Kara wrote:nimh, it is possible, in accord with your hopes, that after his trial, he could just not "be there" anymore. Gone from public view, confined with his thoughts and memories and regrets, one of those public figures that occasions the question, "Oh, is he still alive?"
Would be good, but I can't imagine a "secure confinement facility" having quite that effect while located in a still very turmoiled Iraq. A prison abroad? But that would bring up internationalising the court case, and accompanying questions of whose judicial authority, etc.
As said, the ICC and its like have the practical benefit for the countries involved that they can just safely "send away" their ex-dictators and not be bothered by them anymore, while avoiding the impunity associated with exile. But yes - why should Saddam be tried in an international court? Milosevic was, because the crimes he committed were committed against other peoples, in other states. Most of Saddam's crimes were against his own population. Well, there was Kuwait.
With the above in mind, I kinda like John Mc Cain's idea of a 'double trial' in Iraq and The Hague ... but I think thats whistling in the wind ...