I come from a long line of soldiers, many of whom have given up pieces of themselves, or even their lives in wars. I served myself and actually had to do something I hope
NONE of you ever has to do. That is take a human life.
I am no fan of war, nor am I a believer that the United States are always right in all they do. BUT, I am also not one of those who believes that we should stand at our borders, shivering in fear and indecision waiting for the next public opinion poll to come out before we do what we think is right.
War is terrible, but to do nothing because we lack the courage to do what we think is right is even more terrible.
Setana, my belief that Saddam represented a clear threat at the time of the war is based upon the evidence I saw at that time. That much of the evidence was later to be found to be incorrect or ambiguous at best doesn't change that fact that:
At the time of the war, we believed that Saddam posed a direct threat to the U.S.A. and the rest of the World.
Once the war was begun, it was a little late to say
'Oops, sorry here is your country back you sad insane bastard'
The problem seems to be, that so many of you are arguing about whether we should have attacked in the first place, you are missing an important point.
So instead of endless haranguing about what should or shouldn't have been done before the war started, how about some suggestions about what needs to be done in Iraq to help the people there.
Unless of course you think we should tell Sadam that we're sorry and give him his country back?