sudan and other countries that were in the soviet block of allies or that were wavering on the edge. You were gaining ground in western europe until the populace began to awake from their slumber. As with your conquests in the middle ages, prior to the push back from the crusades, you have been making what seems to be good progress in achieving you aims.

However, the battle is already won. It was won more than 2000 years ago by a jew at a place near Jerusalem called Golgotha.

Why don't stop? You , obviously have no idea of what you're talking about. What you have said is almost pure propaganda and innuendo, with no basis in fact. You're entitled to believe whatever you choose...however, stop spreading lies. My ex-bandmate was a Palestianian Christian, whose family was made refugees, and they moved to Kuwait, where my friend was born...they emigrated to the US, while he was still an infant, and he grew up, here, in the States. He sat down with me on several occasions and told me of the plight of the Palestinians, "firsthand". So, I can say with confidence, you are a liar. And you need to stop.
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 10:06 am
@Red cv,
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 10:06 am
Western Christians have a moral obigation to not only preserve Christian Civilization, but to expand its frontiers, until the entire world is converted and transformed. All talk of retreat and compromise is treason.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 10:13 am
RedOct;29112 wrote:
Oppressors are those who consider themselves to be above their own constutution, own laws, international law, the UN, and the sovereignity and laws of other nations. Why do you think American corporations are relocating abroad? Why do you think American nationals are fleeing to Canada, Europe, Latin and South America? And those who have flourishing businesses and professions are investing abroad to flee when and if the time comes. Why?

Reumsfeld (then hit man) and Ashcroft weren't removed because Bush realized that he was going in the wrong direction. Oh, no. The US government was borrowing $2.3+ billion dollars a day between 2002 and 2005, and leart that even the dollar hegemony can't support such printing boom. So, they put on a gentler face to reduce borrowing to $1.3+ billion a day.

Hush, truth! It's as if people in the old Soviet Union, were toasting each other, reveling in the state of euphoria that must envelop those who enjoy being oppressed and repressed...have you ever seen such Cheshire cats?
The scary part (if it weren't scary enough) is , they want to spread the madness.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 10:28 am
aaronssongs;28466 wrote:
I'm succinct. You might want to pull out a dictionary, because I know you don't know what it means.

Christ, these personal attacks are tedious and pointless. I cannot stand this back and forth bickering bullshit- you sound like a bunch of little girls.To all, I say, state your positions, back them up with anecdotal evidence or personal experience and stay away from personal insults, please.
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 10:43 am
aaronssongs;29104 wrote:
Why don't stop? You , obviously have no idea of what you're talking about. What you have said is almost pure propaganda and innuendo, with no basis in fact. You're entitled to believe whatever you choose...however, stop spreading lies. My ex-bandmate was a Palestianian Christian, whose family was made refugees, and they moved to Kuwait, where my friend was born...they emigrated to the US, while he was still an infant, and he grew up, here, in the States. He sat down with me on several occasions and told me of the plight of the Palestinians, "firsthand". So, I can say with confidence, you are a liar. And you need to stop.

The problem with a forum like this is anyone can deny the facts and the truth and state their own version. Could this be why the Bible tells us not to engage in useless argument?

The "Christian Palestinian" you mention, from which country did he become a refugee?

Why did his family move from Kuwait, an islamic country?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 10:45 am
aaronssongs;29104 wrote:
Why don't stop? ...So, I can say with confidence, you are a liar. And you need to stop.

The problem is, if I stop rebutting your lies, I am in essence letting them stand as though they are truth. I can't do that. Sorry.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 10:59 am
RedOct;29112 wrote:
Oppressors are those who consider themselves to be above their own constutution, own laws, international law, the UN, and the sovereignity and laws of other nations. Why do you think American corporations are relocating abroad?

Increased profit due to the wage differential.

Why do you think American nationals with any dime are fleeing to Canada, Europe, Latin and South America?

Increased luxury and potential to accumulate material goods due to the low cost of materials and labor.

And those who have flourishing businesses and professions in America have been investing abroad to flee when and if the time comes. Why?

Fleeing? Why are we putting up border protection?

Rumsfeld (then hit man) and Ashcroft weren't removed because Bush realized that he was going in the wrong direction. Oh, no. The US government was borrowing $2.3+ billion dollars a day between 2002 and 2005, and learnt that even the dollar hegemony can't support such a printing boom. So, they put on a gentler face to reduce borrowing to $1.3+ billion a day.

Borrowing? Balance of payments, maybe? Due to the rush to place labor costs in countries like China? For profit? NAFTA? Depleated social security, maybe?

Why do you think the US dollar is crashing at the rate that it is? A month and a half ago, you could get 75,000 euros for every $100,000. Now, $100,000 are worth only 72,500 euros - that's in a month and a half. Why has Iran operating an oil exchange since March 2006 allowing oil trade in euros, when saddam was hit for converting his trade reserve dollars to euros in 1999 and asking euros for oil beginning 2000? The terror that went on between 2002 and 2005 had a purpose - go so hard that everyone will duck down. Only the opposite has come out of it. If it didn't, you would have seen Abu Gharib right here in the US.

See answer on the quote just above this one.

Have the honesty to state where you are in the US on your profile. Otherwise you could be anywhere. You could be anywhere anyway, but at least if you state where you are (what state of the union) your answers could be evaluated for credibility. As is, you hide behind anonymity of place.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 11:00 am
socalgolfguy;29123 wrote:
Christ, these personal attacks are tedious and pointless. I cannot stand this back and forth bickering bull****- you sound like a bunch of little girls.To all, I say, state your positions, back them up with anecdotal evidence or personal experience and stay away from personal insults, please.

Shouldn't take The Lord's name in vain.
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 11:07 am
Volunteer;29132 wrote:
Shouldn't take The Lord's name in vain.

Sincere Apologies, sir.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 11:09 am
Volunteer;29132 wrote:
Shouldn't take The Lord's name in vain.

See, Socalgolfguy, even you have no immunity! :LOL
I'd choose my sides more carefully.
Remember about keeping friends close, and enemies "closer".
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 11:17 am
aaronssongs;29140 wrote:
See, Socalgolfguy, even you have no immunity! :LOL
I'd choose my sides more carefully.
Remember about keeping friends close, and enemies "closer".

Never had the pleasure to meet Volly but I am certain he has a kind heart.

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