The problem is two-fold: Muslim societies are uncivilized and Islam powerfully reinforces barbarism. The religion was created by a barbarian to serve barbarians. There is no such thing as 'civilized Islam'. It just doesn't exist. Its psychology, theology and sociology are definitively barbaric.
The West has succumbed to the social cancer of PC to the extent it refuses to face facts. Before PC became the new god of Western Man, he understood Islam for what it is, and dealt with it accordingly. Now, however, he's lost in a fanatasy world he created for himself, beginning in the 1960s.
Ironically, the Jews of America must shoulder much of the blame for this sad development. They fostered PC via Hollywood and the media for decades, never suspecting it would manifest itself in an American unwillingness to defend effectively U.S. interests abroad or those of ISRAEL in the Middle East.
Now that they realize the folly of 'de-fanging' America, they've switched sides. They've become neo-conservatives, they who want the old, butt-kicking United States of the WWII era back, fighting like hell to secure Israeli interests in the Middle East.
But it might be too late. The U.S. has become a hesitant super-power, to say the least, filled with doubt, paralyzed by in-fighting, confused and afraid.
This is what happens whenever a great people surrenders its identity to alien forces, either foreign or domestic.
Western Man must return to his roots, consolidate power within his homelands, and start fighting to preserve his own way of life. He must not allow ANYONE to manipulate him. :headbang: