"Oh? How many "fundies" or other Christians do you know whose motto is "Cold Steel, Every Time?"
"Everyone interprets. That is one reason why we have brains."
Glad to hear you say that.
"Are you aware that all caps is the equivalent of shouting in computer talk?"
Yeah. Are you aware that
WHILE I'm typing them, I'm usually dressed in
KARATE uniform, undergirded by a cast-iron cup?????????
"Aren't these things indications of a bit of emotional intensity?"
Context is key. I live in South Texas, home of over-the-top Fundamentalism.
"You should take the mote (log) out."
As a Catholic, I'm all too familiar with feelings of guilt and self-deprivation. I'm talking about long-range warfare against The Heathen. Fundies can't help because of their misguided theology. I mean well. Believe me, I do.:headbang: