Walter, as I said, such breathless "Smoking Gun Revelations" have a way of turning out to be "Bodyguard Stories". The initial claim means very little; what matters is if, and if so, how, it develops further. So far, the track record hasn't been good.
Anyhow, I thought I'd offer this, for those who care to take the effort.
Al Bawaba provides a gateway to the Middle Eastern Press. Its fascinating to click into each country's online media pages. Doing so provides insight to "The Arab Take" on Saddam's capture. Personally, I find it more useful to read what is reported, and how it is reported, and by whom, and in what context, than to read what pundits think about what has been reported.
As to"The Trial", as I said earlier, I figure it will be an Iraqi-run affair, that it will be a sort of military tribunal, and that it will be conducted with great accommodation to The Media. I also figure it cannot get underway much before next summer, and that, by that timing, it will further boost Bush the Younger's electoral prospects.