Posted on Mon, Dec. 22, 2003
Is bin Laden over the hill?
Here's the way to find Osama bin Laden: Tell AARP that he just turned 50. They find everyone!
Look for an Oswald-type execution of Saddam to prevent his talking about his friendship with Reagan, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush Sr. while he was committing his worst crimes.
Who was Saddam's best friend back when he was gassing Iranians and his own people? A) President Reagan B) Donald Rumsfeld C) Dick Cheney D) Bush 41 E) All of the above (Answer: E)
Pulling a broken, shaggy Saddam out of a hole in the ground and giving him a shave isn't going to make me or my family safer. Putting an intelligent and sensitive person in the White House will.
We need leadership that can address critically delicate matters more eloquently than with statements like "Bring 'em on" and "Good riddance."
You know, Howard Dean makes that awful Bill Clinton look pretty good.
There are two patriots contending for the Democratic nomination. There are no patriots in the office of Bush and Cheney.
To the zinger that wants to know where the alternate universe is that George W. Bush is doing a great job: That universe is outside the city limits of Tallahassee.
I have yet to meet a non-Christian who is genuinely offended by the phrase "merry Christmas." The folks railing against holiday political correctness are the ones who seem to be protesting too much.
To the overzealous who insist on imposing Christmas on all, Christian or not, I shall smile and respond, "Happy Hanukkah."
Wouldn't it be great if the media mavens put George Bush's words under the microscope like they do the Democratic contenders?
In my two-religion family, I say a prayer each Hanukkah night as I light the candles on the menorah. If I used a match on the Easter Bunny, someone would come to take me away.
We don't have to sing around the Diversity Tree to get along - if we get the lawyers involved!
Let's all gather round the Zing tree and be spicy. Call 671-6560 or e-mail
[email protected].