Quote:I wouldn't call it homework. . .I just happen to take a special interest in history, politics, and especially American foreign policy
what ever u call it, i like the way you respond, alot of logic, alot of data, a base on which i can build my rebuttal which also gives you the same:thumbup: been waiting for some one like you.
Quote:I don't know how much you know about American history, but during our Civil War, (North vs. South) the entire south didn't participate in the election process. Elections were still held, and a president was elected. Now nobody here in United States views the election of Abraham Lincoln false or invalid. Iraq's Sunni, fresh from 30 years of unimpeded looting and killing, were quite prepared to boycott the elections and ignite a civil war in pursuit of the power and privileges they had lost. But like our Confederate South, the Sunni boycotted the elections at their own peril
well if not all participated in the election how do i know if they did it wouldnot have changed who is president? can u imagine american history without Abraham Lincoln as president? i can not, but its a question u made so answer it ur self
why didnot they participate? because there is no way to be sure the americans wouldnot rig it, sorry its just impossible to tell, thats why they didnot participate so this government does not represent all of Iraq.
donot assume that suuni's and saddam had some collaboration going, saddam was 100% secular he cared non to Islam, every arab knows that, he would have treated a sunni just as a shia just as a christian, it made no difference to him.
Quote:The elections were free and fair. Americans didn't decide whose names would be on the ballots, Iraqi's did. Americans didn't write Iraq's constitution, Iraqi's wrote it. Iraq is no American "puppet" government! They do what they want when they want - As seen with the execution of Saddam to their taking a month long vacation in the middle of a "life and death" insurgency
If you are actually trying to prove online that they were free and fair dont waste your time, let us consider that all what you said is true (although i can not say it was nor it was not) they could have simply ignored all the boxes coming from area's supporting people they dont want in the government(burned it-destroyed it) and left only the ones from area's supporting their own clones, what will that do? a government appointed by the US.
about the execution of Saddam almost every Iraqi wanted that, he has murdered butchered concievably every sect or religion or race in Iraq, every one wanted him dead, its easy to make such a decision even without US agreement (which i actually doubt i believe they wanted him dead too) .
Quote:As to our interest in Iraq, he has repeated it soooo much he sounds like a broken record: "The United States and Great Britain share a mission in the world beyond the balance of power or the simple pursuit of interest. We seek the advance of freedom and the peace that freedom brings." ~ George W. Bush
i my self started to sound like a brokern record, repeating over and over, Islam does not subjugate women, Islam does not condone terrorism, and so on, does it make it true?
i said Sudan's government didnot intentionaly massmurder darforians, do you believe me? does so all the others?
if america seeks freedom as it say's let them overthrow the house of saud's control over KSA( the country from which all 911 participants came) then we will discuss their dream of spreading democracy in the arab world.
Quote:Are you serious? Do you think that Syria would have gotten out of Lebanon and given Lebanon a real chance for democracy had we not removed Saddam from power? Do you think Egypt would've held an election had it not been for our actions in Iraq? Yea it might have been rigged, but as an Arab columnist said: "There's no going back now." Open demonstrations against womens sufferage in Kuwait. Bashar Assad's declared intent to legalize political parties in Syria, purge the ruling Baath party, sponsor free municipal elections, and move toward a market economy. (Not that Assad is likely to do any of this, but the fact that he must pretend to be doing it shows the reach of the Bush doctrine) All these examples are small but significant steps toward democratization in the Gulf that, quite frankly, have emerged on the political stage in a way that was unimaginable before the American invasion of Iraq. All this says nothing of changing Pakistans H.Q. Kahn's "nuclear K-mart" and putting him out of business and Libya's abandonment of it's nuclear weapon ambitions (the very week Saddam was pulled out of his spider hole) I'm sorry brother, but I don't believe Arab "people power" brought about these changes, but rather, American power
i dont see anyother regimes changed? all talk nothing significant, some of the changes u talked about started before the Iraqi war, due to internal pressure, some started with the invassion or after it, but that surely isnot your proof my friend? if the USSR fell the same year i wshed so in christmas can i say its because of me? obviously no, you need something logical , not something i can simply brush off as coincidance, about libya they knew they will never get to making a nuke but they bought alot of international empathy for them by declaring to abandon ambitions (unwanted by the west) they never intended or hoped to accomplish, iam giving you an example of your acheivements my friend.
Quote: I'm sure your women just love the idea of gender apartheid, honor killings and female circumcision
what do u know about Islamic circumcission? nothing, you are confusing two kinds the pharaoic and the Islamic , the earlier was done by early egyptians thats the one which is unhealthy, Islam by the way does not order you to use Islamic circumcission it only gives it to you as a choice, if you want to do it then do it, but its not like every female should be done that way, plus you need to know why did it happen in the first place, i will tell you the story, women in the day of prophet Mohamed came to him and said that
: the popular means of travel in their time ( animals generaly ) produces alot of friction between the rider and the animal, which is true, makes all the friction goes to the vagina (can i say that?) which in turn is troubling as you might have gathered (we dont want women chasing men in the middle of the market :eek: ) and they asked his advice, so he made his wife show them what they can do to reduce the effect of friction on the vagina, so its a matter of choice my friend, and the old egyptian way of doing it is wrong we dont condone that, and if people actually understood why was it done in the first place they will never do it, but its lack of education ,honor killings are not allowed in Islam , they are a part of the cultural heritage they come from society not from Islams teachings, its not Islams fault.
Quote:This way they will be able to drive a car (forbidden in Saudi Arabia) with the air conditioning on to pick up stuff from the store and not have to walk in the heat
you can find as many women driving cars as you wish in my country, this practice of KSA has nothing to do with Islam, its the Saudi's culture.
Quote:Dude I could go on and on and on with embarrassing examples of the one I just listed above but will spare you that embarrassment. The bottom line is you are not living "extreamly well" but rather, compared with the civilized, democratic nations, it could be said and argued very well that you are still living in "The Dark Ages"
trying to make your self look mercifull in my eyes? looolz thanks for trying anyway, next time release all you got, i dont find one single little thing embarassing in Islams teachings, on the contrary to this i find alot of embarrassing stuff in my countries culture and the arabs culture generally, please differentiate, well i believe the west to be living in a (colourfull) dark age, they think they have freed women , well they degrade women to nothing but sex machines, the woman is treated as usefull for nothing but sex , even when she is successful as a business women for example, you will find her colaeugue thinking (i wonder how she is in bed :eek: ) thats the typical western mind thinking, if thats equality then may it never come to my country.
Quote:And another word of warning. Your only source of income is oil. You don't build, manufacture, and export anything except maybe persian rugs and egyptian cotton. Your entire industrial base is imported. Cars, Plazma TV's, Medicine, Airplanes, Military infrastructure, ect, ect is all imported. Mark my words, the day is gonna come when oil is obsolete or "unfashionable." In a totally free society (like ours) where the free exchange of goods and ideas are commonplace, someone, someday, will come up with a better mousetrap. God help you and your people the day that happens cause you will have awoke to a world that has passed you by. You won't have your "oil money" to purchase a DVD let alone replacement parts on that fighter jet we sold you 10 years ago.
only source of income !! wrong, you should have said our current only source of income, the difference is big, notice the word current, it means there is a possibility for change, which is rather huge i might add, put together the arab world contains every concievable raw material of any importance economical(oil), military ( uranium which by the way exist in huge quantities in Darfor) , human resources (not sure how many arabs and muslims are their ) , what else do we need?!!1 aaah yes technology, which is available to the highest bidder, we need nothing from you, except hollywood action movies (loolz)
Quote:What American dolls are you referring to?
boy where do i start? , actually i should mention those who are not american dolls which will be much easier, emmmmmmmmmmm , sorry i can not think of any:wtf: :eek:
Quote:But alas, there are some bad things in the Koran. As a moderate, I know, you know what they are and won't bother mentioning them here
oh please do its enlightening for both and others too
Quote:The Christian Bible has gone through some "redrafts" (ex. King James bible, old testament, new testament ect. ect) My suggestion: Maybe it's time to redraft the Koran. Omit some of Mohammads "spreading islam by the sword" and "infidel" verses. . .it's a start!
man thats some HOT suggestion, well if we are going to reach some understanding, let me give you an advice, never never never never suggest anything as what you have just did (i can not type it with my own hands, it was difficult enough to copy and paste it) what should be done both parties should be commited (like really) to making people of both world understand each other better, then we can go on to solving shared problems.
Quote:with that said, I'll take my B-1 steath bomber, F-22 stealth raptor fighter jet, Abrams tank, Apache helicopter, and fully trained Marine against your suicide belts anyday
we dont have any of these, but what we have is a strong faith that no amount of college education or secular teaching will touch , and you might be surprised at we can do, i can disable most of the power of what u said(except the tanks) with a carefully co-ordinated attack (suicidal or what ever) on your runways, but thats just a stupid example, and iam not afraid of your american firepower ( great display in Iraq ) and this paragraph is useless lets drop it.
Quote:And because of my love for the United States and our overwhelming military power I can say this and it has everything to do with our culture
sorry this reads nonsense to me
Quote:A literate middle class is needed to produce mechanics who can service and modify it
last time i checked we had that literate middle class, thats not a problem.
Quote:Freedom of scholarship is required if designers are going to update it, and an open society is necessary if the plane's sophisticated controls are going to be operated by competent, motivated, and individualistic pilots. This is our edge. This is why no one, and I mean NO ONE, will ever wield the global miltary power we enjoy today. Hoo Ra!
Hello anybody here?!! wake up man you are dreaming in your sleep!!
Quote:Also I couldn't help but notice you didn't mention the videos on the website I used to PROVE how the illegitimate governments of the muslim/arab world sponsor radical clerics and imams to whip up the "arab street" to deflect their own self-induced miseries on the "infidel" United States and the "apes and pigs" that are spawned in Israel. . .I gather from your silence I proved my point?
i have a very slow connection tried to watch them , but no such luck.