Iran NO Longer Sells Oil For US Dolalrs

Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2007 12:20 pm
Thats right they have switched primarily to the Euro, saying the US DOLLARS recent decline in value prompted this action.

OF course if it jacks our economy a little in the process that is just an added bonus.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 5,530 • Replies: 118
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Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2007 07:20 pm
I can see where they are coming from not wanting to accept the Dollar. Granted this really does not help our economy when entire nations are no longer accepting our money.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 10 Dec, 2007 09:57 pm
Iran NO Longer Sells Oil For US Dolalrs

Why do you think Bush wants to invade? It's not hard to see the connection...
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 01:07 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
good for them, at least someone realizes our "money" isn't worth the paper it is printed on.

thank you federal reserve, you guy's ROCK!
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 04:50 pm
hatukazi;50939 wrote:
good for them

Hatu, do you mean good for IRAN..?
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 05:35 pm
socalgolfguy;50950 wrote:
Hatu, do you mean good for IRAN..?

sure, why should they accept our crappy money? I'm sure they already know where our help put their neighbor Saddam.

I like it because it is NOT an act of war.
it is NOT a terrorist act/sponsor.

and we cant invade them for not taking our money, which I'm very sure has bushies panties in a bunch.
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 06:26 pm
hatukazi;50955 wrote:
sure, why should they accept our crappy money? I'm sure they already know where our help put their neighbor Saddam.

I like it because it is NOT an act of war.
it is NOT a terrorist act/sponsor.

and we cant invade them for not taking our money, which I'm very sure has bushies panties in a bunch.

Wow. That's pretty interesting. It's really kind of sad that someone who lives in the US is excited about a blow to our economy in the middle of a recession.
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 06:30 pm
Reagaknight;50956 wrote:
Wow. That's pretty interesting. It's really kind of sad that someone who lives in the US is excited about a blow to our economy in the middle of a recession.

Remarkable, is it not..? Freedom of speech.... :dunno:
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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 06:57 pm
Reagaknight;50956 wrote:
Wow. That's pretty interesting. It's really kind of sad that someone who lives in the US is excited about a blow to our economy in the middle of a recession.

what's REALLY interesting is how we allow the middle east affect us at all.

if this has such a noticable effect on our economy that maybe we should take it up with our policy makers???

I also find it interesting that a country that has no way to even feed thamselves other than to sell oil wont sell it to us.

Maybe if everyone in America finally gets pissed off and does something productive about our issues.....
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Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 07:04 pm
what's REALLY interesting is how we allow the middle east affect us at all.

Hundreds of millions of people...

Safe haven for extremists with a large segment of the population who would like to see us all dead and many of those would quickly take the opportunity to do it themsleves...

Controls large amounts of oil...

Let's ignore them!
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 08:00 pm
Reagaknight;50962 wrote:
Hundreds of millions of people...

Safe haven for extremists with a large segment of the population who would like to see us all dead and many of those would quickly take the opportunity to do it themsleves...

Controls large amounts of oil...

Let's ignore them!

you dont think we seem like extremists to Iran? We dont want them dead?

that is exactly how they see us, except all WE control is a huge amount of weapons. All pointed in their direction.

we all seem to want the middle east a smoking ruin, and after we bomb them into submission take their oil and run home.

the fact that they control a large amount of oil is should not be a problem, if they wont take our money WE need their oil so WE should give them what they want for it. du-uuh.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 08:53 pm
hatukazi;50967 wrote:
you dont think we seem like extremists to Iran?

That is a great point. :thumbup:
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2008 09:26 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;50974 wrote:
That is a great point. :thumbup:

everybody is quick to point out the terror connections to islam and the whole middle east area, all the while forgetting that 1 million people of Tehran mourned with us (publicly, no less) on 9/12/01.
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 09:58 am
hatukazi;50967 wrote:
you dont think we seem like extremists to Iran? We dont want them dead?

that is exactly how they see us, except all WE control is a huge amount of weapons. All pointed in their direction.

we all seem to want the middle east a smoking ruin, and after we bomb them into submission take their oil and run home.

the fact that they control a large amount of oil is should not be a problem, if they wont take our money WE need their oil so WE should give them what they want for it. du-uuh.

Well I guess they're all pretty damn lucky they don't have globalist thinkers like you. That are living, anyway. Besides, the Iranians supposedly like us, it's Ahmedinejad who's just crapping the whole situation up.

The snake, supposedly, is as afraid of us as we are of it. We are as much or more of a threat.

Should that console us when the snake bites?
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 10:14 am
you still haven't addressed the main point so let me put it another way for you.

you are the US Govt., you decide you want a new ford mustang.
you get to the ford dealer and he says "we no longer accept US dollars, we only accept japanese yen."

as the US Govt. you now have two choices.

1. declare war on the ford dealer, kill the owner, install your friend as the new owner and drive home in you new mustang until it breaks down. When your friend cant fix it ( he knows nothing about cars )you declare war on him and have him deposed and hung.

2. you work for some Jyen and buy you new mustang.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 10:32 am
1. declare war on the ford dealer, kill the owner, install your friend as the new owner and drive home in you new mustang until it breaks down. When your friend cant fix it ( he knows nothing about cars )you declare war on him and have him deposed and hung.

Well, this hasn't been even suggested by other than liberals who are afraid of the smallest possibility of going to war, so I don't know what you're talking about there.

However, you could, and the US could, simply go to the other dealer, who's a family member and will give us a nice discount. Problem is, there's a moose that hangs around there, and you might hit it on the way out. You can always drive around it, or tell the owner to move it, but just to be safe...
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 10:43 am
WTF happened to my country!?

we spend untold billions on the most powerful military on the planet and we can even say with a straight face we could be AFRAID of IRAN?????

we worry about how other countries percieve our economy and yet do nothing to ameliorate the problem. (that would be our POS federal reserve money system by the way)

wake up.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 20 Jan, 2008 01:21 pm
Reagaknight;50983 wrote:
Well I guess they're all pretty damn lucky they don't have globalist thinkers like you. That are living, anyway. Besides, the Iranians supposedly like us, it's Ahmedinejad who's just crapping the whole situation up.

The snake, supposedly, is as afraid of us as we are of it. We are as much or more of a threat.

Should that console us when the snake bites?

the whole idea of a snake being afraid of you is that it won't bite for fear of retribution.....so if the snake bit you either:

A) the snake wasn't really afraid
B) You gave the snake no other option

If you leave the snake alone it won't bite you, and what does the U.S. do? We poke the snake with a stick.
Reply Mon 21 Jan, 2008 12:13 pm
Reagaknight;50956 wrote:
Wow. That's pretty interesting. It's really kind of sad that someone who lives in the US is excited about a blow to our economy in the middle of a recession.

What's sad is that people refuse to understand WHY we are attacked, and hated. The fear/war mongers among us would have people believe it is simply because we exist, and because we are free. Anyone that has even the slightest clue knows this is nothing more than a blatant lie to herd the sheeple that prefer to have someone else think for them.
Reply Mon 21 Jan, 2008 08:00 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;51001 wrote:
the whole idea of a snake being afraid of you is that it won't bite for fear of retribution.....so if the snake bit you either:

A) the snake wasn't really afraid
B) You gave the snake no other option

If you leave the snake alone it won't bite you, and what does the U.S. do? We poke the snake with a stick.

Not everyone who was ever bitten by a snake was provoking it. Sometimes you just have the misfortune of encountering a snake. In this case, the US encounters the snake of Muslim extremism by being in the same world, where global travel is not an obstacle. And Muslim extremism is a very excitable snake.

Perhaps the snake is not really afraid in this case, and is being an aggressor. It's really more towards the middle of the two; they hate us but they are afraid of what we can do, which only strengthens their resolve to attack. It all comes out the same way. Afraid or not, the snakes have decided to bite.

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