Bible Party of the USA

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 07:50 am
Volunteer;10385 wrote:
Nice opinion, Why?

Because I don't want a christian using their christian values to build the laws I have to abide by. Fully realizing that as it is now, christians are the majority of lawmakers and politicians anyway, to have it as a party basis would be a step in the wrong direction. Think Shitte/Sunni, when one religious sect is in control it leaves the other alienated NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE MAY SAY.

While I myself am not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination, I am not going to belittle anyone that is. "One nation, UNDER god", not by god. There are just too many different cultures in this country to boil the law of the land down to a certain belief system.

EDIT* lol apparently ****te is a bad word, the autocensor **** it out.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 06:22 pm
Here's another article about the attempts by the anti-Christ to subvert freedom of Religion and prevent God's Word from being printed or spoken.

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 06:49 pm
Volunteer;13833 wrote:
Here's another article about the attempts by the anti-Christ to subvert freedom of Religion and prevent God's Word from being printed or spoken.


So, you're angry because you can't freely bash homosexuals?
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 06:59 pm
92b16vx;13835 wrote:
So, you're angry because you can't freely bash homosexuals?

You're either ignorant or deliberately being thick.

No, the Bible states what is right and what is wrong according to God. This legislation, without an ammendment to protect religious freedom would outlaw the Bible and anyone quoting the Bible. That action is explicitly unConstitutional.

Again, for those who are too lazy to read earlier posts, the Bible Party's aim is to influence public policy, law, and restore the atmosphere in society to a neutrality toward the practice of Christianity and Judaism; the worship of God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Issac, and Israel (Jacob).

Are you angry because the Bible says what it does?
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 07:47 pm
Volunteer;13836 wrote:
You're either ignorant or deliberately being thick.


No, the Bible states what is right and what is wrong according to God.

So I've heard.

This legislation, without an ammendment to protect religious freedom would outlaw the Bible and anyone quoting the Bible. That action is explicitly unConstitutional.

No, it wouldn't, not even close. What it would do with your ammendments, is let you hide behind religion and and belittle homosexuals, or worse.

Again, for those who are too lazy to read earlier posts, the Bible Party's aim is to influence public policy, law, and restore the atmosphere in society to a neutrality toward the practice of Christianity and Judaism; the worship of God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Issac, and Israel (Jacob).

Your ideal world, not mine.

Are you angry because the Bible says what it does?

No, I'm actually not angry in the least. But give me a break....


Like I said, the only "freedom" it would be limiting is your freedom to hide behind religion while belittling gays. You'll still be able to say and read/write whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 08:02 pm
Hillary Clinton is The Anti-Christ.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Apr, 2007 08:38 am
92b16vx;13839 wrote:
No, it wouldn't, not even close. What it would do with your ammendments, is let you hide behind religion and and belittle homosexuals, or worse.

Your ideal world, not mine.

Like I said, the only "freedom" it would be limiting is your freedom to hide behind religion while belittling gays. You'll still be able to say and read/write whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

So, you don't care who you hurt as long as others don't "hurt" you. Teaching false doctrine carries eternal consequence for the teacher and those who accept that false doctrine.

You are either homosexual or bi-sexual (homosexual), have someone in your immediate circle who is, or have bought the homosexual train of thought. I really pity you and will pray for you. I don't want my children or grand-children or their children to be corrupted by homosexuals or any other body of man that chooses to do what is right in their own minds and structures society to promote their agenda. You are the product of that process. You rail against people who are not products of that process and who want to engage in the political process to reverse the damage caused to societal mechanism that make society deviate from what is acceptable according to God's Word.

By the way, the term gay was co-opted by the homosexual community to try to euphemize what they do to make it more acceptable. the term homosexual is descriptive. The term gay is non-descriptive. If the activity is out of sight it is out of mind. This was a brilliant tactic. It helped convince those who are homosexual that what they do is not out of the ordinary and those who heard someone was gay (homosexual) to think that that poerson was just "happy" with their life style. This allowed the homosexual community to ask, "why is my choice hurting anyone?" That placed the responsibility for the consequences of the homosexual lifestyle on someone other than the homosexual and place the load of guilt the homosexual feels at the feet of anyone who disapproved. Well, when you are absent from the body and present with the Lord, you may rapidly experience a need to weep and knash your teeth.

While the term homosexual is not in some translations of the Bible, the behavior of the homosexual is always there, and God condemns it.

1 Corinthians 6, “Does any of you who has a complaint against someone dare go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels—not to speak of things pertaining to this life? So if you have cases pertaining to this life, do you select those who have no standing in the church to judge? I say this to your shame! Can it be that there is not one wise person among you who will be able to arbitrate between his brothers? Instead, brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers!

Therefore, it is already a total defeat for you that you have lawsuits against one another. Why not rather put up with injustice? Why not rather be cheated? Instead, you act unjustly and cheat—and this to brothers! Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit God's kingdom? Do not be deceived: no sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, or swindlers will inherit God's kingdom. Some of you were like this; but you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

"Everything is permissible for me," but not everything is helpful. "Everything is permissible for me," but I will not be brought under the control of anything. "Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods," but God will do away with both of them. The body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. God raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power. Do you not know that your bodies are the members of Christ? So should I take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Absolutely not! Do you not know that anyone joined to a prostitute is one body with her? For it says, The two will become one flesh. But anyone joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

Flee from sexual immorality! "Every sin a person can commit is outside the body," but the person who is sexually immoral sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body.

This is the message that the people supporting this bill do not want others to publish or broadcast, in private or in public fora. If this Word was not the Word of God, men would pay it no attention and go ahead an fulfill their desires. It is because It is the Word of God that anyone pay attention to It. If the Word of God can be prohibited from being spoken or taught, then those who are governed by their flesh will have no prod to "hurt" their consciences. That is really all a Chirstian does, prod someone's conscience by reminding them of the Word of God or rebuking behavior. Behavior is the outward sign of the inward person.

1 Thessalonians 2:15-16, "They killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and persecuted us; they displease God, and are hostile to everyone, hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. As a result, they are always adding to their sins, and wrath has overtaken them completely."

Christians are charged to be gentle to everyone, able to teach and be patient, instructing opponents with gentleness. This is with the hope that God will grant them repentance to know the truth. "Then they may come to their senses and escape the Devil's trap, having been captured by him to do his will."

1 Peter 16, "for it is written, Be holy, because I am holy."

1 John, 1:5 – 1:10, “Now this is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in Him. If we say, "We have fellowship with Him," and walk in darkness, we are lying and are not practicing the truth. But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say, "We have no sin," we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say, "We have not sinned," we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.”
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Apr, 2007 10:10 am
92b16vx;13777 wrote:
Because I don't want a christian using their christian values to build the laws I have to abide by. Fully realizing that as it is now, christians are the majority of lawmakers and politicians anyway, to have it as a party basis would be a step in the wrong direction.

You enjoy the benefit of a society built on Judeo-Christian values. Then you rail against those Judeo-Christian values when Christians rebuke you for your poor behavior or rebuke you for trying to eliminate those values from US society. Isn't that a bit schizophrenic?
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Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 01:07 pm

You're right in one sense, but wrong in another. Yes, Christianity helped build the West, and most decisively at that, but that doesn't mandate belief in Christianity on the part of all Westerners. Once someone has been allowed to think freely, he can formulate his own beliefs, like it or not. If that includes atheism or pagan religious thought, so be it. That's one unavoidable outcome of freedom.
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 01:13 pm
Logically speaking, I can see how someone rooted in critical thought could reject Christianity, on the grounds they found it irrational and just another instance of hero-worship. Don't get my wrong. I don't believe that. Jesus is the basis of my entire life. BUT, I can understand that perspective, in the context of critical thought. It's rational -- wrong, IMO, but rational.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 02:14 pm
Pinochet73;14047 wrote:

You're right in one sense, but wrong in another. Yes, Christianity helped build the West, and most decisively at that, but that doesn't mandate belief in Christianity on the part of all Westerners. Once someone has been allowed to think freely, he can formulate his own beliefs, like it or not. If that includes atheism or pagan religious thought, so be it. That's one unavoidable outcome of freedom.

Of course people can think whatever they wish. They can speak it and even act on it and attempt to put their views into law using our constitutional system. That is the point of this potential party. The US system is built on that premise.

92b16vx wants it his/her way or nothing. This is what is schizophrenic. 92b16vx is free to think and act as he/she wishes because the laws he/she lives under are based on Judeo-Christian (Western) values.

Yet, he/she said, "Because I don't want a christian using their christian values to build the laws I have to abide by."

If he/she lived in a non-christian country, then he/she would, more often than not, be unable to voice the views he/she does because the laws or authorities would not allow it.

This is like Romans 7:20-25. I know you don't like me to quote Paul, I believe but it is appropriate here.

That is not rational. It is a spiritual battle within each of us, 92b16vx included.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 05:50 pm
Yeah, I'm with you. If a citizen of the beautiful world Christianity helped create chooses not to be Christian, fine. She should, however, understand and appreciate Christianity's massive contribution.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 06:42 pm
Sorry vol, I was on vaction for the weekend with my wife and kid, oh wait, didn't you call me a fag? oh snap.

Anyway, I am not religioius, I do not care about a judeochristian society. Religion has no impact on my life, I am a free thinking human, and don't hate people because they choose to live a certain way. I don't hate junkies, gays, punks, muslims etc...as long as they live their life, and don't hurt other people.

I truely feel sorry for people like you that need something to guide them through life, and hide behind it when you want to spite your fellow human. Don't be mad because you can't hide behind your silly book and curse gays, you'll find some other way to spread your hate to those you don't approve of I'm sure.
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 06:45 pm
What a wonderful liberal modern view you have. The Christian Faith has been around way before our secular let's-mke-everyone-happy society, and it'll surely be around long after it.
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 06:50 pm
Reagaknight;14097 wrote:
What a wonderful liberal modern view you have. The Christian Faith has been around way before our secular let's-mke-everyone-happy society, and it'll surely be around long after it.

If that was directed at me, I am far from a liberal, I just don't hate people because they are different.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 07:04 pm
fine, take out the liberal and it still stands. Do you also include religious disapproval of homosexuality (apat from his?)
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 07:52 pm
"Religion has no impact on my life......"

Oh, contrare, Meine Hare (the furry kind, I guess). Many of your ideals, values, morals and ethics have evolved, to some extent, from Christianity, like it or not. The three main pillars of Western culture are Christianity, our Roman heritage, and that of the Classical Tradition. Sorry, Old Boy. Much of your thinking is involuntary Christianity. Ha!

".....I am a free thinking human....."

Sure, but not necessarily 'original'. Your freedom of thought is a liberal notion and practice, which evolved from Western Man's deep inner-cultivation, much of which was inspired by Christianity.

"....and don't hate people because they choose to live a certain way."

Congrats, and cheers.
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 08:05 pm
There is no immorality except harm done to others and yourself and no sin except irresponsibility, apathy........and waste.
How you treat your fellow man and take care of those you are responsible for is the greatest moral yardstick there is....
Democracy by the way as far as we can tell was first enacted by Athenian Greeks more than 2,000 years ago...It is not a Christian idea...although it is fairly safe to call it a western one....The Vikings had democratic assemblies...called things or althings and the had elements of their customs that allowed for a person to have represtation if a case was brought against them.....of course they were just a slikely to cut your head off but hey it was a start...Elements of the inspiration for the constitution came from Indian tribes in the New England area....Roman legend says any citizen could appeal to Caesar ...regardless of the crime
There are of course many elements in our legal procedures that are inspired by the old and new testament, the Hebrews and Greeks who wrote it were inspired people and some of the Greeks might have beem closet democrats (no pun intended)
our system is not at its core Christian..While it is inescapable that their religious upbringing had a great effect on the people who crafted it over the years and perhaps there were angels whispering in their ears I don't care to debate it, but the American way has evolved from the ideas of men and women ....
chuckc cv
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 09:57 pm
Re: Bible Party of the USA
Here's another article about the attempts by the anti-Christ to subvert freedom of Religion and prevent God's Word from being printed or spoken.


Wow. What America do we live in? Let me clear first and foremost I do not agree with the Christian view of homosexuality. We can discuss that later....if you want.

That is my position. Now, to the article. Completely disagree with the reported actions of our elected American leadership. Deplorable. I believe this to be true as a citizen of these precious United States of America:

Every group of individuals or (individual) has the American right to express their/his/her opinion in any US territory. (As far as expressing American issues in other countries. I believe the laws of that land would apply.) Provided that this expression does not violate any civic laws.

Please America, be what I want us to be, a country which I believe we claim to be. Freedom for all.

(More in response to the article and not a specific post:)

As far as the minister is conerned. Really, what do people expect a minister to say? I would expect statements that support his religious faith.

Oh and, by the way. If you don't like what the minister says, maybe, I don't know...try something else. I believe, we, as Americans, we are always free to do that.
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chuckc cv
Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 10:00 pm
"Re: Bible Party of the USA
There is no immorality except harm done to others and yourself and no sin except irresponsibility, apathy........and waste.
How you treat your fellow man and take care of those you are responsible for is the greatest moral yardstick there is...." etc...etc...

Very well stated. I completely agree with your entire post.
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