Republican Tom Tancredo said that if the United States was attacked, that he would bomb Mecca and Medina, Islams holiest cities. The U.S. State Dept. was quick to condemn the Senator's statement.
It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union. ~ Jack Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis
Imagine if you can, 19 murderous Christian fundamentalists (U.S. citizens) hijacked four airplanes over Saudi Arabia and, in the name of God, crashed them into the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, destroying the holy Kaaba and killing thousands of innocent Muslims. Could anyone doubt that the entire Christian world - clergy, political leaders and common folk would rise as one to denounce the act? Here at home Madison Square Garden and all the stadiums across this great country could'nt hold the trainloads and buses of priests and preachers, reverends and rectors that would descend upon a mass service of atonement and shame. The pope himself would attend and speak at this blasphemous betrayal of Christ.
And yet after Sept. 11, where were the Muslim clergy, the imams and mullahs, rising around the world to declare that Sept. 11 was a crime against Islam? Where were the fatwas against Osama bin Laden? Nowhere that's were! All I see coming out of the Middle East on a daily basis is video # 1053
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So with that said, what should the United States do the next time we are hit? Strike who or what and where, and how? The problem with nation-less nihilist is that they are like brain tumors whose cancer is deeply embedded in the surrounding tissue. Surgery or chemotherapy often kills the host as well as the cancer. The "evil doers" both know and count on just that ambiguity and imprecision!
What to do? First, there should be no moral fuzziness about the Arab world, the Europeans, and the Michael Moore/Cindy Sheehan far left "liberal wacko's" who would hope that we simply take another massive attack on the chin, "learn" from our disaster, and then through our pain and suffering come to "wisdom" about the "futility" of war begetting war.
There should also be no repeat of Afghanistan and Iraq in places like Iran, Syria, or Saudi Arabia, but rather a General Sherman "collective punishment" adjenda.
IMO We need to be clear about a proper response now and inform the appropriate parties firmly and publicly exactly the real damage that they should expect - their governments, militaries, power plants, communications, and a host of assorted infrastructure. In short, an endless detailed sequence of targets that will be taken out when the culpable and their support networks are identified and confirmed. All sides should anticipate the consequences should another 3,000 Americans be incinerated in the workplace.
If it were to occur again, then we would have to realize that we had no foolproof ability to stop such mass terror. And if we were to accept that death sentence and do nothing, then surely we would be fast-tracking the end of our civilization as we know it. Compared to that scenario, like Tom Tancredo and Jack Kennedy before him, discussing a response right now doesn't seem so stupid, keeping silent about it does. What say you?