Quote:I was wondering when you were going to mimic the Middle Eastern autocrats, radical mullah's and imam's "party line" that the Jews are responsible for all the Muslim/Arab worlds woes. . .Brother, your hypocrisy knows no limits!
jews responsible for our trouble!!
Quote:why will you do that? , Religious beliefes? interests? i dare you mention those interests, because they dont exist , you are like a herd driven to clear a landmine field so the one driving you can safely pass behind you to rule the world after you, sorry but this is my opinion of the US-Israel relationship
the US is the herd of sheep , Israel is the one driving those sheeps.
where does it say here that jews are responsible for all arab trouble?
iam discussing (as if its not obvious enough) the stupidity of the US (from my point of view) in supporting Israel, and the myth of Israel serving American interests in the region, i was asking him to name these interests, where did u get such an idea?
i will answer the last question, you want me so much to take that stance, that you actually convinced your self (subcounciously or some how) that thats what am saying, and why will you want me to take that stance, because you think you have the perfect rebuttal, kabooom , i just burst your bubble, you dont have the perfect rebuttal too, its all in vain.
Quote:Tibet is gobbled up by China. Much of Greek Cyprus is swallowed up by Turkish forces. Germany is 10% smaller today than in 1945. Yet only in the Middle East is there even a term "occupied land" -- one that derived from the military defeat of an aggressive power mind you.
too bad for them , whats their stance got to do with mine? , because they are cowards am supposed to be one too?
Quote:Israel, the biblical home of the Jews, and subsequently claimed for centuries by Persians, Greeks, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Franks, Ottomans, and English is "occupied by crusader infidels" -- as if the entire world is to accept that world history began only in the seventh century A.D. and ended with Saladin in the 11th.
so because the bible say's its there iam supposed to say: oh really ? i didnot know that, hey sorry shemon perez can we be friends now ?
Quote:Over a half-million Jews were forcibly cleansed from Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, and other Arab cities after the 1967 war, but only on the West Bank are there still refugees who lost their homes.
another holocaust right! they left with their own wish(thank God they did)
Quote:Before the eyes of the whole world, Israel left Gaza. Every Jew, every soldier, every military installation, every remnant of Israeli occupation was uprooted and taken away.
well arenot we forgetting something here? , ya why did they leave?!!
ofcourse you are going to say to give the palestinians a break right!
its simply put the in ability to cope with the occupation and its consequences on the Israeli people and economy.
Quote:How do the Palestinians respond? What have they done with Gaza, the first Palestinian territory in history to be independent, something neither the Ottomans nor the British nor the Egyptians nor the Jordanians, all of whom ruled Palestinians before the Israelis, ever permitted? Do they begin building the state they say they want, constructing schools, roads, hospitals and other assorted infrastructure? Off course not! On the very day of Israel's final pullout, the Palestinians began firing rockets out of Gaza into Israeli cities!
hey we all forgot to say thank you to Israel for being the first to give the palestinians a state of their own.
could it possibly ever be more twisted ! ever!!
it isnot theirs in the first place to give to the palestinians, you forget that.
good thing they did, the Israeli's should know we will never stop untill we get the final inch of arab land freed from occupation.
Quote:but about Israel's "original sin." The crushing "smackdown" it put on 5 Arab nations in the 6 day war. Muslim/Arab pride can never let that down. . .Thats why 60 years later Iran's Amadinajad openly boast and works fevorishly on getting the weapon to do in one afternoon what Hitler couldn't do in 6 years -- which is why I share pino's sentiments about Israel and I ain't even Jewish!
well 1967 was bad real bad, but thats not the reason my friend, the reason is called Jerusalem and the rest of arab land, when we get that back (diplomacy or war whatever) we will leave them alone, by the way if the only way to get my lands back is nuclear, once that becomes crystall clear to me i will do whatever is in my hands to get it, i will not hesitate to use it, you can share all the views you want (with all due respect) i dont give a damn.
Quote:But then, that would require growing up, rejecting easy handouts to militias, renouncing the mystique of martyrdom and terror, questioning patriarchy, gender apartheid, fundamentalism, and autocracy -- and quite frankly, being more like Israel than like Syria or Iran. And apparently that is just too much.
yeah does not it , they will have to give up all the suffering of today, the misery , hunger and daily deathes, they have to give alll that up, well you got the part about it being too much just right.
Quote:So in my estimation, the Palestinians can **** off!
you know, you could have just come right to the point from the beggining, it would have been easier!