well here is one example of what a peacenik will pay, Jane Fonda fought through the courts to get money back she donated to Harvard {l think, anyone one of the big universities} yep, she wanted it back since she was broke...
and so, with the Islamic stance on issuing FATWAS to take over the world, in order for peace we need to hand over the world to them, just roll over and surrender everything...
then, it is not over, for as we allow Islamists to take everything, we have to look at the ancient teachings as they are being taught today...all unmurdered and untortured non_muslims are to be Dhimintude, according to the scriptures...in other words extortion in exchange for life.
examples such as the Imam in Australia for example who, in front of a crowd of five hundred followers, stated that the women deserved it.
examples such as the FATWAS issued to murder all Americans, to wipe Israel off the map, etc, etc.
So these peaceniks are asking for peace, and yet in supporting the war we too are seeking peace.
The difference is the price.
The pricetag of the peaceniks is either not thought out and idealistic rather than realistic, or they are willing to hand over all their homes and worldly possessions...
Which catagory do you think Janie is in?